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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Raman, KarthikEngineering multipronged glycosaminoglycan-based anticancer therapeutic approachesApplied sciences; Glioblastoma; Glycosaminoglycans; Biomedical engineering2015dissertation
2 Thamer, Ali YasserExperimental study of xurographic spiral microchannel heat sinksApplied sciences2014thesis
3 Toth, PalApplications of image processing in combustion researchApplied sciences2014-08dissertation
4 Kamesh iyer, SrikantImproved total variation reconstruction methods for cardiac magnetic resonance imagingApplied sciences; Health and environmental sciences; Compressed sensing; Magnetic resonance imaging; Undersampling2017dissertation
5 Leon, LisandroMagnetic guidance of cochlear-implant electrode arrays at clinical scaleApplied sciences; Cochlea; Cochlear implant; Hearing loss2017dissertation
6 Das, ShomitTechniques for fast, energy efficient on-die global communicationApplied sciences2017dissertation
7 Brewster, Ryan WallaceVascular coupling deviceApplied sciences2017thesis
8 Hill, Brent D.Automated pictograph enhancement of discharge instructions: impact on recall and satisfactionApplied sciences; health and environmental sciences; cardiology; consumer health informatics; discharge instructions; informatics; patient care; patient education2014-12dissertation
9 Lee, WilliamAchieving backend robustness for timed asynchronous circuitsApplied sciences; Computer Engineering2016dissertation
10 Cho, JaehunRemoval of impurities from titanium-bearing sources and theoretical and experimental kinetic studiesApplied sciences2016thesis
11 Adjei, Christian AmeviMonte Carlo code predicting models for neutron activation analysis and explorative study of large sample neutron activation analysisPure sciences; Applied sciences; Explorative study; Large sample neutron activation analysis; Monte Carolo code; Neutron activation analysis; Predicting models2015dissertation
12 Sarswat, Prashant KumarAlternative methods to fabricate and evaluate copper zinc tin sulfide based absorber layers on transparent conducting electrodesApplied sciences; absorbent layers; copper zinc tin sulfide; transparent conducting electrode2012-08dissertation
13 Kamojjala, Krishna CSystematic code verification and validation of damage in high strength armor materialsApplied sciences; Charpy impact; Damage; Metalic armor; Method of manufactured solutions; Taylor-anvil impact2014dissertation
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