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26 Indicator profile of Utah population characteristics : household income /Utah. Center for Health Data; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on median annual household income (current dollars), Utah and U.S., 1984-2003.
27 Indicator profile of Utah population characteristics : childhood poverty /Utah. Center for Health Data; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on the percentage of childen living below the poverty level by year in Utah and the U.S., 1995-2002.
28 Indicator profile of deaths due to diabetes as underlying cause /Utah. Diabetes Prevention and Control Program; Utah. Bureau of Health Promotion; Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data on diabetes as an underlying cause of death, Utah and U.S., 1980-2003.
29 Indicator profile of UDOH support for health professional education (Grants Program) /Utah. Office of Primary Care and Rural Health; Utah. Division of Health Systems Improvement; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on health professional education loan repayment grants number of grants awards by profession and fiscal year, Utah, FY99-FY05.
30 Indicator profile of immunizations 4:3:1:3:3 /Utah. Immunization Program; Utah. Bureau of Maternal and Child Health; Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on estimated vaccine coverage with 4:3:1:3:3 among children 19-35 months, Utah and U.S., 1995-2003.
31 Indicator profile of blood lead in children /Environmental Epidemiology Program; Office of Epidemiology; Division of Epidemiology and Laboratory Services; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data on prevalence of children with blood lead levels >=10ug/dL, ages 0-5 years, Utah, 1996-2003.
32 Indicator profile of pertussis cases /Communicable Disease Epidemiology Program; Office of Epidemiology; Division of Epidemiology and Laboratory Services; Utah Dept. of HealthNumber of reported pertussis cases per 100,000 popultaion, Utah and U.S., 1989-2003
33 Indicator profile of food-borne illness : salmonellosis /Utah. Communicalbe Disease Epidemiology Program; Utah. Office of Epidemiology; Utah. Division of Epidemiology and Laboratory Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on reported salmonella rates, Utah, 1989-2003, and U.S., 1995-2003.
34 Indicator profile of measles cases /Utah. Communicable Disease Epidemiology Program; Utah. Office of Epidemiology; Utah. Division of Epidemiology and Laboratory Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on rates of reported measles cases, Utah and U.S., 1988-2003.
35 Indicator profile of food-borne illness - campylobacteriosis /Communicable Disease Epidemiology Program; Office of Epidemiology, Division of Epidemiology and Laboratory Services; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data on number of reported cases of campylobacter by year, Utah, 1989-2003, and U.S., 1996-2003.
36 Indicator profile of death rates : deaths from all causes /Utah. Center for Health Data; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on death rates, all causes, Utah and U.S., 1980-2003.
37 Indicator profile of fall injury hospitalizations /Violence and Injury Prevention Program, Bureau of Health Promotion; Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data of injuries due to a fall that required hospitalizations per 10,000 population, Utah, 1992-2003
38 Indicator profile of unintentional injury deaths /Violence and Injury Program; Bureau of Health Promotion; Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data on unintentional injury deaths, Utah and U.S., 1981-2003.
39 Indicator profile of UDOH support for local emergency medical services /Utah. Bureau of Emergency Medical Services; Utah. Division of Health Systems Improvement; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on total grants awarded to communities by the UDOH bureau of EMS, urban and rural counties, Utah, 1996-2004.
40 Indicator profile of homicide /Utah. Violence and Injury Prevention Program; Utah. Bureau of Health Promotion; Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on homicide rates by year, Utah and U.S., 1981-2003.
41 Indicator profile of suicide deaths /Utah. Violence and Injury Prevention Program; Utah. Bureau of Health Promotion; Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on suicide deaths by age group and sex in Utah, 2001-2003.
42 Indicator profile of birth rates /Utah. Reproductive Health Program; Utah. Bureau of Maternal and Child Health; Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on birth rates in Utah and U.S., 1980-2003.
43 Indicator profile of Medicaid and CHIP penetration /Utah. Division of Health Care Financing; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data of CHIP and medicaid program eligibility, children 0-18 without health insurance coverage, Utah, 2003.
44 Indicator profile of ambulatory care sensitive conditions: asthma hospital discharges among children /Office of Health Care Statistics; Center for Health Data; Utah Dept. of HealthRisk-adjusted discharge rate for asthma children aged 0-17 years by year, Utah, 1999-2003.
45 Indicator profile of ambulatory care sensitive conditions: diabetes hospitalization among adults /Office of Health Care Statistics; Center for Health Data; Utah Dept. of HealthHospitalizations due to Diabetes, Uncontrolled, Utah Residents, 1999-2003.
46 Indicator profile of colorectal cancer deaths /Utah. Cancer Control Program; Utah Bureau of Health Promotion; Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on colorectal cancer deaths per 100,000 persons by year, Utah and U.S., 1980-2003.
47 Indicator profile of firearm-related emergency department visits /Utah. Violence and Injury Prevention Program; Utah. Bureau of Health Promotion; Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on firearm-related hospital emergency department visit, Utah, 1996-2002.
48 Indicator profile of diabetes hemoglobin A1c tests /Utah. Diabetes Prevention and Control Program; Utah. Bureau of Health Promotion; Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on Utahns with diabetes who had 1 or more hemoglobin A1c exam in the past year, Utah adults, 2000-2002
49 Indicator profile of immunization : influenza, adults /Utah. Immunization Program; Utah. Bureau of Maternal and Child Health; Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on percentage of persons aged 65+ who reported receiving an influenza vaccination in the past 12 months, Utah and U.S., 1993-2003.
50 Indicator profile of life expectancy at birth /Utah. Center for Health Data; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on life expectancy from birth by sex, Utah and U.S., 1980-2003.
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