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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 de Lima Vieira Brock, PaulaA role for nicotine in neuroprotection against disorders associated with monoaminergic and cognitive dysfunctionBiological sciences; Health and environmental sciences; Dopamine; Memory; Methamphetamine; Neuroprotection; Nicotine; Parkinson's disease2015-05dissertation
2 Truong, Jannine GiangDopamine receptor regulation of vesicular monoamine transporter-2: implications for neurotoxicity and Parkinson's neurodegenration.Methamphetamine; Dopamine; Receptors; Nervous System2004-08dissertation
3 Sandoval, Ver©nicaMethylphenidate, the vesicular monoamine transporter-2 and neurotoxicityPhysiology; Dopamine2002-05dissertation
4 Merchant, Kalpana MaheshCharacterization of interactions between neurotensin and dopamine systems in the rat brainDopamine; Neurotensin1989-08dissertation
5 Sonsalla, Patricia KayThe Roles of D1 and D2 dopamine receptors in mediating methamphetamine-induced changes in monoamine and substance P systems.Receptors; Dopamine1985-08dissertation
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