1601 - 1800 of 3,256
Number of results to display per page
TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part OfDate
1601 PulseVolume5/1995_July10Pulse1995
1602 PulseVolume5/1995_May01Pulse1995
1603 PulseVolume5/1995_November13Pulse1995
1604 PulseVolume5/1995_November27Pulse1995
1605 PulseVolume5/1995_January27Pulse1995
1606 PulseVolume5/1995_October23Pulse1995
1607 PulseVolume5/1995_September18Pulse1995
1608 PulseVolume5/1995_January03Pulse1995
1609 PulseVolume5/1995_March28Pulse1995
1610 PulseVolume5/1995_November06Pulse1995
1611 PulseVolume5/1995_October09Pulse1995
1612 PulseVolume5/1995_June26Pulse1995
1613 PulseVolume5/1995_April24Pulse1995
1614 PulseVolume5/1995_August28Pulse1995
1615 PulseVolume5/1995_February06Pulse1995
1616 PulseVolume5/1995_May16Pulse1995
1617 PulseVolume5/1995_July25Pulse1995
1618 PulseVolume5/1995_August21Pulse1995
1619 PulseVolume5/1995_July03Pulse1995
1620 PulseVolume5/1995_April17Pulse1995
1621 PulseVolume5/1995_June19Pulse1995
1622 PulseVolume5/1995_September11Pulse1995
1623 PulseVolume5/1995_December11Pulse1995
1624 PulseVolume5/1995_March06Pulse1995
1625 PulseVolume5/1995_December26Pulse1995
1626 PulseVolume5/1995_October30Pulse1995
1627 PulseVolume5/1995_March21Pulse1995
1628 PulseVolume5/1995_October16Pulse1995
1629 Health Sciences Report (1995)HEALTH SCIENCES REPORT UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Vol. 19, No. 2 Published by the Office of Public Affairs, University of Utah Health Sciences Center, 50 North Medical Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84132. Telephone ( 801) 581- 7387. Health Sciences Report is mailed to faculty, staff, alumni and friends of the...Health Sciences Report1995
1630 Health Sciences Report (1995)1 9 9 5 HEALTH SCIENCES REPORT HEALTH SCIENCES REPORT UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Vol. 19, No. 1 Published by the Office of Public Affairs, University of Utah Health Sciences Center, 50 North Medical Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84132. Telephone ( 801) 581- 7387. Health Sciences Report is mailed to faculty, s...Health Sciences Report1995
1631 Medical Update (1995)Volume1/1995_WinterMedical Update1995
1632 PROMINENT DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH EXPERT JOINS U MED SCHOOL'S RADIOLOGY FACULTYJay S. Tsuruda, M.D., an internationally recognized authority in magnetic resonance research, has joined the University of Utah School of Medicine faculty. An associate professor of radiology, Tsuruda has been named chief of diagnostic radiology research, a new departmental position. He also will be...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-01
1633 DUNN NAMED TO PEERY CHAIRHarold K. Dunn, M.D., professor and chair of the Division of Orthopedic Surgery in the University of Utah School of Medicine, has been named to the Louis S. Peery, M.D., Presidential Endowed Chair in Orthopedic Surgery.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-01-04
1634 U RESEARCHERS NEED DIABETICS AND THEIR FAMILIES TO PARTICIPATE IN STUDY TO LOCATE DIABETES GENESResearchers at the University of Utah School of Medicine and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center are seeking diabetics-and members of their families-to participate in a study aimed at locating the diabetes gene or genes.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-01-04
1635 U HOSPITAL ART EXHIBIT FEATURES PRINTS BY KAREL APPELPrints by Karel Appel will be exhibited in the lobby of University of Utah Hospital January 12 through April 3. The displayed works of Appel who, at 74 is still painting and has many international shows to his credit, are from the permanent collection of the Salt Lake Art Center.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-01-05
1636 News Conference, Today, Fjfiday, January 6 at 10 a.m., University Health Scienc.gs Center Board Room, 2nd Floor, U HospitalTOPIC: THYROID DISEASE AWARENESS AND COMMUNITY SCREENING Thyroid disease affects six to eight million Americans, and is one of our most underdiagnosed health problems.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-01-06
1637 UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL AND SMITH'S JOIN IN THYROID DISEASE AWARENESS AND SCREENING PROGRAMTests for thyroid disease, offered as a public service by University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics and Smith's Food and Drug Centers, will be scheduled Monday through Friday, January 16-20. Interested individuals should call 1-800-TEST-TSH (1-800- 8378-874) to make an appointment at the hospital or ...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-01-06
1638 To All Concerned:Here is your file copy of the news release "Better Health-Care Access for Rural Areas-That's Goal of U Health Sciences Center Education Proposal" and cover letters sent out by the Public Affairs office yesterday:Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-01-12
1639 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH SEEKS PATIENTS FOR PROSTATE CANCER PREVENTION TRIALThe University of Utah Health Sciences Center is one of 222 sites across the country participating in the National Cancer Institute's ongoing Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial, which will include 18,000 men age 55 and older.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-01-20
1640 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH HOSPITAL NAMES DIRECTOR OF PHARMACYJames A. Jorgenson, M.S., R.Ph., formerly director of Pharmacy Services at Saint Margaret Mercy Healthcare Centers in Hammond and Dyer, IN, has been appointed director of Pharmacy at University Hospital, effective immediatelyPress Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-02-05
