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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Linakis, Matthew WiliiamNeonatal drug delivery and disposition: towards improving care for the youngest patientsPharmacology; Pharmaceutical sciences2018dissertation
2 Roberts, Stephen Michael.The formation of cytochrome P-450 metabolic intermediate complexes in isolated hepatocytes.Pharmacology; Microsomes1977-12dissertation
3 Brondsted, HelleHydrogels for colon-specific peptide drug deliveryPharmacology; Pharmacokinetics1991-08dissertation
4 Mack, Eric JosephProstaglandin-releasing hydrogels for peptic ulcer diseaseGels; Pharmacology; Drug Therapy1988-12dissertation
5 Smith, Scott WendellLauric acid solution thermodynamics and effects on stratum corneum permeabilityPharmacology; Skin Absorption1992-12dissertation
6 Yeh, Ping-YangDegradable hydrogels for colon-specific oral delivery of peptides and proteinsProtein Drugs; Pharmacology1994-08dissertation
7 Pai, Chaul MinOptimization of the concanavalin a self-regulating insulin delivery systemPharmacology; Phamaceuticals; Polymers1991-12dissertation
8 Larson, Erica ChristineImproving therapeutic strategies against Mycobacterium tuberculosis and HIV: from drug discovery to development and understanding new interactions of HIV-TBPharmacology; Toxicology2018dissertation
9 Russell, John McCandless,Ionic movements in a single neuron.Pharmacology; Neurology1971-08thesis
10 Withrow, Clarence DeanThe direct effects of desoxycorticosterone on skeletal muscle electrolyte metabolism.Tissue; Metabolism; Drugs; Pharmacology1959-08thesis
11 Hovgaard, LarsInsulin stabilization and gastrointestinal absorptionIntestinal Absorption; Pharmacology; Insulin1991-08dissertation
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