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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Merrill, Tiffany JoThe effects of perceived coercion and empowerment on motivational processes for adults ordered to attend substance abuse treatment: a mixed methods analysisEmpowerment; Motivation; Substance abuse; Counseling Psychology; Psychology; Clinical psychology2013-08dissertation
2 Fu, YouEffects of a health-related physical fitness intervention on students' physical activity, cardiovascular fitness, motivation, and academic learning timeAcademic learning time; Cardiovascular fitness; Health-related; Motivation; Physical activity; SPARK; Physical education; Kinesiology2014-12dissertation
3 Lucas, Colli RuthDevelopment and validation of the concept-oriented reading instruction fidelity of implementation instrumentConcept-oriented reading instruction; CORI; Fidelity of implementation; Instrument; Motivation; Observation2010dissertation
4 Huang, ChaoqunEffects of motivational and volitional interventions on adolescents' physical activity behaviorHealth; Intention; Motivation; Overweight; Behavioral psychology; Physical education; Health education; Motivation; Physical fitness2012-12dissertation
5 D'astous, Elyse GilberteAn examination of elliot's hierarchical model of approach and avoidance achievement motivation in athletes returning to sport following serious injury3x2 achievement goal framework; Achievement goals; Approach and Avoidance; Motivation; Return-to-sport outcomes; Sport injury2016thesis
6 Beckham, Nancy DawnMotivational interviewing with hazardous drinkersIdaho; Behavior, Addictive; Interview, Psychological; Motivation; Behavior therapy2003-12dissertation
7 Fraughton, Tamra AnnThe role of prior experience when learning online: its effects on engagement and interest over timeInterest; Motivation; Online Learning; Prior Experience2016dissertation
8 Fraughton, Tamra AnnThe effects of utility value and choice on interest and learning in online classesChoice; Interest; Motivation; Online learning; Performance; Utility value; Social psychology2011-12thesis
9 Sinclair, SungchoonType of clinical intervention shows differential effects on the dynamical recovery process of motivation from a suicidal state for u.s. military personnelSocial sciences; Psychology; Intervention; Military personnel; Motivation; Recovery; Suicidal2017dissertation
10 Smith, Isaac H.The disruption model of inspiration: toward a general model of "being inspired to act"Ethics; Inspiration; Leadership; Morality; Motivation; Prosocial behavior; Social psychology; Management2014-08dissertation
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