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1 PROSTATE CANCER SCREENING SEPTEMBER 2 6A prostate cancer screening clinic will be offered at University of Utah Health Sciences Center on Thursday, September 26, in conjunction with Prostate Cancer Awareness Week.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1996-09-11
2 NEW TECHNOLOGY AIDS EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF CERVICAL CANCER FOR UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL PATIENTSBeginning March 15, Associated Regional and University Pathologists (ARUP) will use a new computerized image analysis system to rescreen all negative Pap smears of patients at University of Utah Hospitals & Clinics.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1997-03-13
3 CANCER PREVENTION CLINIC OPENS AT UNIVERSITY OF UTAH HOSPITALUniversity of Utah physicians are taking a new offensive tactic in the fight against cancer by opening a Cancer Prevention Clinic at the Medical Center.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1990-11-02
4 PSA TESTING IDENTIFIES A WAVE OF MODERATE PROSTATE TUMORS--WILL TREATMENT LEAD TO DECLINE IN MORTALITY?A study of 278,409 cases of prostate cancer covering preand post prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing periods shows a large, but apparently temporary increase in the number of moderate cases (5-7 on the Gleason scale), but only a slight increase in the well (Gleason 2-4) and poor (Gleason 8-10) c...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1998-06-01
5 Cytotechnology and UShould women continue to have pap smears? Why? At what ages? Are pap smears really reliable in the early detection of cancer?Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1994-05-10
6 BREAST CANCER PREVENTION TRIAL WILL RECRUIT 16,000 WOMEN FOR PREVENTION STUDY USING THE DRUG TAMOXIFENResearchers announced today that the first large-scale breast cancer prevention study for women at increased risk for the disease is starting at more than 270 sites across the United States and Canada, The Breast Cancer Prevention Trial (BCPT), a study designed to see whether taking the drug Tamoxif...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-04-30
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