1641 ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY RADIOLOGISTS HONORS DAVID G. BRAGG, M.D.David G. Bragg, M.D., professor and chair of the Department of Radiology at the University of Utah School of Medicine, has been selected to receive the 1995 Gold Medal of the Association of University Radiologists (AUR).Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-02-16
1642 NATIONAL ONCOLOGY NURSING SOCIETY NAMES U PROFESSOR PRESIDENT-ELECTKathi H. Mooney, Ph.D., R.N., FAAN, professor of nursing at the University of Utah College of Nursing, has been elected president-elect of the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS), a national professional society of 25,000 registered nurses specializing in oncology. In 1996, she will serve as the society'...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-03-07
1643 U NURSING PROFESSOR TO TEACH IN SWEDEN AS FULBRIGHT SCHOLARMary E. Duffy, Ph.D., R.N., professor of nursing at the University of Utah College of Nursing, has received a Fulbright Scholarship at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. She will be a visiting lecturer/research scholar in the Department of Advanced Nursing from September 1995 to February 1996.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-03-07
1645 HAROLD K. DUNN TO CHAIR DEPARTMENT OF ORTHOPEDICSDr. Harold K. Dunn, professor of orthopedics and an internationally recognized expert in hip and knee replacement and spinal deformities, has been named chair of the Department of Orthopedics at the University of Utah School of Medicine.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-03-13
1646 U MED SCHOOL ANNOUNCES FIRST RECIPIENT OF MORTON CHAIR IN FAMILY MEDICINEMarc E. Babitz, M.D., associate professor of family and preventive medicine and director of predoctoral programs in family medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine, has been named the first recipient of the T.F.H. Morton, M.D., Endowed Chair in Family and Preventive Medicine.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-03-14
1647 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH EXPLORES POSSIBLE HEALTHCARE AFFILIATIONSThe University of Utah is exploring possible affiliations with a number of other Utah healthcare providers.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-04-03
1648 NEW TREATMENT FOR AMYOTROPHIC LATERAL SCLEROSIS (LOU GEHRIG'S DISEASEThe preliminary analysis of a clinical trial of the drug riluzole, announced yesterday, shows it to be the first drug to have any impact on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's Disease. Generally, patients survive three to five years after diagnosis of the disease. A preliminary study...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-04-05
1649 PARTICIPANTS NEEDED FOR COLON CANCER STUDYResearchers at the University of Utah School of Medicine are seeking men and women, ages 50--80, to participate in the study of a drug which may help prevent colon cancer.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-04-10
1650 USRC Annual State MeetingSalt Lake City-The Utah Society for Respiratory Care (USRC) is having their annual state meeting April 25,26,27 at the Quality Inn City Center. The theme of this years meeting is "Our Role in Changing Health Care." The meeting includes a golf tournament and topics on legal issues, health care reform...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-04-10
1651 THREE U PHARMACY FACULTY ELECTED TO PHARMACOPEIA REVISION COMMITTEEThree University of Utah College of Pharmacy faculty have been elected to the United States Pharmacopeia Committee of Revision for a five-year term through March 2000.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-04-11
1652 U CHILD PSYCHIATRY FELLOW RECEIVES RESEARCH AWARD FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS TREATMENT COMPLIANCE PROJECTThomas G. White, M.D., a fifth-year fellow/triple board resident in pediatrics, psychiatry and child psychiatry at the University of Utah School of Medicine, has received a 1995 Eli Lilly Pilot Research Award for Junior Faculty and Child Psychiatry Fellows.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-04-17
1653 96 PERCENT OF U HOSPITAL PATIENTS SATISFIED WITH CARENinety-six percent of University Hospital's patients are satisfied with their care, and 94 percent would recommend the hospital to a friend.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-04-26
1654 U ANESTHESIOLOGIST, MEDICAL SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR TO PURSUE LEADERSHIP TRAINING AS EDUCATION COUNCIL FELLOWRichard J. Sperry, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of anesthesiology and assistant dean for continuing medical education at the University of Utah School of Medicine, has been named a 1995-96 American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow. ACE is the umbrella association for the nation's colleges and u...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-04-26
1655 U RADIOLOGIST HONORED BY AMERICAN PUBLISHERS FOR MEDICAL TEXTBOOK OF THE YEARAnne G. Osborn, M.D., F.A.C.R., professor of radiology at the University of Utah School of Medicine, has received the 1994 award for the Best Book in Clinical Medicine for her textbook, Diagnostic Neuroradiology. The annual award is presented by the American Association of Publishers/Professional an...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-04-26
1656 U MEDICAL SCHOOL ALUMNI TO HEAR NOBEL PRIZE WINNER, HONOR '45 GRADUATEA Nobel Prize winner with special ties to the University of Utah, Alfred Goodman Gilman, M.D., Ph.D., will be guest speaker at the University of Utah School of Medicine Alumni Association's Awards Banquet at the Salt Lake City Marriott Friday, May 5.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-04-28
