151 - 175 of 1,074
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151 PulseVolume5/1993_February22Pulse1993
152 'GOOD HOUSEKEEPING' RANKS UNIVERSITY OF UTAH HOSPITAL AMONG BEST FOR WOMEN'S CARDIAC CARESalt Lake City-Approximately 200,000 women suffer heart attacks each year, and University of Utah Hospitals & Clinics is one of the top centers in the country to care for them, according to Good Housekeeping.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2004-02-06
153 'NATURAL' APPROACH TO FERTILITY HELPS MANY WOMEN WHO CAN'T GET PREGNANT, U OF U PHYSICIAN SAYSSALT LAKE CITY - A non-invasive approach to fertility that restores the "natural reproductive function" helped half the women with fertility problems who tried it to have a baby, according to a University of Utah School of Medicine family practitioner.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2004-08-12
154 ABILITY TO SMELL FOOD IS REGULATED BY ENZYME'S INTERACTION WITH RNA INTERFERENCE PATHWAY, U OF U BIOCHEMISTS REPORTSALT LAKE CITY-Recent studies at the University of Utah suggest new ways of regulating the behaviors that allow us to smell food, learn, and remember.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-12-09
155 APRIL 3 TRAP SHOOT TO BENEFIT U SPEECH-LANGUAGE HEARING CLINICThe third annual trap shoot for the benefit of the Speech-Language Hearing Clinic at the University of Utah College of Health is scheduled for Saturday, April 3, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m., at the Salt Lake Gun Club, 208 S. Redwood Road.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1993-03-26
156 ARUP, IDAHO FIRM COLLABORATE IN TESTS OF GENETICS RESEARCH DEVICEAn instrument capable of simultaneously detecting and amplifying DNA and RNA will be tested over the next five years at Associated Regional and University Pathologists, Inc. (ARUP), Salt Lake City, in partnership with the device manufacturer.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1997-11-25
157 Assignment EditorFrom: Mary Chachas, U Health Sciences Public Affairs What: Celebration for Health Professions in the New Millennium, official kickoff of collaborative program between University of Utah Health Sciences Center and Salt Lake School District, designed to give high school students a first-hand look at h...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2000-01-06
158 BATTLE AGAINST POST-OPERATIVE PAIN PUTS U OF U ANESTHESIOLOGISTS ON FRONT LINESSALT LAKE CITY - Post-operative pain is the No. 1 issue for people who've had surgery-and University of Utah anesthesiologists are helping these patients fight that battle on several fronts.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2004-04-26
159 BETH MONROE, U OF U MEDICAL STUDENT, WINS REGIONAL AWARDSALT LAKE CITY-Beth A. Monroe, a senior at the University of Utah School of Medicine, was named an award winner at the 16th annual Western Student Medical Research Forum (WSMRF) held recently in Carmel, CA.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1988-04-06
160 BITTER TASTE IN YOUR MOUTH? UTAH FAMILIES HELP U GENETICISTS DISCOVER WHYSALT LAKE CITY- The ability to discern bitter tastes-from acrid nicotine smoke to sauerkraut-can be traced to a gene discovered by researchers at the University of Utah, National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Stanford University.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-02-20
161 BRAIN IMAGING EXPERTS AT U MEDICAL SCHOOL TO DISCUSS PROMISING RESEARCH FOR AT-RISK KIDSThe use of state-of-the-art brain-scanning technology to help at-risk children and teens will be described by two faculty members from the University of Utah Department of Radiology at an upcoming Innovations in Education Conference in Salt Lake City.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1999-04-16
162 COLD HANDS, WARM HEARTIt is often said that cold hands indicate a warm heart, but is there any truth behind the saying? Researchers from Salt Lake City, Utah, in the USA, say that there is, reporting that "the adage ‘cold hands, warm heart' is based on real differences in temperature".Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1998-05-14
163 CUMMINGS' GIFT OF MRI SCANNER PUTS U IN FORE OF RADIOLOGYSALT LAKE CITY-If one picture is worth a thousand words, a single image from a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner should reveal an encyclopedia of knowledge to University of Utah physicians.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-06-07
