76 - 100 of 85
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76 Gaucher's DiseaseThis little boy has Gaucher's disease. Gaucher's disease is an autosomal recessive disorder, linked to chromosome 1q21, due to glucocerebroside β-glucosidase deficiency. There are three phenotypic variances of Gaucher's disease. Type I is the most common and lacks neurological features. Type 2 is...Image/MovingImage
77 Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThe patient is a 37 year old man with a history of intravenous drug abuse, AIDS, and tuberculosis. He presented with a chief complaint of unsteadiness walking for two weeks and vertical diplopia for four days. Past History: Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positive When his CD4 lymphocyte count b...Image/MovingImage
78 Supranuclear Paralysis of DowngazeThe patient is a 64 year old man with no major past medical history who, on the day of admission, suddenly developed loss of vision in both eyes and then was unable to open his eyes on his own unless he used his hands. Holding his eyelids open his vision was very blurry. Within minutes he lost con...Image/MovingImage
79 Thalamic InfarctThe patient is a 64 year old man with no major past medical history who, on the day of admission, suddenly developed loss of vision in both eyes and then was unable to open his eyes on his own unless he used his hands. Holding his eyelids open his vision was very blurry. Within minutes he lost con...Text
80 Palatal TremorThe patient is a 44 year old left handed man with a history of IV drug abuse (heroin and cocaine) alcoholism, hypertension, and rheumatic fever. In March 1990, at 3 a.m. on the day of admission, he had acute onset of dizziness, slurred speech, left sided weakness and difficulty walking. He was ...Image/MovingImage
81 Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThe patient is a 32 year old man who was admitted as an emergency with severe headache and papilledema. On examination he had signs of the Pretectal Syndrome. • Bilateral lid retraction in primary gaze - Collier's sign • Supranuclear paralysis of upgaze (saccades and pursuit) • Full horizon...Image/MovingImage
82 Spastic Cerebellar Ataxia of Charlevoix-SaguenayThe patient is a 19 year old high school student who carried the diagnosis of autosomal recessive spastic cerebellar ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay. He was born at term, walked at 9 months and developed well with normal milestones. At age 10 he began to have difficulty speaking, occasional involuntar...Image/MovingImage
83 Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThe patient is a 71 year old woman who was admitted to the Cardiac Unit following an acute "rush to the head", diaphoresis, and palpitations. She felt she was about to faint. She described seeing gold rings in her vision for a few minutes. Past History: Partial complex seizures since 1987. Th...Image/MovingImage
84 Global Supranuclear Paralysis of Vertical GazeThis case was presented to the Clinical Eye Movement Society at the American Neurological Association Meeting in October 2007. The patient is a healthy, 36 year old Lieutenant Commander in the Coast Guard who was last seen perfectly well at 2 a.m. on the day of admission. He awoke in the morning ...Image/MovingImage
85 Supranuclear Paralysis of Vertical GazeThis case was presented to the Clinical Eye Movement Society at the American Neurological Association Meeting in October 2007. The patient is a healthy, 36 year old Lieutenant Commander in the Coast Guard who was last seen perfectly well at 2 a.m. on the day of admission. He awoke in the morning ...Text
76 - 100 of 85