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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Housman, Ian WilsonRecent trends in the changing geographic extent of Cienegas of the United States/Mexico border regionCiénega; Desiccation; GIS; Landsat; Remote sensing; Wetlands2011-05thesis
2 Cao, LinaAnthropogenic habitat disturbance and the dynamics of hantavirus using remote sensing, GIS, and a spatially explicit agent-based modelAgent-based model; deer mouse; GIS; hantavirus; MODIS; peromyscus maniculatus2010-08dissertation
3 Warnick, Richard MichaelA digital atlas of Utah wildernessAtlas; geography; GIS; public lands; Utah; wilderness2011-12thesis
4 Bataille, Clement PierrePredictive models for strontium isotope distributions in bedrock, water and environmental materials for regional provenance studiesGIS; Isoscape; Krigging; Map; Provenance; Strontium isotopes2014-12dissertation
5 Li, DapengModeling wildfire evacuation as a coupled human-environmental system using triggersfire spread modeling; GIS; reverse geocoding; traffic simulation; triggers; wildfire evacuation2016dissertation
6 Li, DapengModeling wildfire evacuation as a coupled human-environmental system using triggersfire spread modeling; GIS; reverse geocoding; traffic simulation; triggers; wildfire evacuation2016dissertation
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