1657 U NEUROBIOLOGIST TO SERVE ON NIH STUDY SECTIONSheryl A. Scott, Ph.D., associate professor of neurobiology and anatomy at the University of Utah School of Medicine, has been selected to serve a four-year term as a member of the Neurology B-2 Study Section, Division of Research Grants of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-05-02
1658 U FAMILY PRACTICE CHIEF NAMED 'UTAH FAMILY PHYSICIAN OF THE YEAR'Stephen D. Ratcliffe, M.D., M.S.P.H., associate professor and chief of the Division of Family Practice in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine, has been selected Family Physician of the Year by the Utah Academy of Family Physicians (UAFP). The...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-05-03
1659 Commencement release sent toUtah Medical Association 540 East 500 South Salt Lake City UT 84102 Church News Deseret News P.O. Box 1257 Salt Lake City UT 84110 Editor Manti Messenger 35 South Main Manti, UT 84642 Editor Mount Pleasant Pyramid 49 West Main Street Mount Pleasant UT 84647 per Bateman to AB, by lwPress Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-05-15
1660 FOUR U PHARMACY STUDENTS WIN NATIONAL FELLOWSHIPSFellowships from the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) have been awarded to four University of Utah College of Pharmacy students.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-05-23
1661 U BIRTHCARE HEALTHCARE CLINIC SETS OPEN HOUSE FOR FIRST ANNIVERSARYThe University of Utah's BirthCare Healthcare (BCHC) Clinic-the only free-standing birth center in the state-will celebrate its first anniversary with an open house for the public on Saturday, June 3, from 1-4 p.m. The facility, administered by the U College of Nursing, in conjunction with Universit...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-05-23
1662 U PHARMACEUTICS FACULTY SPEAK AT SYMPOSIUM IN JAPANFour faculty members of the University of Utah College of Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry presented invited lectures at the fifth Iketano Conference on Advanced Biomaterials in Biomedical Engineering and Drug Delivery Systems held recently at Kagoshima University, K...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-05-23
1663 U PHYSICIAN AWARDED THE FIRST GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY PRIZE FROM MEDICAL SCHOOL CLASS OF 1945Kenneth J. Ward, M.D., associate professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Utah School of Medicine, recently received the first Golden Anniversary Prize for Distinguished Clinical Investigation from the U of U School of Medicine Alumni Association. The award was c...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-05-26
1664 51 PERCENT OF UTAH MEDICAL SCHOOL GRADUATES PLAN CAREERS IN PRIMARY CAREFifty-four of 105 recent graduates of the University of Utah School of Medicine--51 percent--chose to pursue careers in primary care. The comparable national average for 1995 Doctor of Medicine graduates also was 51 percent.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-05-31
1665 U MEDICAL STUDENT SELECTED FOR LEADERSHIP TRAINING PROGRAMSteven L. Berry, a senior at the University of Utah School of Medicine, is one of 16 medical students from across the country chosen to participate in a Generalist Physicians-in- Training Leadership Program.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-06-06
1666 WORLD ORGANIZATION OF FAMILY DOCTORS INVITES U PROFESSOR TO ADDRESS HONG KONG MEETINGF. Marian Bishop, Ph.D., M.S.P.H., professor of family and preventive medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine, is one of three faculty members from U.S. medical schools invited to speak at the 14th conference of the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) in Hong Kong June 10-15.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-06-06
1667 MEDICAL SCHOOL RESEARCHERS REPORT JOB-THREATENING DISORDERS ARE MORE COMMON AMONG TEACHERSVoice disorders can be one of the most job-threatening problems facing elementary and secondary schoolteachers, limiting, or even prematurely ending their careers, according to a study recently completed by researchers at the University of Utah School of Medicine and the University of Iowa.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-06-08
1668 UNIVERSITY PHYSICIAN TO STUDY HEALTH POLICY DEVELOPMENT IN NATION'S CAPITALA University of Utah physician will spend the next year in the nation's capital studying how health policy is developed and working on a Congressional or executive branch staff as a fellow of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Health Policy Program.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-06-09
1669 U NURSING, PHARMACY COLLEGES WIN GRANTS FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE COURSESThe University of Utah colleges of Nursing and Pharmacy have been selected to participate in the Health Professions Schools in Service to the Nation Program. Over the next three years, the colleges will integrate community service experiences into their curricula, enabling students to address unmet ...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-06-15
1670 U COLLEGE OF PHARMACY NAMES DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUSJ. Craig Jackson, manager of the Utah Department of Commerce Professional Recovery Program, was awarded the University of Utah College of Pharmacy 1995 Distinguished Alumni Award at the annual banquet for seniors and preceptors held recently.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-06-20
