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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Reid, Leslie WayneA history of the education of the Ute Indians, 1847-1905.Ute Indians; Education1972dissertation
2 Scott, Kay Vernon ParkinsonAdaptive theory - educational implications and an exemplary earth science curriculumEducation; philosophy earth sciences; study and teaching (secondary)1975dissertation
3 Lemmerich, EleonoreAn explicit awareness-raising approach to the teaching of sociopragmatic variation in early foreign language learningEducation; language, literature and linguistics; address; awareness-raising; Du; German as a foreign language; lnterlanguage; sie; sociopragmatics2010-08dissertation
4 Fagerland, Kathleen Joy.Attitudes, beliefs, and significant others influencing the expectant woman's participation in childbirth education classesEducation; Utah; Psychology1987-08thesis
5 Martin, Colleen AndersonComparison of physician's and nurses's opinions of autonomous nursing functionsIndependent; Education; Nursing Duties1967-06thesis
6 Rague, Brian WilliamCS1 pedagogical approach to parallel thinkingComputer; CS1; Education; Parallel; Programming; Science2010-08dissertation
7 Sitzman, Kathleen L.Effective ergonomic teaching for positive client outcomesEducation; Ergonomic; Teaching; Postive Client; Nursing; Ergonomics; Clinical Outcomes2001-05thesis
8 Thompson, Gregory AlanEvaluation of an online analogical patient simulation programPatients; Education; Computer Simulation2006-12thesis
9 Coverston, Catherine R.Foucauldian analysis of power in nursing educationAnalysis; Education; Foucault2005-05dissertation
10 Brugel, Janis Louis.; Litton, Lisa Jo.History and development of nurse-midwifery education in Utah, 1965-1985Education; History; Utah1987-08thesis
11 Lee, JinnaHow undergraduate students of color experience multicultural educationEducation; Higher; Minorities; Multicultural; Qualitative2011-05dissertation
12 Marsh, KarenThe impact of parent English as a second language classes on children's school performance and parent-school interactionsCommunity; Education; ESL; Linguistics; Minority; Parents; Immigrant children2011-12thesis
13 Gregory, Marva HodsonThe life and educational contributions of Eugene Lusk RobertsEducation; Physical education; Athletics; Recreational leadership1952-08thesis
14 Eggett, Ryan KayMothers' educational expectations prior to the births of their childrenAspirations; Education; Expectations; Involvement; Mothers; Parents2011-08dissertation
15 Sweet, Judy I.Prenatal versus postnatal parents' readiness to learn infant care skillsParents; Education1987-08thesis
16 Springer, Benjamin JamesPromoting parental awareness and knowledge of schoolwide interventions through web-based technologyBullying in schools; Education2009-03-15thesis
17 Chang, Shien-YoungPROPS system: Programs for Residents Operative Performance in SurgeryOrganization and Administration; Software; Education1989-12thesis
18 Linder, Lauri A.School reentry for school age children with cancer: changes in school behaviors as perceived by parents and teachersDisabled Persons; Education1994-12thesis
19 Peterson, Kay Ellene HalladayStudy of a redesigned medical technology program utilizing student behavioral characteristic ratingsEducation1977-06thesis
20 Richards, T. J.Study of computer assisted instruction comparing a linear presentation model with a hypermedia modelRadiography; Education1991-06thesis
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