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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Paine, Lisa LynnAn investigation of the job satisfaction of Air Force certified nurse-midwives.Nursing; Military1982-06thesis
2 Rodrigues, Camila S.Dyadic examination of posttraumatic stress symptoms, relationship satisfaction, and potential mediators in military couplesCouples; Military; PTSD; Behavioral psychology2014-08dissertation
3 Caska, Catherine MariaEmotional and cardiovascular responses to couple conflict in posttraumatic stress disorder: a study of operations enduring and Iraqi Freedom Veterans and partnersAfghanistan; Cardiovascular; Couples; Iraq; Military; PTSD; Clinical psychology2013-08dissertation
4 Christensen, Brandon NyleFactors affecting mental health service utilization among deployed military personnelBarriers; Confidentiality; Mental health; Military; Stigma; Treatment2011-08dissertation
5 Roberge, Erika M.Longitudinal analysis of the role of insomnia in suicide risk amongst suicide ideators and attemptersInsomnia; Longitudinal growth model; Military; Suicide risk2016thesis
6 Gedney, Christine RSexual assault prevention: a randomized controlled trial of a military interventionAssault; Intervention; Military; Prevention; RCT; Sexual2016dissertation
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