1671 U GRADUATE STUDENT IN PUBLIC HEALTH WINS 3M INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE SCHOLARSHIPJohn Flores II, a graduate student in the University of Utah School of Medicine Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, has been awarded a 1995 Industrial Hygiene Scholarship by 3M. Flores, along with two graduate students from West VirginiaPress Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-06-26
1672 U MEDICAL SCHOOL NAMES NEW CHAIR OF FAMILY AND PREVENTIVE MEDICINEMichael K. Magill, M.D., professor of family and preventive medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine has been named chair of the school's Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, announced John M. Matsen, M.D., U vice president for health sciences.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-06-27
1674 U MEDICAL SCHOOL DESIGNATED DIAGNOSIS CONFIRMATION CENTER FOR ALS PROGRAMThe University of Utah School of Medicine is among 78 sites designated as Diagnostic Confirmation Centers (DCC) for an early access program that will provide an experimental compound to a limited number of people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease).Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-07-11
1675 U EXERCISE, SPORT SCIENCE PROFESSOR ELECTED PRESIDENT OF SOUTHWEST DISTRICT AAHPERDSandy Beveridge, Ph.D., associate professor and chair of the Department of Exercise and Sport Science at the University of Utah College of Health, has been elected to a three-year term as president of the Southwest District of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Danc...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-07-14
1676 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH HOSPITALS AND CLINICS NAMED AMONG AMERICA'S BEST BY U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORTUniversity of Utah Hospitals and Clinics is named as one of the nation's leading centers in the specialties of cardiology, geriatrics, gynecology and rheumatology in the sixth annual hospital ratings report to be published in the July 24 issue of U.S. News & World Report.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-07-14
1677 PARTICIPANTS NEEDED FOR COLON CANCER STUDYResearchers at the University of Utah School of Medicine are seeking men and women, ages 50-80, to participate in the study of a drug which may help prevent colon cancer.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-08-04
1678 JOHN M. DUNN, ED.D., NAMED DEAN OF U OF U COLLEGE OF HEALTHJohn M. Dunn, Ed.D., an administrator at Oregon State University and nationally recognized expert in the field of physical education and recreation for individuals with disabilities, has been named dean of the University of Utah College of Health.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-08-23
1679 PSYCHOSIS SEMINAR AT U OF U HOSPITAL TO HELP FAMILIES UNDERSTAND THE ILLNESSThe devastation of schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder-mental illnesses that affect one percent of the American population-leaves many families of patients in a quandary about how to cope.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-08-25
1680 JUDD NAMED ASSISTANT DEAN FOR ADMISSIONS AT U OF U MEDICAL SCHOOLVictoria E. Judd, M.D., associate professor of pediatrics, has been appointed assistant dean for admissions at the University of Utah School of Medicine, effective immediately.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-08-30
1681 ENDOSCOPIC PLASTIC SURGERY- UNIVERSITY SURGEONS USE NEW TECHNIQUEThe aging process and the force of gravity take their toll on all of us: sagging eyebrows; loose skin around the chin and neck; extra pounds around the waist or thighs.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-08-31
1682 MED SCHOOL APPOINTS DEVON HALE, M.D. ASSISTANT DEAN FOR IDAHO AFFAIRSDeVon C. Hale, M.D., professor of internal medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine, has been appointed Assistant Dean for Idaho Affairs. In the newly created position, Hale will oversee issues especially relevant to Idahoans admitted to the U medical school each year.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-09-01
1683 TRANSPLANT, SURGICAL REDUCTION, REHABILITATION- ALL OPTIONS IN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL'S LUNG DISEASE PROGRAMShortness of breath. Not enough oxygen. The sensation of drowning. Not enough energy to move. All symptoms of lung disease.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-09-04
1684 FREE PROSTATE CANCER SCREENING OFFERED BY UNIVERSITY HOSPITALIn conjunction with Prostate Cancer Awareness Week in September, free prostate cancer screening clinics for men 50 years old and older will be held Monday, September 18. from 9 a.m.-noon, and Tuesday. September 19. from noon-4 p.m.. at the University of Utah Hospital.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-09-05
1685 30-YEAR REUNION FOR FORMER PATIENTS AND STAFF OF UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL'S REHABILITATION SERVICESIn celebration of its 30 years in business, University of Utah Hospital's Rehabilitation Services is sponsoring a reunion party for its former patients, medical staff and residents, Wednesday, Sept. 20, from 3--5 p.m., on the west rehabilitation patio.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-09-18
1686 U HEALTH SCIENCES FACULTY MEMBERS TO SERVE ON NIH STUDY SECTIONSTwo University of Utah Health Sciences Center faculty members have accepted appointments to serve four-year terms on study sections in the DivisionPress Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-09-18
1687 U MED SCHOOL CENTER TO COUNSEL, SUPPORT PARKINSON'S DISEASE PATIENTSA resource for people with Parkinson's Disease-an American Parkinson Disease Association Information and Referral Center- has been established in the Department of Neurology at the University of Utah School of Medicine.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-09-18
