26 - 50 of 85
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26 Upbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 50 year old woman who presented in November 1977 with a transient facial droop, nystagmus, diplopia, dysarthria and vertigo. She was admitted to New England Tufts Medical Center and had an extensive workup including an electroencephalogram, first generation CT brain scan, angiogram ...Image/MovingImage
27 Upbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 36 year old Korean doctor who arrived from Korea in November 1994. On 12/25/94 she developed a painful erythematous eruption along her upper back extending toward her right shoulder. A physician diagnosed herpes zoster and prescribed a five day course of Acyclovir with good resolut...Image/MovingImage
28 Downbeat NystagmusIn 1984, this young woman was involved in a motor vehicle accident when her car was hit from behind. She struck her head on the dash board but had no loss of consciousness. She was able to get out of the car unaided and was immediately aware of pain in her neck. She thought that she had susta...Image/MovingImage
29 Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia (INO)The patient is a 48 year old woman who presented with horizontal double vision looking to the right and to the left. She also noted blurring of vision with the image jerking horizontally back and forth. Neuro-ophthalmological examination: Visual acuity 20/20 OU corrected Visual fields, pupils, and f...Image/MovingImage
30 Pendular Vertical OscillationsThis 36 year old woman had a nine year history of multiple sclerosis (MS) with onset in 1980. In 1989 she was seen in the neurovisual clinic for evaluation of oscillopsia, (an illusion of movement of the visual world). This symptom was accompanied by difficulty in reading because the print was "ju...Image/MovingImage
31 Downbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 72 year old man who was found down and admitted as an emergency in coma. Neurological examination: Patient in coma failed to respond to painful stimuli. Downbeat nystagmus Lid nystagmus Pupils 2 mm OU responsive to light Corneal reflexes absent Oculocephalic reflex absent No resp...Image/MovingImage
32 Upbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 31 year old woman with a past history of morbid obesity treated in 2005 by gastric bypass with a weight change from 270 pounds to 170 pounds. In January 2008, she was admitted as an emergency to an outside hospital complaining of pressure headache with photophobia and phonophobia, n...Image/MovingImage
33 Pendular Horizontal OscillationsThis 37 year old woman has had progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) affecting the cerebellum and brainstem for 6 years. Neurological examination: Titubation Dysarthria Incoordination of the extremities Ataxic gait Spastic paraparesis with generalized hyperreflexia and extensor plantar responses. ...Image/MovingImage
34 Pendular OscillationsThis 37 year old woman has had progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) affecting the cerebellum and brainstem for 6 years. Neurological examination: Titubation Dysarthria Incoordination of the extremities Ataxic gait Spastic paraparesis with generalized hyperreflexia and extensor plantar responses. ...Text
35 Bilateral Internuclear OphthalmoplegiaThe patient is a 25 year old woman who was in excellent health until 4 days prior to admission when she noted blurred vision and horizontal double vision on lateral gaze to right and left. Past History: Negative for strabismus as a child. No previous episodes of transient neurological symptoms. Fa...Image/MovingImage
36 Elliptical NystagmusThe patient carries a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.Image/MovingImage
37 Neonatal OpsoclonusThis child was one of the first cases of opsoclonus that I saw with Dr. Cogan in the early 1970's. He carried a diagnosis of strabismus with deviation of the left eye. In this child, opsoclonus occurred as a transient phenomenon in an otherwise healthy infant. For a complete overview of opsoclonus i...Image/MovingImage
38 See-saw NystagmusThe patient is a 21 year old woman who was referred to an endocrinologist for evaluation of amenorrhea. She was found to have bitemporal hemianopia and compression of the chiasm. CT Brain showed: A partially cystic, partially solid suprasellar mass with focal calcification consistent with a crani...Image/MovingImage
39 Paraneoplastic Upbeat NystagmusThis case was presented to the Clinical Eye Movement Society at the American Neurological Association Meeting in October 2009. The patient is a 65 year old woman who was in good health until seven weeks prior to admission. On June 22/09 on the return flight from her daughter's wedding in Oregon she ...Text
40 Paraneoplastic Upbeat NystagmusThis case was presented to the Clinical Eye Movement Society at the American Neurological Association Meeting in October 2009. The patient is a 65 year old woman who was in good health until seven weeks prior to admission. On June 22/09 on the return flight from her daughter's wedding in Oregon she ...Image/MovingImage
41 Downbeat NystagmusThis patient carries a diagnosis of Type I Chiari malformation. In 1983 she presented with vertical double vision which persisted. Two months later, she had an acute episode of irritation of her eyes possibly due to allergy, followed two days later by difficulty in focusing, light headedness, a ...Image/MovingImage
42 Downbeat NystagmusThe patient is a 59 year old woman who carried a diagnosis of: 1. Congenital anomaly of the occipito-cervical junction with occipitalization of the C1 ring 2. Basilar invagination with Chiari Type I 3. A syrinx in the center of the cervical-thoracic spinal cord extending from C2 to T4 In 1957, at ag...Image/MovingImage
43 Chiari I MalformationText
44 Upbeat NystagmusThe patient, a 36 year old Italian, presented in October 1967, at the age of 27, with acute dizziness and ataxia. He was evaluated in Rome. A pneumoencephalogram showed hydrocephalus, attributed to arachnoiditis, and a ventriculo-atrial shunt was placed. Three months post shunt placement he ...Image/MovingImage
45 Upbeat NystagmusThe patient, a 36 year old Italian, presented in October 1967, at the age of 27, with acute dizziness and ataxia. He was evaluated in Rome. A pneumoencephalogram showed hydrocephalus, attributed to arachnoiditis, and a ventriculo-atrial shunt was placed. Three months post shunt placement he ...Text
46 Fisher's One and a Half SyndromeThis young patient presented with double vision and was found to have on examination the classical findings of Fisher's one-and-a-half syndrome which are: • Right internuclear ophthalmoplegia on gaze left with adduction weakness OD • Right horizontal gaze paresis with gaze evoked nystagmus • F...Image/MovingImage
47 Fisher's One and a Half SyndromeThe patient is a 56 year old woman who was seen by a Stroke Consult on the cardiac unit because she had difficulty opening her left eye and diplopia looking to the right. On examination she had ptosis OS and "a partial ophthalmoplegia" sparing the pupil. Diagnosis Partial left third nerve palsy....Image/MovingImage
48 Fisher's One and a Half SyndromeThis 44 year old woman presented in 1973 with an acute attack of optic neuritis in the right eye that fully recovered after a course of ACTH therapy. In 1991, 18 years later, she developed unsteadiness of gait, "walking like a chicken", stiff legs that jerked spontaneously in bed at night, and num...Image/MovingImage
49 Fisher's One and a Half SyndromeThis 28 year old woman had severe multiple sclerosis with a spastic paraparesis due to a lesion of the spinal cord. She was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit complaining of dizziness and double vision. Neuro-ophthalmologic examination: Visual acuity 20/30 OU Pupils, visual fields and fundi normal ...Image/MovingImage
50 Eyebrow SpasmThis case is published courtesy of Daniel J. Costello, M.D., Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. The patient is a 32-year-old right-handed man with an established diagnosis of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex characterized by: - medically intractable epilepsy - developmental...Image/MovingImage
26 - 50 of 85