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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Homel, LeoraUltrasound alignment of a high weight fraction of carbon nanotubes in a polymer matrixApplied sciences2017thesis
2 Brewster, Ryan WallaceVascular coupling deviceApplied sciences2017thesis
3 Chambers, Amy JoAn evaluation of anode corrosion and gas emissions during gold electrowinningApplied sciences; corrosion2014-05thesis
4 Thamer, Ali YasserExperimental study of xurographic spiral microchannel heat sinksApplied sciences2014thesis
5 Beal, Roger ZackA study comparing changes in loading conditions of an extended service life system using aluminum 2024-T351Applied sciences2014-08thesis
6 Raman, KarthikEngineering multipronged glycosaminoglycan-based anticancer therapeutic approachesApplied sciences; Glioblastoma; Glycosaminoglycans; Biomedical engineering2015dissertation
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