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1 Brain MRI in Multiple Sclerosis (Guest Lecture)Text
2 LateropulsionThis 44 year old woman has a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis.Image/MovingImage
3 Saccades (Guest Lecture)Text
4 Hemifacial Spasm: Eyelid TwitchingThis patient is an atypical case of hemifacial spasm because he is a young college student only 29 years of age. Hemifacial spasm usually develops in the fifth and sixth decade of life and affects women more than men. It often begins insidiously in the orbicularis oculi muscle in the early stage...Image/MovingImage
5 LateropulsionThis 60 year old patient has Wallenberg's syndrome due to infarction of the left dorsolateral medulla. Wallenberg's syndrome is the best recognized syndrome involving the vestibular nuclei and adjacent structures. Unilateral infarcts affecting the vestibular nuclei may produce an oculomotor imbalanc...Image/MovingImage
6 Apraxia of Eyelid OpeningIn January 1997, This 73 year old patient was referred to the Neurovisual Clinic. At that time his speech was slurred and he stated that his eyes were his "biggest" complaint due to: 1. Impaired focusing "close up" 2. His eyes shut spontaneously much of the time 3. Bright sunlight provoked eye ...Image/MovingImage
7 Ataxic GaitThe patient is a 72 year old woman who presented with a 4 year history of progressive difficulty with balance, frequent falls and unsteadiness walking. She required a cane to steady herself. Past History: Significant for alcohol abuse. In 1980, she came to Boston for a second opinion and was seen...Image/MovingImage
8 Bilateral Internuclear OphthalmoplegiaThe patient is a 25 year old woman who was in excellent health until 4 days prior to admission when she noted blurred vision and horizontal double vision on lateral gaze to right and left. Past History: Negative for strabismus as a child. No previous episodes of transient neurological symptoms. Fa...Image/MovingImage
9 Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia (INO)The patient is a 48 year old woman who presented with horizontal double vision looking to the right and to the left. She also noted blurring of vision with the image jerking horizontally back and forth. Neuro-ophthalmological examination: Visual acuity 20/20 OU corrected Visual fields, pupils, and f...Image/MovingImage
10 Downbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 59 year old woman who carried a diagnosis of: 1. Congenital anomaly of the occipito-cervical junction with occipitalization of the C1 ring 2. Basilar invagination with Chiari Type I 3. A syrinx in the center of the cervical-thoracic spinal cord extending from C2 to T4 In 1957, at ag...Image/MovingImage
11 Hemifacial SpasmThe patient is a 72 year old man with myopia, childhood exotropia, progressive age related ptosis and right hemifacial spasm. Hemifacial spasm (HS) most often begins insidiously in the orbicularis oculi muscle in the early stages, as in this man. He presented with a 2 year history of involuntary t...Image/MovingImage
12 Slow Saccade SyndromeThe patient is a 62 year old woman referred from Ireland with a one year history of unsteadiness walking which she first noted following a fall from a chair. Her gait disorder was insidious in onset and may have pre-dated the fall. Since then she had become increasingly unsteady with a tendency to f...Image/MovingImage
13 Slow Saccade SyndromeIn 1992, this 60 year old woman realized that she was "slowing up", dragging her right foot and walking slowly, and her speech became slurred. She saw a number of physicians and was given the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and started on Sinemet 50/200 t.i.d. In January 1994, she was seen by a n...Image/MovingImage
14 Convergence InsufficiencyThe patient is a 73 year old man with a ten year history of idiopathic Parkinson's disease characterized by difficulty in walking, generalized rigidity and a mild tremor of his hands at rest with deterioration in his handwriting. He denied any memory impairment or loss of cognitive function. He w...Image/MovingImage
15 Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThis 84 year old woman carried the following diagnoses: 1. Extrapyramidal movement disorder; Parkinson's disease vs. Progressive supranuclear palsy 2. Hypertension 3. Recurrent left Bell's palsy In 1992, the patient and her family noted that she was drifting to the right when driving. She progress...Image/MovingImage
16 Convergence InsufficiencyThe patient is a 58 year old man with idiopathic Parkinson's Disease for five years. He presented with an increasing shuffling gait, marked bradykinesia, mild to moderate rigidity in all four limbs and impairment in rapid movements of the hands. When he attempted to standup and walk he needed to...Image/MovingImage
17 Saccadic Initiation Deficit of Horizontal SaccadesThe patient is a 78 year old left handed woman with a diagnosis of a left parietal infarct in 1995, bilateral carotid artery stenosis and hypertension. She was first seen in August 1997 for evaluation of involuntary movements of the lower face in the setting of rapidly progressive dementia and was...Image/MovingImage
18 Bilateral Internuclear OphthalmoplegiaThis patient was seen at the Yale Eye Center at the age of 37. She had a long history of multiple sclerosis. At age 22, she had an acute attack of optic neuritis in the left eye which recovered fully within three weeks. Some months later she had a recurrent episode in the same eye, which also ...Image/MovingImage
19 Upbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 56 year old woman who presented in 1982, at the age of 48, with a one week history of painless loss of vision in the left eye. Past History: Negative for a previous attack of optic neuritis or transient neurological symptoms. Family History: Negative for CNS disease Neuro-ophth...Image/MovingImage
20 Supranuclear Vertical Gaze PalsyThis 58 year old woman was referred to Dr. Robert Brown in March 1995 for evaluation of slurred speech. She remained under his care until her death. On examination she had signs of a pseudobulbar palsy: Dysarthria and dysphagia Diminished palatal movement...Image/MovingImage
21 Saccadic Initiation Deficit of Horizontal SaccadesThe patient is a 68 year old right handed retired air conditioner repair man who presented with impaired balance and slow walking. For about one year he had noted difficulty lifting his feet high enough when climbing the stairs. From that time on, his movements slowed and worsened so that he had ...Image/MovingImage
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