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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 McCoy, Kaylyn MarieHistorical civilian nuclear accident based nuclear reactor condition analyzerAnalyzer; Monitoring; Nuclear; Reactor; Safety2014-05thesis
2 Gangrade, VasuMonitoring systems for coal mines utilizing booster fansBooster fans; Mining; Monitoring; Sensors; Ventilation2014-08thesis
3 Brewer, Lara MarieNovel bedside techniques for functional residual capacity measurementFunctional residual capacity; Intensive care; Lung; Measurement techniques; Model; Monitoring; Pulmonary function tests2011-12dissertation
4 Keener, Matt C.Integration of comprehension and metacomprehension using narrative textsComprehension; Metacognition; Metacomprehension; Monitoring; Narrative; Reading2011-08dissertation
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