Title | Creator | Relation Is Part Of |
1 |
 | Correlation of Visual Acuity With Pattern Visual Evoked Potential Latency | Padmaja Sudhakar; Richard Legge; Richard Laux; Kendra Schmid | NANOS 2009: Poster Presentations |
2 |
 | Correlation Between Visual Acuity and Automated Visual Field Foveal Threshold Value | Asyvia Powell-Brawner; Michael Lee | NANOS Annual Meeting 2024: Poster Session: Analytical Studies: Neuro-Ophthalmic Practice |
3 |
 | Patterns and Prognosis of Visual Field Changes in Patients with Traumatic Optic Neuropathy | Hee-young Choi; Jun Heo; Jung Yul Park | NANOS Annual Meeting 2024: Poster Session: Analytical Studies: Disorders of the Anterior Visual Pathway (Retina, Optic Nerve, and Chiasm) |
4 |
 | Correlation Between Visual Acuity and Foveal Threshold in Neuro-Ophthalmic Disease | Parker Bohm; Leanne Stunkel; Gregory Van Stavern | NANOS Annual Meeting 2022: Poster Session I: Miscellaneous |
5 |
 | Estimating Visual Acuity by Character Counting Using the Snellen Visual Acuity Chart in Patients with Ocular Pathology | A. Doshi; T. McCulley | NANOS 2006: Poster Presentations |
6 |
 | The Prognostic Factors of Recovery of Visual Field Defect and Visual Loss after Operation for Pituitary Adenoma | Ji Woong Chang; Sang Moon Lee; Jin Choi; Young Suk Yu; Seong-Joon Kim | NANOS 2011: Poster Presentations |
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 | The Effect of Decreased Visual Acuity on Clinical Color Vision Tests | Timothy J. McCulley; Karl C. Golnik; Byron L. Lam; William J. Feuer | NANOS 2002: Scientific Platform Presentations |
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 | The Pattern of Correlation Between Visual Acuity and Color Vision in Different Types of Visual Loss | Yehoshua Almog; Arie Nemet | NANOS 2007: Poster Presentations |
9 |
 | Sunset Solar Maculopathy | Fayçal Mokhtari, MD | NANOS Annual Meeting 2023: Poster Session I: Disorders of the Anterior Visual Pathway (Retina, Optic Nerve, and Chiasm) |
10 |
 | Why Visual Function Does Not Correlate With Optic Glioma Size Or Growth | Cameron F. Parsa | NANOS 2012: Poster Presentations |
11 |
 | Afferent Pupillary Defect Assessment In Optic Nerve Pathology | Haydee S. Martine; Maria M. Clementi Gordon; Mirta Arana; Maria L. Braccia Gancedo; Mariana de Virgiliis | NANOS 2014: Poster Presentations |
12 |
 | Character Counting Using Snellen Eye Chart to Estimate Visual Activity | Adam H. Levy; T. J. McCulley; B. L. Lam | Scientific Platform Presentations (Session II) |
13 |
 | Visual Prognosis in Carotid Cavernous Fistula | Alan G. Palestine; Brian R. Younge | NANOS 1981: Scientific Platform Presentations (Session 1) |
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 | Rodent Model of Mitochondrial Impairment as a Cause of Optic Nerve Disease | Alfredo A. Sadun | NANOS 1999: Platform Session II |
15 |
 | Management of IIH Patients Who Present With Grade V Papilledema | Jeffrey Gluckstein; Marc Bouffard; Joseph Rizzo | NANOS Annual Meeting 2022: Poster Session I: Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (IIH) |
16 |
 | Visual Acuity Restoration from a Small Orbital Meningioma Extraction | Atish Amin; Noor Laylani; Pamela Davila; Nagham Al-Zubidi | NANOS Annual Meeting 2023: Poster Session I: Orbital and Eyelid Disorders |
17 |
 | Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (AION): Color Vision and Visual Evoked Potential Patterns | Thomas J. Carlow, MD; Ana Huaman, MD | NANOS 1989: Scientific Platform Presentations (Session 1) |
18 |
 | Measurement of Distance Objective Visual Acuity with the Computerized Optokinetic Nystagmus Test in Patients with Ocular Diseases | Jeong-Min Hwang; Eun Ryung Han; Joon Young Hyon; Jong-Mo Seo; Jin Hak Lee; In Bum Lee | NANOS 2010: Poster Presentations |
19 |
 | Correlation Between Stereopsis and Reverse Stereopsis: "Turn Upside-Down the Stereo" (.pdf) | Michael Dattilo; Beau B. Bruce; Caroline Fajoles-Vasseneix; Valerie Biousse; Nancy J. Newman; Jason H. Peragallo | NANOS Annual Meeting 2016: Poster Presentations |
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 | Correlation Between Visual Acuity and Foveal Threshold With Size V Stimulus | Parker Bohm; Leanne Stunkel; Gregory Van Stavern | NANOS Annual Meeting 2022: Poster Session I: Miscellaneous |
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 | The Relationship Between Foveal Sensitivity and Visual Acuity in Pediatric Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension | Raghav Vadhul; Ladan Bigdeli; Hersh Varma | NANOS Annual Meeting 2024: Poster Session: Analytical Studies: Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology |
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 | Optic Nerve Sheath Decompression for Central Retinal Vein Occlusion | Thomas C Spoor, MD; John G. McHenry, MD; E. C. Skidmore, MD | NANOS 1994: Poster Presentations (Session III) |
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 | Visual Recovery after Decompression of Pituitary Macroadenoma | Ji Woong Chang; Jae Ho Jung; Yoen-hee Lee | NANOS 2013: Poster Presentations |
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 | Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology | Nancy M. Newman | NANOS 1977: Various Subjects Symposium (Session 2) |
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 | Visual Outcome in Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy | Barry Skarf, MD, PhD; Yehoshua Almog, MD | NANOS 1995: Science Platform Presentations (Session I) |