1688 UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL FOUNDATIONUniversity of Utah President Arthur K. Smith announced today that the association between the University Hospital and the Utah Open Golf Tournament has concluded as of the 1995 tournament. President Smith stated that although the tournament enjoyed strong participation from sponsors and golfers, ben...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-09-20
1689 A Day in the Health Sciences for High School Minority StudentsApproximately 60 students from three Salt Lake school districts and Judge Memorial High School will participate in "A Day in the Health Sciences for High School Minority Students," Saturday. Sept. 23. from 8 a.m.--2 p.m. on the University of Utah Health Sciences Center campus.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-09-21
1690 URINARY INCONTINENCE PUBLIC SEMINAR SET AT UNIVERSITY OF UTAH SANDY CENTERFew conditions are more embarrassing than being unable to control your bladder. Yet, 12 million Americans suffer from various degrees of urinary incontinence, or leaking bladder.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-09-22
1691 'A DAY FOR WOMEN IN MEDICINE' PRESENTED TO UTAH TEENS AT U OF U SCHOOL OF MEDICINEThe University of Utah School of Medicine is accepting registrations for its second annual "A Day for Women in Medicine," Saturday, Nov. 4, beginning at 8:15 a.m. Space is available for approximately 700 students, grades seven through 10, from throughout Utah.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-09-23
1692 U PLASTIC SURGEON NURTURES PROJECT TO PROVIDE CARE FOR POOR IN BRAZILThe tradition of American physicians and surgeons providing care to underserved people in third world countries is a long and impressive one that Renato Saltz, M.D., associate professor of plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University of Utah School of Medicine, is continuing in his native co...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-09-26
1693 HUNTSMAN ANNOUNCES $100 MILLION CONTRIBUTION TO CANCER RESEARCHSALT LAKE CITY -- Jon M. Huntsman today announced the contribution of $100 million Co the Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah, the largest financial contribution ever to medical research and the second largest cash gift in the history of higher education in America.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-10-02
1694 BARRY COLE NAMED TO NORA ECCLES HARRISON PRESIDENTIAL ENDOWED CHAIR IN RHEUMATOLOGYBarry C. Cole, Ph.D., professor of internal medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine, has been named to the Nora Eccles Harrison Presidential Endowed Chair in Rheumatology.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-10-06
1695 ALZHEIMER'S SUFFERERS SOUGHT FOR ONE-YEAR STUDY OF NEW DRUG BELIEVED TO SLOW PROGRESSION OF THE DISEASEResearchers at the University of Utah School of Medicine are seeking Alzheimer's disease sufferers, ages 45-65, to participate in the study of a new drug believed to slow the progression of the disease in those diagnosed at a relatively young age.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-10-10
1696 HOSPITAL SHOWCASES LANDSCAPE PAINTINGSSelected landscapes from the Salt Lake Art Center's permanent collection will be on display in the University Hospital lobby, October 13, 1995, through January 9, 1996.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-10-12
1699 BRING IN PRESCRIPTIONS AND QUESTIONS FOR A 'MEDICATION REVIEW' WITH A U OF U PHARMACIST DURING NATIONAL PHARMACY WEEKAnyone with a medicine cabinet filled with prescriptions and over-the-counter medications is encouraged to toss them in a sack and bring them to one of University of Utah Hospitals & Clinics outpatient pharmacies for a "Brown Bag Medication Review."Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-10-17
1700 U MOOD DISORDERS CLINIC SEEKS PARTICIPANTS FOR SCHIZOPHRENIA DRUG STUDYIndividuals taking Haldol for schizophrenia, who experience a significant amount of depression and lethargy along with the psychotic symptoms, are being sought to participate in a study of a new medication by the Mood Disorders Clinic in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Utah School ...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-10-18
1701 UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS & CLINICS MEETS INCREASED DEMAND FOR OUTPATIENT CAREUniversity of Utah Hospitals & Clinics is opening some new clinics and relocating others to meet increased demand for its outpatient services.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-10-19
1703 PRESS ADVISORYWednesday, Nov. 8, marks the 100th anniversary of the discovery of the X-ray by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. Not only did this discovery launch the field of radiology, it also transformed the practice of medicine, allowing physicians to see inside the body without surgery.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-10-25
1704 UTAH TEENS TO ENJOY 'A DAY FOR WOMEN IN MEDICINE' AT U OF U MEDICAL SCHOOL SATURDAYMore than 7 00 Utah students, grades seven through 10, will participate in the second annual "A Day for Women in Medicine," Saturday, Nov. 4, beginning at 8:15 a.m.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-11-01
1705 600 UTAH HEART TRANSPLANTS; SURVIVAL RATES EXCEED NATIONAL AVERAGESThe UTAH Cardiac Transplant Program last Monday performed its 600th heart transplant since the program began with then 16-year-old Tony Shepard on March 8, 1985.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-11-03
