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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Ashton, Nicholas NathanThe adhesive silk of the aquatic caddisfly larva: structure, mechanics, and fiber spinningBiogeochemistry; Biomechanics; Materials science2016dissertation
2 Tian, KunAdvanced materials and concepts for spintronics, 2D electronics, and biosensorsNanotechnology; Materials science2018dissertation
3 McCoy, Kaylyn MarieThe effect of annealing on the reversal of amorphization in plutonium tetrafluorideNuclear engineering; Nuclear chemistry; Materials science2017dissertation
4 Kim, Min ookEffect of fiber-reinforced concrete in thin overlaysTransportation planning; Concrete; Fiber-Reinforced; Overlays - thin; Civil engineering; Transportation planning; Materials science2016dissertation
5 Zhang, HuanThe effect of ultrafine-grain size and titanium hydride addition on mechanical properties of tungstenMechanical engineering; Materials science2018thesis
6 Huang, ZheHydrolysis of titanic acid in hydrochloric acid solution for synthesis of tio2 powder with controlled particle size: processes, morphology, and kinetics studyMaterials science2017thesis
7 Stephanz, Megan E.Increasing the stability and efficiency of bio-solar cell electrodes using reactivbe oxygen species scavengers and redox polymer immobilizationEngineering; Materials science2017thesis
8 Willhard, Travis PaulMagnetostriction and Ordering in Fe-16.4 AT.% Al Single CrystalsPhysics; Engineering; Materials science2018thesis
9 Bagri, PrashantMeasurement of thermodynamic properties of rare earth chlorides in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic Salt for waste minimization from pyrochemical processing of spent nuclear fuelChemistry; Nuclear engineering; Materials science2017dissertation
10 Alnaser, HusainMechanical properties investigation of additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V cellular structureMaterials science2018thesis
11 Dunstan, Matthew KirkMicrostructure - mechanical property relationships in HSPT Ti-6Al-4VMaterials science2018dissertation
12 Quast, Arthur DanielNanodiamond-supported composite materials for catalysisChemistry; Analytical chemistry; Materials science2017dissertation
13 Murali, ArunPlasma-assisted chemical vapor synthesis of transparent conducting oxides and their applications as transparent conducting filmsNanoscience; Nanotechnology; Materials science2018thesis
14 Price, Michael RobertQuantifying the protective properties and adhesion to the substrate of ultra-thin multilayer diamond-like carbon coatings using molecular dynamics simulationMechanical engineering; Materials science2017dissertation
15 Caldwell, Ryan BarclatyStrategies towards the mitigation of shunting in implanted neural arrays to improve device stability for chronic applicationsNeurosciences; Biomedical engineering; Electrical engineering; Physiology; Materials science2017dissertation
16 Roy, SyamantakStudies on impurity removal in alternative titanium extractionEngineering; Mining; Materials science2017thesis
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