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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Wadsworth, John ChapinAn informatics approach to chronic disease management in primary care: blending business intelligence and care process modelsBiological sciences; health and environmental sciences; business intelligence; care process model; data warehouse; intermountain healthcare2013-05thesis
2 Young, Erin LynnExpanding preventive breast cancer genetics: From high to moderate risk and from breast to pancreatic cancerBiological sciences; Breast cancer; Genetics; Pancreatic cancer; Genetics2016-12dissertation
3 Ray, Russell ScottAn examination of chiropteran HOXD regulation from an evolutionary perspectiveBiological sciences; chiroptera; evolution; Gene regulation; HoxD; myotis iucifugus; rhinolophus ferrumequinum2008-05dissertation
4 Diedrich, Karl ThomasArterial tortuosity measurement system for examining correlations with vascular diseaseBiological sciences; arterial tortuosity; artery; brain; centerline; mra; vascular disease2011-12dissertation
5 Xiao, YeAn evaluation of mitochondrial DNA resequencing array mitochip version 2.0 in comparison with sanger sequencingBiological sciences; health and environmental sciences; MitoChip v2.0; mitochondria; mitochondrial disorders; Rrsequencing array2012-08thesis
6 Humphreys, Gregory BlaineAttenuation of decapentaplegic signaling via a localized chondroitin-sulfated signaling sinkBiological sciences; health and environmental sciences; bone morphogenetic protein; cell signaling; chondroitin; decapentaplegic; morphogen gradient; UDP-GlcNAc2014-12dissertation
7 Basham, Kaitlin J.A small molecule based approach to study mammary gland biology reveals new mechanistic insights on how environmental toxins disrupt mammary functionBiological sciences; Health and environmental sciences; Branching morphogenesis; Breast; Desmosome; Dioxin; Mammary; Tcdd2014-08dissertation
8 Ptolemy, Joseph Robert SmithA seminal fluid serine protease, TRY-5, signals caenorhabditis elegans sperm activationBiological sciences; cell motility; seminal fluid; serine protease; sperm2012-08dissertation
9 Duncan, Robert NelsonAn investigation of WNT function in radial glial neural progenitor cells in the zebrafish hypothalamusBiological sciences; health and environmental sciences; neural development; radial glia; stem cells; Wnt signaling; zebrafish2015-08dissertation
10 Wolfe, Brett ThomasAvoiding desiccation in tropical forests: mechanisms that maintain tree water status during seasonal droughtsBiological sciences; Avoiding; Desiccation; Droughts; Forests; Maintain; Seasonal; Tree; Tropical; Water2015dissertation
11 Chapin, AlexAnalysis of the physiological roles of the nonsense mediated MRNA decay pathway in Drosophila MelanogasterBiological sciences; health and environmental sciences; drosophila; nonsense mediated mRNA decay2014-08dissertation
12 de Lima Vieira Brock, PaulaA role for nicotine in neuroprotection against disorders associated with monoaminergic and cognitive dysfunctionBiological sciences; Health and environmental sciences; Dopamine; Memory; Methamphetamine; Neuroprotection; Nicotine; Parkinson's disease2015-05dissertation
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