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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Reynolds, Mary Anne HalesHopeful adults with advanced stage cancer : nature, influences, focus, and patterns of hope over timePsychology; Demographic1997-08dissertation
2 Carlisle, McKenzieEffects of explicit and implicit friendship attitudes on appraisals and cardiovascular reactivity during a negative event discussionCardiovascular reactivity; Friendship; Implicit attitudes; Social cognition; Social support; Stress; Social psychology; Psychology2013-08dissertation
3 Sinclair, SungchoonType of clinical intervention shows differential effects on the dynamical recovery process of motivation from a suicidal state for u.s. military personnelSocial sciences; Psychology; Intervention; Military personnel; Motivation; Recovery; Suicidal2017dissertation
4 Werley, Harriet HelenSex differences in cognitive consistency and persuasibility with respect to real life issues.Persuasive Communication; Psychology1969-06dissertation
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