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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 McFarlane, Megan DianeU.S. military policy and the discursive construction of servicewomen's bodiesAbortion; Gender; Pregnancy; Servicewomen; Sexual assault; U.S. Military2015-05dissertation
2 Snider, Marika DalleyEntropy and exclusivity: gender and change in the retail environment, Alexandria, Egypt (1970-2011)Alexandria, Egypt; Gender; Informal economy; Malls; Modernity; Retail space; Middle Eastern history; Architecture; Gender studies2012-12dissertation
3 Elder, William B.Using masculinity socialization to explain gay, bisexual, and heterosexual men's sexual self-schemasGender; Masculinity; Men; Sex; Sexuality; Sexual self-schema2013-05dissertation
4 Maksym, RebeccaCreolite and cultural cannibalism: reconstructing Cuban identity in the work of Marta Maria Perez Bravo and Maria Magdalena Campos-PonsAfrican diaspora; Créolité; Cuban contemporary art; Cultural cannibalism; Gender; Identity2012-12thesis
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