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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Coon, JoshuaTreatment time reduction through parameter optimization in magnetic resonance guided high intensity focused ultrasound treatmentsCancer; MRIgHIFU; Optimization; Ultrasound2012-12dissertation
2 Rowe, Leslie RaeBRAF gene mutational analysis of the thyroid and correlation with clinicopathologic findingsPolymerase Chain Reasction; DNA Sequencing Analysis; Cancer; Thyroid Carcinoma2005-08thesis
3 Chen, Ying-ShengEffects of bison meat consumption on blood lipids and selective biomarkers related to cancer riskBuffalo meat; Beef; Cancer2009-05thesis
4 Nadauld, Lincoln DyrengA novel role for the tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli in controlling retinoic acid production in the vertebrate intestine and retinaColon; Cancer; Antioncogenes; Tretinoin; Physiological Effect; Zebra dahio; Physiology2005-12dissertation
5 Richards, Burt T.Conditional mutators and tumorigenesisCancer; DNA1999-08dissertation
6 Albright, Lisa Anne CannonPremalignant lesion and cancer: etiology and prospects for genetic mappingGenetics; Cancer; Pedigree Analysis1988-12dissertation
7 Tadje, MarshaSleep in the elderly cancer patientCancer; Patients1999-08thesis
8 Wisidagama, Dona RoonalikaAn investigation of the evolutionary conserved mitochondrial protein functions and their physiological impact on drosophila physiologyCancer; metabolism; mitochondria; pyruvate carrier; stem cells2019dissertation
9 Terooatea, Tommy WInvestigating the role of the methyl-cpg binding protein zbtb33 in cancerCancer; ChIP-exo; Epigenetics; RNA-seq; ZBTB332017dissertation
10 Frazier, NicholasLocalized hyperthermia for enhanced targeted delivery of polymer therapeuticsCancer; Chemotherapy; Hyperthermia; Polymer therapeutics2017dissertation
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