1706 U PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT PROGRAM DIRECTOR ELECTED TO SECOND TERM AS UTAH PA LICENSING BOARD CHAIRDonald M. Pedersen, PA-C, Ph.D., associate professor of family and preventive medicine and director of the Utah Physician Assistant Program (UPAP) at the University of Utah School of Medicine, has been elected to serve a second term as chair of the Physician Assistant Licensing Board in the Division...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-11-07
1707 U HEALTH SCIENCES HEAD ELECTED TO AMERICAN CLINICAL LABORATORY ASSOCIATION BOARDJohn M. Matsen, M.D., University of Utah vice president for health sciences and professor of pathology and pediatrics at the U medical school, has been elected to the board of directors of the American Clinical Laboratory Association (ACLA).Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-11-08
1708 U PEDIATRICS CHAIR, PCMC MEDICAL DIRECTOR NAMEDA pediatric cardiologist and associate chair of the pediatrics department at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry has been appointed chair of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Utah School of Medicine and medical director of Primary Children's Medical Center (P...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-11-09
1709 U HUNTSMAN HIGH RISK BREAST CANCER CLINIC FIGHTS CANCER BEFORE IT BEGINSStephanie Knight has always been "very health conscious," careful about diet and exercise, and informed about health issues. After an aunt died-one of several family members who had been diagnosed with cancer-and she read about the discovery of the BRCA1 cancer gene late in 1994, Knight found hersel...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-11-14
1710 SURGEON/AUTHOR RICHARD SELZER TO PARTICIPATE IN CONFERENCE ON 'ETHICAL ISSUES AT END OF LIFE'Richard Selzer, M.D., FACS, an emeritus professor of surgery at the Yale School of Medicine and well-known author of numerous books of essays and short stories, will be featured speaker at the International Interdisciplinary Rocky Mountain Ethics Conference Dec. 5-8 at the Yarrow Hotel, Park City.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-11-17
1711 U GERONTOLOGISTS' VIDEOTAPES FOR CAREGIVERS NOTED IN NATIONAL JOURNALVideotapes, created by researchers from the University of Utah College of Nursing's Gerontology Center and designed to give caregivers respite time, are described in the October 1995 issue of The Gerontologist.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-11-17
1712 U GERONTOLOGISTS' VIDEOTAPES FOR CAREGIVERS NOTED IN NATIONAL JOURNALVideotapes, created by researchers from the University of Utah College of Nursing's Gerontology Center and designed to give caregivers respite time, are described in the October 1995 issue of The Gerontologist.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-11-17
1713 U PHYSICIAN TAKES MEDICAL AFFAIRS POST WITH OCCUPATIONAL, ENVIRONMENTAL COLLEGERoyce Moser, Jr., M.D., M.P.H, professor in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine and director of the department's Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health (RMCOEH), has been named vice president for medical affairs at th...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-11-17
1714 DUODENAL ULCER SUFFERERS SOUGHT FOR U MEDICAL SCHOOL STUDYA new drug, which reduces stomach acid and may possibly heal duodenal ulcers, is being tested by researchers at the University of Utah School of Medicine. Researchers believe this medication, when taken with a specific antibiotic, may also be effective in preventing duodenal ulcers from recurring by...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-11-20
1715 U PEDIATRICIAN PARTICIPATES IN NAGASAKI SYMPOSIUM ON FALLOUT EFFECTSA University of Utah pediatric specialist and researcher involved in the U's multifaceted study of possible health effects of exposure to radioactive fallout participated recently in the Nagasaki Symposium '95, a 50th year anniversary event of the atomic bomb explosion in Nagasaki, Japan.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-11-21
1716 ATTENTION-DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER IN ADULTS TOPIC OF NEW BOOK BY U OF U PSYCHIATRISTPaul H. Wender, M.D., distinguished professor of psychiatry at the University of Utah School of Medicine and a pioneer in the study of attention-deficit disorder, has written a new book to help psychiatrists and psychologists treat adults who suffer from the disorder.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-12-01
1717 CLYDE M. HEINER TO HEAD UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL FOUNDATIONClyde M. Heiner, senior vice president of Questar Corporation, was elected president of the University Hospital Foundation and chairman of the Board of Trustees during the annual meeting recently.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-12-06
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1768 Health Sciences Report (1996)HEALTH SCIENCES REPORT UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Vol. 20, No. 2 Published by the Office of Public Affairs, University of Utah Health Sciences Center, 50 North Medical Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84132. Telephone ( 801) 581- 7387. Health Sciences Report is mailed to faculty, staff, alumni and friends of the...Health Sciences Report1996
1769 Health Sciences Report (1996)Health Sciences Report Winter 1996 FROM THE EDITOR One of the more pleasant experiences of moving- which seem few when you're overwhelmed by packing boxes, stacks of furniture and decisions- is discovering where the previous homeowners planted spring flowers. You may suspect bulbs are buried here or...Health Sciences Report1996
