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1 Myopathies Affecting the Extraocular MusclesPaul N. Hoffman, MD, Departments of Neurology and Ophthalmology, Johns Hopkins Medicine"In this chapter, we consider disorders that produce ocular motor dysfunction from involvement of the extraocular muscles."
2 Vascular Malformations and Tumors of Blood VesselsLee, AndrewThis chapter describes vascular formations and blood vessel tumors.
3 Neuro-Ophthalmologic Manifestations of Nonorganic DiseaseNeil R Miller, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology, Johns Hopkins University"Patients who have physical signs and symptoms for which no adequate organic cause can be found may receive any one of a large range of diagnostic labels, including functional illness, functional overlay, hysteria, hysterical overlay, conversion reaction, psychophysiological reaction, somatization r...
4 Traumatic Optic NeuropathiesKenneth D Steinsapir, MD; Robert A. Goldberg, MD, UCLATraumatic optic nerve injuries are calssically divided into direct and indirect injuries.
5 Miscellaneous Diseases of Presumed Infectious EtiologyJacqueline Winterkorn, MD, PhD (1947-2015), Clinical Professor, Department of Ophthalmlogy, Weill Cornell Medicine; Zak, Rochelle S"In this chapter, we discuss diseases of neuro-ophthalmologic interest thought to be caused by infectious agents that have yet to be identified."
6 Principles and Techniques of Examination of the Pupils, Accomodation, and LacrimationKathleen B. Digre, MD, Professor of Neurology and Ophthalmology, Director of Neuro-Ophthalmology, John A. Moran Eye Center, University of Utah School of Medicine"As is the case with any assessment in neuro-ophthalmology, assessment of the pupils requires a meticulous history and a rigorous examination."
7 The Trigeminal Nerve and Its Central ConnectionsGrant T. Liu, MD. Professor of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania"Because the three divisions of the trigeminal nerve run in close proximity to cranial nerves II, III, IV, and VI, sensory dysfunction in the face may be a symptom in neuro-ophthalmic patients with vision loss and eye movement disorders."
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