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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Haygeman, Emily AnneAn adaptation of the Mindful schools curriculum for adolescents: feasibility and preliminary effectiveness on stree, depression, and mindfulness of adolescent in an after-school settingEducational psychology; adolescents; Intervention2017dissertation
2 Viskochil, Joseph M.Delivery of applied behavioral intervention to children in rural communities via teleconsultation and the rethink autism web-based video treatment programDisability studies; Educational psychology; Clinical psychology; Educational technology2017dissertation
3 Allen, Dania LisetteThe effects of a bullying prevention program on bullying expression and overall school climateEducational psychology2017dissertation
4 Matias, Virginia M. RamosThe electronic check-out program: a school-based note program to improve on-task behaviorBehavior; Check-in/Check-out; Electronic Notes; On-task; Reward; Educational psychology2017dissertation
5 Miller, Jenna M.Evaluating the effectiveness of the tootling intervention in the preschool settingEarly childhood education; Educational psychology2017dissertation
6 Fiet, Paula BarlowThe impact of effortful processing on automatic primingEducational psychology; Psychology; Cognitive psychology2017thesis
7 Gupta, UditaManaging cognitive load during complex learning: a study on worked examples and element interactivityMathematics education; Education; Educational psychology; Psychology; Cognitive psychology2017dissertation
8 Ferrara, Lisa AnnPromoting self-regulated learning processes through interactions in resource-based digital learning environmentsEducational psychology; Educational technology2017dissertation
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