164 Death of Fetus Who Had Received In Utero Laser TreatmentSALT LAKE CITY, March 13-One of the twin fetuses who received a pioneering laser treatment in utero March 6 at University of Utah Medical Center to correct a life-threatening prenatal condition has died, University Hospital officials announced today.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1990-03-13
165 DRUGS IN THE WORKPLACE-UTAH SEMINAR TOPICManagement, human resource and health personnel, safety professionals, legal advisors, industrial hygienists and others interested in drug-related problems in the workplace should attend a one-day seminar on Monday, August 18, at the Radisson Hotel (161 West 600 South) in Salt Lake City.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1986-07-22
166 EATING DISORDERS CONFERENCE SET FOR TEENS, PARENTS, COACHESAnorexia Nervosa and Bulimia-eating disorders which can be life-threatening to teenagers and emotionally devastating to their parents, coaches, counselors, teachers and other adults who work with youth-are the focus of a conference set for Saturday, February 1 at Highland High School in Salt Lake Ci...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1986-01-03
167 EDUCATION FOR AMERICA'S *M0ST TRUSTED HEALTH PROFESSIONALS' BEGINS WITH U of U WHITE COAT CEREMONYSalt Lake City-Students entering the Doctor of Pharmacy program at the University of Utah will begin their education officially at the College of Pharmacy's White Coat Ceremony this Friday.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-10-21
168 EXCHANGE REDUCES MERCURY HAZARD BY 2,116 THERMOMETERSSALT LAKE CITY-Utahns traded in mercury thermometers at a near feverish pace during a statewide drive to reduce the threat of household mercury poisoning, according to the University of Utah Poison Control Center (UPCC).Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2003-08-20
169 FAMILIES WITH THREE RARE GENETIC CONDITIONS PLAN FIRST INTERNATIONAL MEETING HOSTED BY U OF U GENETICISTFamilies of children diagnosed with three very rare genetic conditions will meet with each other and the physician who first described the conditions, June 4-7, at the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1998-03-19
170 GENE FOR MALIGNANT MELANOMA LOCALIZED BY UNIVERSITY OF UTAH INVESTIGATORSResearchers at University of Utah Medical Center in Salt Lake City have localized a gene believed responsible for an increased risk of inherited melanoma, a frequently fatal form of skin cancer that affects one in 100 American Caucasians in their lifetime.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-11-10
171 HARRIS GRANT BOLSTERS ARTIFICIAL VISION RESEARCH AT UA Salt Lake City foundation has presented a $25,000 grant to the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Utah to further basic research in artificial vision, which ultimately may provide a limited visual function for the blind.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1991-02-15
172 HEALTH PROFESSIONS ACADEMY ON U CAMPUS GETS THUMBS UP FROM STUDENTS, EDUCATORSHigh school students participating in the Health Professions Academy call it "cool." Administrators from the University of Utah Health Sciences Center and Salt Lake City School District, who are offering the experience, say it's "meaningful" and "a wonderful partnership."Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2000-01-12
173 HUNTSMAN ANNOUNCES $100 MILLION CONTRIBUTION TO CANCER RESEARCHSALT LAKE CITY -- Jon M. Huntsman today announced the contribution of $100 million Co the Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah, the largest financial contribution ever to medical research and the second largest cash gift in the history of higher education in America.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1995-10-02
174 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DRUG DELIVERY SET BY U COLLEGE OF PHARMACYPharmaceutic experts from around the world will attend the Third International Symposium on Recent Advances in Drug Delivery Systems February 24-27 at the Marriott Hotel in Salt Lake City.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1987-02-20
175 Legendary Rock Star Alice Cooper Bands Together Fellow Musicians to fight cancerSALT LAKE CITY - On the face of it, Alice Cooper, Eric Clapton, and Faith Hill may not have a lot in common. Although popular musical artists, they come from widely divergent genres and generations.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News2004-08-05
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