201 - 400 of 235
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201 Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThe patient is a 37 year old man with a history of intravenous drug abuse, AIDS, and tuberculosis. He presented with a chief complaint of unsteadiness walking for two weeks and vertical diplopia for four days. Past History: Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) positive When his CD4 lymphocyte count b...Image/MovingImage
202 Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThe patient is a 58 year old man who was admitted as an emergency with hypersomnolence, gait ataxia and diplopia. On the night before Thanksgiving he went to bed feeling well. He was awoken by a phone call at 2 p.m. on Thanksgiving day having over slept by 7 hours. He got out of bed to answer th...Image/MovingImage
203 Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThis young child presented with headache and unsteadiness. He was found to have obstructive hydrocephalus, aqueduct stenosis and a medulloblastoma. The constellation of clinical eye signs localized to the Dorsal Midbrain and included: • Supranuclear paralysis of upgaze (saccadic and pursuit move...Image/MovingImage
204 Supranuclear Paralysis of UpgazeThe patient is a 33 year old man who called the police to his apartment at 3 a.m. on the morning of admission. They found his apartment in a state of disarray and realized that he had been down on the floor for some hours and only just able to open the door to let them in. He was admitted to the l...Image/MovingImage
205 Supranuclear Paralysis of Vertical GazeThis case was presented to the Clinical Eye Movement Society at the American Neurological Association Meeting in October 2007. The patient is a healthy, 36 year old Lieutenant Commander in the Coast Guard who was last seen perfectly well at 2 a.m. on the day of admission. He awoke in the morning ...Text
206 Supranuclear Vertical Gaze PalsyThe patient is a 60 year old woman who was given a diagnosis of Progressive supranuclear palsy six months before she was referred by the Movement Disorders Clinic for evaluation of difficulty reading. Family History: Negative for neurodegenerative disease. Neuro-ophthalmological examination: Sup...Image/MovingImage
207 Supranuclear Vertical Gaze PalsyThis 58 year old woman was referred to Dr. Robert Brown in March 1995 for evaluation of slurred speech. She remained under his care until her death. On examination she had signs of a pseudobulbar palsy: Dysarthria and dysphagia Diminished palatal movement...Image/MovingImage
208 Tauopathies (Guest Lecture)A contemporary way to consider a set of neurodegenerative diseases based on their molecular signature.Text
209 Thalamic InfarctThe patient is a 64 year old man with no major past medical history who, on the day of admission, suddenly developed loss of vision in both eyes and then was unable to open his eyes on his own unless he used his hands. Holding his eyelids open his vision was very blurry. Within minutes he lost con...Text
210 Thalamic Stroke and Disordered Sleep (Guest Lecture)Text
211 Third Nerve PalsyThe patient is a 57 year old man who carried a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation and coronary artery disease post CABAG. He was seen in the Massachusetts General Hospital ER with acute double vision and headache and was admitted. Four days prior to admission (PTA) he developed a bifrontal headach...Image/MovingImage
212 Third Nerve PalsyThe patient is a 50 year old man with Type II Diabetes who presented to an outside hospital in September 1996 with ptosis and an inability to open the right eye. Five months prior to admission (PTA), he had flu-like symptoms with mild fever, sinus congestion and diffuse myalgia in the chest, abdo...Text
213 Third Nerve PalsyThis patient is a 46 year old woman from Portugal who was admitted to the Massachusetts General Hospital in September 1986 with ophthalmoplegia of the left eye (OS) and signs of aberrant reinnervation of the third nerve. She presented, in August 1985, with an episode of diplopia. The diplopia was s...Image/MovingImage
214 Third Nerve PalsyThe patient is an 85 year old man with hypertension and Type II diabetes mellitus. He presented with a ten day history of drooping of the left eye, unaccompanied by eye pain or headache. With the lid elevated he had double vision in all directions of gaze. He came to the Massachusetts General Ho...Image/MovingImage
215 Third Nerve PalsyThe patient is a 50 year old man with Type II Diabetes who presented to an outside hospital in September 1996 with ptosis and an inability to open the right eye. Five months prior to admission (PTA), he had flu-like symptoms with mild fever, sinus congestion and diffuse myalgia in the chest, abdo...Image/MovingImage
216 Third Nerve PalsyThis patient is a 58 year old woman from Peru who, in 1975, developed intermittent headaches and right retro-orbital eye pain. She was seen by several ophthalmologists in South America who were unable to make a diagnosis. In March 1977 she awoke one morning with vertical diplopia most marked on...Image/MovingImage
217 Third Nerve Palsy; Aberrant ReinnervationThe patient is a 48 year old man from Saudi Arabia who came to the Massachusetts General Hospital for a second opinion and hopefully for surgical correction of ptosis of the left eye (OS). He had a long standing left third nerve palsy due to compression of the nerve trunk by a cavernous sinus mening...Image/MovingImage
218 Thyroid Associated OrbitopathyThe classical eye signs of thyroid associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) of Graves' Disease is illustrated by case ID925-4. This 50 year old woman with TAO is included in the collection because she illustrates very well lid lag (persistent elevation of the upper eyelid in downgaze) - von Graefe sign E...Text
