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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Pyne, Michael TerryCharacterization of intronic variants in BRCA1 and BRCA2Breast Cancer; Mutations2000-08thesis
2 Curran, Mark EdwardMolecular genetics of the long QT syndromeLong QT Syndrome; Cardia Myocytes; Mutations1995-12dissertation
3 Zhang, Jie.Myotonia congenita-associated chloride channelopathies: mutations, function, and structure.Physiology; Mutations1999-12dissertation
4 Szerlong, Heather.The nuclear actin-related proteins, Arp7 and Arp9: connecting ARP hetertodimerization to the regulation of chromatin remodling.Purification; Mutations2004-08dissertation
5 Dohrmann, Paul RichardTranscriptional regulation by the ACE2 and SWI5 activators in yeastGenetics; Mutations; RNA1994-12dissertation
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