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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Kaustaban, VeenaA novel use of sampling pressure from sidestream capnometerBiomedical engineering2014-12thesis
2 Ferguson, Michael AdamDynamic mapping of human brain function and behaviorNeurosciences; Biomedical engineering; Psychology2016dissertation
3 Patharkar, Abhidnya VijaykumarStudy of change in orientation of adventitial collagen in cerebral blood vessels during and post-axial overstretchMechanical engineering; Biomedical engineering; Biophysics2018thesis
4 Borjali, AlirezaA patterned microtexture to reduce polyethylene wear in metal on polyethylene bearings, with application in prosthetic hip implantsBiomechanics; Biomedical engineering; Mechanical engineering2018dissertation
5 Likhite, DevavratChallenges in quantitative cardiovascular magnetic resonance perfusionComputer Engineering; Biomedical engineering; Electrical engineering2017dissertation
6 Hodgson, Kyler KalilMeasures of brain microstructure estimated from diffusion magnetic resonance imaging associated with motor function recovery after strokeBiomedical engineering; Medical imaging2018thesis
7 Clark, Justin ThomasEngineering intravaginal rings for HIV prevention and contraceptionContraception; HIV prevention; Intravaginal rings; Mathematical modeling; Pharmacokinetics; Vaginal drug delivery; Biomedical engineering; Pharmacy sciences2014-05dissertation
8 Hong, KyungpyoAdvanced magnetic resonance imaging of extracellular volume for guiding left ventricular assist device therapyCMR; fibrosis; heart failure; LVAD; Biomedical engineering2016dissertation
9 Christensen, Michael BenjaminEvaluation of inflammation and morphometric parameters associated with neural device implantation in the sciatic nerveMorphometric; Nerve cuff; Peripheral nerve; Sciatic nerve; Foreign-body reaction; Foreign body response; Neuroprostheses; Neural device implantation; Electrode arrays; Biomedical engineering2011-05dissertation
10 Caldwell, Ryan BarclatyStrategies towards the mitigation of shunting in implanted neural arrays to improve device stability for chronic applicationsNeurosciences; Biomedical engineering; Electrical engineering; Physiology; Materials science2017dissertation
11 McNary, Thomas GrantEffects of strain on cardiac electrophysiology and microstructureCapacitance; Conduction velocity; Heart; Stretch; Transverse tubule; Biomedical engineering; Physiology2011-12dissertation
12 Holt, Dolly JeanneEvaluating phenotypic equivalence of cultured cells in the context of the foreign body responseFibroblast; Foreign body response; Macrophage; Senescence; Biomedical engineering2012-08dissertation
13 Gooch, Nathan WilliamsBiocompatibility of ocular biomedical devicesBiocompatibility; Biomedical engineering; Capsule drug ring; Device development; Endocontact lens; Polyethylene glycol2013-08dissertation
14 Chernyshev, Vasiliy SergeyevichDetermination of biophysical and chemical properties of short-chain molecules and biological nanoparticlesBiomedical engineering; Chemical engineering2015dissertation
15 Teller, Ryan StevensonEngineering antiretroviral eluting intravaginal rings for human immunodeficiency virus preventionVagina, Medication by; HIV infections - Prevention; Drug delivery devices; Intravaginal rings; Biomedical engineering2015-08dissertation
16 Labroo, PratimaConduit based drug delivery device for peripheral nerve regenerationBioengineering; Neurosciences; Biomedical engineering; Physiology2017dissertation
17 Chu, Te-WeiDrug-free macromolecular therapeutics for treatment of B-Cell malignanciesBiomedical engineering; Pharmacy sciences; Nanotechnology2015-08dissertation
18 Hakami, Samer MohammedHeterogeneity in MIR21 content of MCF-7 exosomes and comparative study of their thermal stabilityBiomedical engineering; Chemical engineering; Oncology2017dissertation
19 Owens, Nicholas AndrewMethods for the improved detection of tuberculosis biomarkers with an emphasis towards point-of-need diagnosticsBioengineering; Analytical chemistry; Biomedical engineering2017dissertation
20 Daniel Yongwon LeeCell surface engineering and its applications in cancer therapyCellular biology; Biomedical engineering; Pharmaceutical sciences2017dissertation
21 Raman, KarthikEngineering multipronged glycosaminoglycan-based anticancer therapeutic approachesApplied sciences; Glioblastoma; Glycosaminoglycans; Biomedical engineering2015dissertation
22 Meng, FanweiEngineering cell based biomaterials for nervous tissue repairAnisotropy; Astrocyte; Axonal regeneration; Dural repair; ECM; Guidance; Cellular biology; Engineering; Biomedical engineering2012-08dissertation
23 Corum, Lindsey ElizabethEvaluating surface induced platelet adhesion and activation with surface patterning and protein immobilization techniquesAdhesion; Fibrinogen; Platelet; Protein; Surface patterning; Biomedical engineering2011-08dissertation
24 Yang, Chieh-HsiangDisease modeling for endometrial malignancy to facilitate the development of genomic-guided treatmentBiomedical engineering2018dissertation
25 Sharma, RohitElectrochemical quantification of DNA using aluminum oxide membranesDNA; Electrochemical; Extraction; PDMS; Quantification; Molecular biology; Genetics; Biomedical engineering2013-05thesis
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