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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Adiya, TsolmonMicrobial-caddisfly bioherm association of the lower cretaceous shinekhudag formation, mongoliabioherm; caddisfly; carbonate; lacustrine; microbialite; Geology2017thesis
2 Boschetto, Harold BradleyGeology of the Lothidok Range, Northern KenyaGeology; Kenya; Lothidok Range1988-08thesis
3 Boschetto, Harold BradleyPlate 1: Geologic map of the Lothidok Range, KenyaGeology; Kenya; Lothidok Range1988-08map
4 Collings, Gay MadsenGeology and geochemistry of the colt mesa copper deposit, Circle Cliffs Area, UtahOre deposits; Utah; Circle cliffs; Geology; Geochemistry; Colt Mesa Mine; Thesis and dissertation georeferencing project1975-08thesis
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