1770 Medical Update (1996)Volume1/1996_SpringMedical Update1996
1771 Medical Update (1996)Volume1/1996_SummerMedical Update1996
1772 Medical Update (1996)Volume1/1996_WinterMedical Update1996
1773 UTAH SCHOOL TEACHERS AND COUNSELORS TO SPEND 'A DAY IN THE U OF U HEALTH SCIENCES'Approximately 200 Utah school counselors and teachers will participate in the second annual "A Day in the Health Sciences for School Counselors, Math/Science Teachers," Friday, Jan. 5, beginning at 9 a.m., on the University of Utah Health Sciences Center campus.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-01-02
1774 MEDIA ADVISORY"Advances in Endoscopic and Minimally Invasive Plastic Surgery" will be discussed and demonstrated for some 75 physicians from throughout the world in sessions Thursday, January 4-Sunday, January 7 at the Yarrow Hotel and Conference Center in Park City and the Summit Plastic Surgery Center on the Un...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-01-03
1775 INDIVIDUALS SUFFERING FROM OSTEOPOROSIS NEEDED FOR STUDY OF NEW MEDICATIONA new medication, which is expected not only to stop bone loss but increase bone mass, is being tested by researchers at the University of Utah School of Medicine. Women, ages 55--75, who have osteoporosis, at least one vertebral (spine) fracture and are not currently taking estrogen or other medica...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-01-08
1776 News Conference Tuesday, January 16 at 1 p.m. Health Sciences Center Board Room 2nd Floor, University HospitalTest your medical knowledge with this multiple choice quiz: A patient complains to the doctor of fatigue, depression, hoarseness, dry skin and hair, and cold intolerance. This patient: A. Lives in Utah in January B. Has a thyroid disorder C. Either A or B or bothPress Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-01-10
1777 U PHYSICIAN ELECTED VICE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL ACADEMYJames R. Swenson, M.D., professor and chair of the Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Utah School of Medicine, recently was elected vice president of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He will serve as the organization's president elect i...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-01-11
1778 WILLIAMS NAMED TO JEREMY CHAIR FOR ARTHRITIS RESEARCHH. James Williams, M.D., professor and chief of the Division of Rheumatology in the University of Utah School of Medicine, has been named to the Thomas E. and Rebecca D. Jeremy Presidential Endowed Chair for Arthritis Research.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-01-12
1779 UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL PARTICIPATES IN THYROID DISEASE SCREENING, COMMUNITY EDUCATIONTests for thyroid disease, which affects between six and eight million Americans and frequently goes undiagnosed, will be offered Monday through Friday, January 22-26, at a number of sites along the Wasatch Front. Interested individuals should call 1-801-255-6555 for information on testing locations...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-01-16
1780 U NUTRITION EXPERT SERVES ON FDA ADVISORY PANEL FOR FAT SUBSTITUTEE. Wayne Askew, Ph.D., professor and director of the Division of Foods and Nutrition in the College of Health at the University of Utah, was among food experts who recently suggested that olestra, a fat substitute developed by Proctor & Gamble, be approved for marketing.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-01-18
1781 UTAH HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ATTEND HEALTH SCIENCES ACADEMYApproximately 40 Utah high school students will participate in the first session of the Health Sciences Academy this Saturday, Jan. 20, at the University of Utah Health Sciences Center.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-01-18
1782 U RESPIRATORY PHYSICIAN TO SERVE ON NIH LUNG BIOLOGY STUDY SECTIONGuy A. Zimmerman, M.D., professor of internal medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine, has accepted an appointment to serve a four-year term as a member of the Lung Biology and Pathology Study Section in the Division of Research Grants of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-01-23
1783 WALTER STEVENS TO STEP DOWN AS MEDICAL SCHOOL DEAN, CONTINUE ON NEUROBIOLOGY AND ANATOMY FACULTYWalter Stevens, Ph.D., dean of the University of Utah School of Medicine who has held top leadership posts at the U of U Health Sciences Center for more than 15 years, has announced his intention to return to full-time teaching and research in the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-01-26
1784 LUCY OSBORN TO RESUME PEDIATRICS FACULTY PRACTICE, RESEARCH; WILL LEAVE HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER ADMINISTRATIONLucy M. Osborn, M.D., M.S.P.H., has resigned her post as University of Utah associate vice president for health sciences for clinical programs to return to full-time responsibilities as professor of pediatrics on the medical school faculty.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-01-29
1785 U FACULTY MEMBERS TAKE SPOTLIGHT AT NATIONAL RADIOLOGY MEETTwo members of the U medical school radiology faculty shared the spotlight at the annual luncheon of the American Association for Women Radiologists (AAWR) held recently in Chicago.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-01-30
1786 NOTED PHILOSOPHY PROFESSOR TO PRESENT COWAN LECTURES AT U OF U HEALTH SCIENCES CENTERAllen E. Buchanan, Ph.D., professor of philosophy and business ethics and affiliate professor of the history of medicine, Medical Ethics Program, University of Wisconsin- Madison, will present the 1996 Max P. Cowan Memorial Lecture in Humanistic Medicine on Feb. 7 and 8, at the University of Utah He...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-01-31
