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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Sitzman, Kathleen L.Effective ergonomic teaching for positive client outcomesEducation; Ergonomic; Teaching; Postive Client; Nursing; Ergonomics; Clinical Outcomes2001-05thesis
2 Leslie, Kathryn JoanExploring university student perspectives on classroom participationCommunication; Education; Facework; Paradox2012-12thesis
3 Rague, Brian WilliamCS1 pedagogical approach to parallel thinkingComputer; CS1; Education; Parallel; Programming; Science2010-08dissertation
4 Bereit, Richard MartinReading's effect - a novel perspectiveEducation; Formation; Influence; Novel; Reading; writers2016dissertation
5 Lewis, Colin JosephRitual and moral education: a confucian contributionCognitive Science; Comparative Philosophy; Confucianism; Education; Ethics; Moral Psychology2017dissertation
6 Braden, Sarah KatherineScientific inquiry as social and linguistic practice: language socialization pathways in a ninth-grade physics classEducation; English Language Learners; K-12 language minority students; Physics lab; STEM; Science assessments2016dissertation
7 Eggett, Ryan KayMothers' educational expectations prior to the births of their childrenAspirations; Education; Expectations; Involvement; Mothers; Parents2011-08dissertation
8 Vonlintel, Drew JamesEffects of a peer tutor training program on tutors and tutees with severe disabilities in adapted physical educationAdapted; Education; Evaluation; Peer; Physical; Tutors2015dissertation
9 Saltiban, Belinda 'OtukoloStorying academic spaces: reflections, narratives, and interpretations of Tongan students' educational experiencesCritical race theory; Education; Pacific islanders; Talanoa; Time and space theory of reality; Tongan students2012-08dissertation
10 Jeong, HeeokExploring the spaces of culturally relevant pedagogy: the discursive (trans)formation of the pedagogical practices of two teachers of English language learnersEducation; Critical discourse analysis (cda); Cultural-historical activity theory (chat); Culturally relevant pedagogy; Discursive (trans)formation of pedagogical practices; English language learners; Literacy2013dissertation
11 King, Brian Scott"On-task in a box": a validation study examining an evidence-based package intervention for increasing rates of on-task behavior and academic performanceEducation; academic performance; evidence; on-task behavior; package intervention2013dissertation
12 Franklin, Jeremy DavidRacial battle fatigue and coping in a "Postracial" ERA for African American and Mexican American students: implications for higher education institutions and studentsEducation; Higher Education; Racial Battle Fatigue; Racial Microaggressions; Racism; Sociology2015dissertation
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