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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Schow, Ryan ChristopherA novel multilevel safety-factor centered framework for optimized utilization of research reactorsNuclear engineering; Nuclear physics2017dissertation
2 McCoy, Kaylyn MarieThe effect of annealing on the reversal of amorphization in plutonium tetrafluorideNuclear engineering; Nuclear chemistry; Materials science2017dissertation
3 Bagri, PrashantMeasurement of thermodynamic properties of rare earth chlorides in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic Salt for waste minimization from pyrochemical processing of spent nuclear fuelChemistry; Nuclear engineering; Materials science2017dissertation
4 Moffitt, Gregory BruceMonte Carlo modeling of neutron dosimetry and relative biological effectiveness for the University of Washington Clinical Neutron Therapy SystemNuclear engineering; Medicine; Physiology; Nuclear physics; Oncology2017dissertation
5 Streitmatter, Seth WilliamMultiscale modeling of the dosimetric and relative biological effectiveness of diagnostic X-Rays and high linear energy transfer particlesNuclear engineering2017dissertation
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