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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Hinton, ChristopherGuided ion beam tandem mass spectrometer and theoretical studies of third-row transition metal ions Hf+, Ta+, W+, and Os+Bond energies; Density functional theory; Ion-molecule reactions; Thermochemistry; Transition metal2013-08dissertation
2 Halling, Merrill DavidQuantum mechanics and experimental solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of strained molecular systemsStrained molecular systems; Chemical shift tensors; Density functional theory; DFT; NMR; Nuclear magnetic resonance; Solid-state NMR2011-12dissertation
3 Ding, HepengFirst-principles density functional theory study to aid understanding of the effects of doping-induced defects in materials used for solid oxide fuel cellsComputational; Defect; Density functional theory; First principles; Oxide; Solid oxide fuel cells2014-08dissertation
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