1787 DUODENAL ULCER SUFFERERS SOUGHT FOR U MEDICAL SCHOOL STUDYA new drug, which reduces stomach acid and may possibly heal duodenal ulcers, is being tested by researchers at the University of Utah School of Medicine. Researchers believe this medication, when taken with a specific antibiotic, may also be effective in preventing duodenal ulcers from recurring by...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-02-01
1788 ANN VODA HEADS NORTH AMERICAN MENOPAUSE SOCIETYAnn M. Voda, Ph.D., R.N., professor of nursing and director of the Tremin Trust Reproductive History Program at the University of Utah College of Nursing, has been elected president of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS). She is the first nurse ever to hold that office.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-02-08
1789 Situation of Javier Tellez-JuarezUniversity Hospital physical rehabilitation specialists have developed several options for the possible future rehabilitation of Javier Tellez-Juarez, 24-year-old Mexican farm worker who lost both arms and a leg in an accident near Malta, Idaho, on December 13, 1995. The extent of his possible rehab...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-02-12
1790 MERLE SANDE, INFECTIOUS DISEASES EXPERT, TO CHAIR U INTERNAL MEDICINE DEPARTMENTMerle A. Sande, M.D., one of academic medicine's most productive and acknowledged experts in infectious diseases, will be the new chair of the Department of Internal Medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-02-14
1791 U HOSPITAL'S SUMMIT HEALTH CENTER SCHEDULES MARCH 4 OPENINGSummit and Wasatch County citizens will have access to expanded medical care beginning Monday, March 4, when the University of Utah Summit Health Center, operated by University of Utah Hospitals & Clinics, opens to patients. A public open house is planned for April.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-02-16
1792 TELEMEDICINE COMES TO UTAH: WENDOVER PATIENTS x SEEN' BY INTERACTIVE VIDEO AT U HOSPITALThe young child with the persistent cough is being examined at the University of Utah's Wendover Clinic by nurse practitioners there, and, at the same time, is being seen and talking with consulting physicians who are 137 miles away at University Hospital in Salt Lake City.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-02-22
1793 Curtis Pitts, necrotizing fasciitis patient, meets the press tomorrow, Friday, Mar. 1, at 10 a.m. in the University Health Sciences Center Board Room-second floor of U HospitalBarring unforeseen complications, Curtis Pitts, 35, Payson, Utah, who was transferred to University Hospital on Wednesday, January 31, suffering necrotizing fasciitis caused by an infection of streptococcus bacterium, Group A, will be discharged from University Hospital Monday, Mar. 4.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-02-29
1794 Keep Safe...Keep It Up And Away"Keep,Safe...Keep It Up And Away" is the theme for 1996 National Poison Prevention Week, March 17-23. This week is set aside to remind everyone that poisonings occur and to teach them how to prevent unintentional poisonings.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-03-01
1795 SUPPORT GROUP FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH BRAIN TUMORS BEGINS IN MARCH AT UNIVERSITY HOSPITALPatients diagnosed with brain tumors, their families and friends, are invited to participate in an educational series beginning Thursday, March 7 from 6--8 p.m., at University of Utah Hospital. The program, "I Can Cope," is sponsored by the University of Utah departments of neurology, neurosurgery, ...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-03-04
1796 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH HOSPITALS & CLINICS RECEIVES ACCREDITATION FROM JOINT COMMISSIONUniversity of Utah Hospitals & Clinics has been awarded a three-year accreditation by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). The announcement came from Christine St. Andre, executive director, during last week's Management Council meeting.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-03-04
1797 NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE NAMES U RADIOLOGY CHAIR TO BOARD OF SCIENTIFIC ADVISORSDavid G. Bragg, M.D., professor and chair of the University of Utah School of Medicine's Department of Radiology, has been appointed to the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Board of Scientific Advisors for a term extending through 1998. The newly formed board will be responsible for scientific over...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-03-05
1798 UTAH'S FIRST DOUBLE-LUNG TRANSPLANT PERFORMED MONDAY AT UNIVERSITY HOSPITALTUESDAY, MARCH 5-The first bilateral lung transplant in the State of Utah was performed Monday, March 4 by a tePress Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-03-05
1799 U RESEARCHERS WIN NASA AWARD TO STUDY EFFECTS OF RADIATION ON ASTRONAUTSTwo University of Utah researchers are sharing expertise to try to find a way to protect astronauts from effects of radiation years after their space travel.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-03-06
1800 UNIVERSITY OF UTAH PROGRAM WILL BENEFIT MEDICALLY UNDERSERVED AREASMichael Gomez, a first-year student in the Utah Physician Assistant Program, University of Utah School of Medicine, is the recipient of the first scholarship to be awarded by the new Underserved Areas Scholarship Program for Physician Assistants.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-03-07
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