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1 Information Processing in the Visual System: David H. Hubel, Nobel Laureate Physiology or Medicine 1981David H. Hubel is the John Enders University Professor of Neurobiology at Harvard Medical School. Born in Canada of American parents, he grew up in Montreal, graduated from McGill Medical School, and received training in neurology at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Johns Hopkins Hospital. ...Image/MovingImage
2 Bilateral Sixth Nerve PalsyThe patient is a 70 year old Italian man with atrial fibrillation on long-term coumadin therapy. In October 1995, he developed generalized headache, horizontal double vision and his left eye deviated inwards (esotropia). A diagnosis of left sixth nerve palsy was made and attributed to microvascular ...Image/MovingImage
3 Migraine Visual Aura: A Discussion with Nobel Laureate David H. HubelI am greatly indebted to the Nobel Laureate, David Hubel for his permission to publish his description of his migraine aura. The recording was made fortuitously at the time that I invited David to the Unit for Neuro-Visual Disorders to record an audio clip describing the experiments in the cat that...Image/MovingImage
4 Migraine Visual Aura: A Personal AccountI am greatly indebted to the Nobel Laureate, David Hubel for his permission to publish his description of his migraine aura. The recording was made fortuitously at the time that I invited David to the Unit for Neuro-Visual Disorders to record an audio clip describing the experiments in the cat that...Image/MovingImage
5 Migraine Visual AuraThe patient is a 73 year old retired teacher who was referred in 1993 for a second opinion regarding treatment of episodic visual hallucinations. As a school boy in junior school, he began to experience transient episodes of a spot appearing in the right lower homonymous quadrant of his field of vi...Image/MovingImage
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