219 Titubation OpsoclonusThis 52 year old woman presented with unsteady gait. She was admitted to an outside hospital where a diagnosis was made. 1. Paraneoplastic opsoclonus 2. Paraneoplastic cerebellar syndrome with bilateral limb and gait ataxia and titubation 3. Adenocarcinoma of the breast She was transferred to the M...Image/MovingImage
220 Transient Monocular BlindnessThe patient is a 61 year old lawyer who carried a diagnoses of late onset diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and glaucoma. He presented with transient blurred vision in his left eye (OS) In June 1989 whilst standing in the intense sunlight in the parking lot of a shopping mall, the p...Image/MovingImage
221 Transient Monocular Blindness (Guest Lecture)The patient is a 61 year old lawyer who carried a diagnoses of late onset diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and glaucoma. He presented with transient blurred vision in his left eye (OS) In June 1989 whilst standing in the intense sunlight in the parking lot of a shopping mall, the p...Text
222 Unilateral Horizontal Gaze PalsyThis 56 year old woman with known adenocarcinoma of the breast presented with the recent onset of horizontal diplopia and deviation of her left eye inwards. Her oncologist referred her for a neuro-ophthalmic evaluation. This 56 year old woman with known adenocarcinoma of the breast presented with...Image/MovingImage
223 Unilateral Horizontal Gaze PalsyThe patient is a 62 year old woman with known hypertension. She was referred by her PCP because she could not move her eyes fully and look left. Neuro-ophthalmological examination: Visual acuity, fields, pupils and fundi normal Ocular Motility: • Slight head turn to the left • Conjugate dev...Image/MovingImage
224 Unilateral Internuclear OphthalmoplegiaThe patient is a 19 year old sophomore who presented in 1983 with numbness of the left hand, involving initially just the fingers, and numbness and weakness of the right side of the face. He described the numbness in his hand as if it was "intensely asleep". The facial numbness involved the peri...Image/MovingImage
225 Unilateral PtosisThis patient is a 46 year old man who carried a diagnosis of late onset diabetes mellitus and hypertension. In October 1985, five weeks prior to admission, he developed vertical diplopia while playing golf. Drooping of the left upper lid (ptosis) developed a few days later and closed the eye. Th...Image/MovingImage
226 Unilateral PtosisThe patient is a 46 year old woman who presented in July 1977 with horizontal double vision lasting two weeks. Three weeks later the left upper eyelid started to droop and by the end of the day the eye was closed. She had no ptosis of the right eye and no generalized fatigue. She consulted an in...Image/MovingImage
227 Upbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 56 year old woman who presented in 1982, at the age of 48, with a one week history of painless loss of vision in the left eye. Past History: Negative for a previous attack of optic neuritis or transient neurological symptoms. Family History: Negative for CNS disease Neuro-ophth...Image/MovingImage
228 Upbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 36 year old Korean doctor who arrived from Korea in November 1994. On 12/25/94 she developed a painful erythematous eruption along her upper back extending toward her right shoulder. A physician diagnosed herpes zoster and prescribed a five day course of Acyclovir with good resolut...Image/MovingImage
229 Upbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 50 year old woman who presented in November 1977 with a transient facial droop, nystagmus, diplopia, dysarthria and vertigo. She was admitted to New England Tufts Medical Center and had an extensive workup including an electroencephalogram, first generation CT brain scan, angiogram ...Image/MovingImage
230 Upbeat NystagmusThe patient, a 36 year old Italian, presented in October 1967, at the age of 27, with acute dizziness and ataxia. He was evaluated in Rome. A pneumoencephalogram showed hydrocephalus, attributed to arachnoiditis, and a ventriculo-atrial shunt was placed. Three months post shunt placement he ...Image/MovingImage
231 Upbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 31 year old woman with a past history of morbid obesity treated in 2005 by gastric bypass with a weight change from 270 pounds to 170 pounds. In January 2008, she was admitted as an emergency to an outside hospital complaining of pressure headache with photophobia and phonophobia, n...Image/MovingImage
232 Upbeat NystagmusThe patient, a 36 year old Italian, presented in October 1967, at the age of 27, with acute dizziness and ataxia. He was evaluated in Rome. A pneumoencephalogram showed hydrocephalus, attributed to arachnoiditis, and a ventriculo-atrial shunt was placed. Three months post shunt placement he ...Text
233 Visual NeglectThe patient following infarction of the non-dominant right parietal lobe has visual hemi-neglect on the left. Review: (ref 2) Patient's with hemi-neglect ignore or fail to attend to stimuli on the side of space contralateral to their lesion. Neglect can be multimodal in that all stimuli whether audi...Image/MovingImage
234 Visual NeglectText
235 Whipple's Disease (Guest Lecture)The patient is a 44 year old woman with a past history of ethanol abuse. She was transferred to the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) on 3/10/93 for evaluation of memory impairment, hypothalamic dysfunction and a one month history of diplopia and ataxia. In February 1992 (13 months PTA), she ...Text
201 - 400 of 235