176 - 200 of 242
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TitleCreatorRelation Is Part Of
176 Pituitary Adenoma - Varied Uncommon Presenting Sumptoms and SignsKumudini Sharma, MD; J. Wahi; D. Banerjee; V. K. Jain; R. V. PhadkeNANOS 2000: Poster Presentations
177 Portable Pupillography to Detect Afferent Pupil DefectsNicholas J. Volpe; K. S. Siu; Maureen G. MaguireNANOS 2000: Poster Presentations
178 Portable Pupillometry of the Swinging Flashlight Test to Detect Afferent Pupil DefectsNicholas J. Volpe, MD; E. Plotkin, MD; M. G. Maguire, PhD; S. L. Galetta, MDNANOS 1999: Poster Sesssion
179 Practice Patterns for Steroid Use in Optic NeuritisRenee D. Bailey; John E. Carter; Bruce L. WinterNANOS 2000: Poster Presentations
180 Precipitating Factors in Pituitary ApoplexyValérie Biousse, MD; N. J. Newman, MD; N. M. Oyesiku, MD, PhDNANOS 2000: Poster Presentations
181 The Presentation, Natural History and Management of Carotid Cavernous AneurysmsHadas Kalish, MD; A. Berenstein; A. Setton; Y. Niimi; J. C. Pryor; M. J. Kupersmith, MDNANOS 1999: Platform Session I
182 Prognostic Indicators of Vision and Mortality in Shaken Baby SyndromeCraig F. McCabe; Sean P. DonahueNANOS 1999: Poster Sesssion
183 Progressive Mono-Focal Leucoencephalopathy: Neuro-Ophthalmic PresentationsIrene J. Vanek, MD; J. A. Sharpe, MDNANOS 1999: Poster Sesssion
184 Ptosis and Mydriasis After Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK)S. Bianchi-Marzoli, MD; P. Ciasca; C. Rojo; F. Carones; R. BrancatoNANOS 1999: Poster Sesssion
185 Ptosis, Diplopia and Hepatitis Presenting Signs and Symptoms in Biopsy Proven Giant Cell ArteritisH. E. Killer, MD; D. J. Holtz; R. H. LaengNANOS 2000: Poster Presentations
186 Pupillary Hippus: A Clearly Chaotic and Highly Organized OscillationMichael L. Rosenberg; Martin H. KrollNANOS 1999: Poster Sesssion
187 Pupillary Light Reflex Changes in Patients with Homonymous Hemianopias from Hemispheric LesionsGregory S. Kosmorsky, DONANOS 1999: Platform Session II
188 The Pupillary Light Reflex Reveals Greater Glaucomatous Damage at Brighter Stimulus IntensityRandy H. Kardon; Paula A. Moore; Sohan S. HayrehNANOS 2000: Scientific Platform Presentations (Session I)
189 Pupillary Response to Four Different Concentrations of Pilocarpine in NormalsJacqueline A. Leavitt, MD; L. L. Wayman; D. O. Hodge; T. Maus; R. F. BrubakerNANOS 2000: Poster Presentations
190 Radiation-Induced Sixth Nerve PalsyPamela Blake, MD; P. Scharper; C. C. Wang, MD; K. Cullen, MDNANOS 1999: Poster Sesssion
191 Retinopathy in Patients with Diabetic OphthalmoplegiaAngela S. Oster; R. Michael Siatkowski; William J. FeuerNANOS 1999: Poster Sesssion
192 Reversible Central Visual Function Disturbances Due to Cyclosporine A ToxicityMisha L. PlessNANOS 1999: Poster Sesssion
193 Rodent Model of Mitochondrial Impairment as a Cause of Optic Nerve DiseaseAlfredo A. SadunNANOS 1999: Platform Session II
194 The Role of Focal Visual Attention for Shifting the Sensory Reference in Central ScotomaSusanne Trauzettel-Klosinski, MD; E. Altpete; M. Mackeben, PhDNANOS 2000: Poster Presentations
195 The Role of Non-Surgical Management in Dysthyroid OrbitopathyJohn S. Kennerdell, MDNANOS 2000: Hot Topics (Controversies) -- B: Thyroid Eye Disease
196 Roller-Coaster DiseaseValérie Biousse, MD; A. Kettaneh, MD; M. Bousser, MDNANOS 2000: Scientific Platform Presentations (Session II)
197 Ross Syndrome with Sympathetic Ocular Denervation (Horner Syndrome)Robert K. Shin; Steven L. GalettaNANOS 2000: Poster Presentations
198 Sarcoid Optic Neuropathy and Chiasmopathy: Diagnostic EvaluationLarry P. Frohman; Medhat F. Guirgis; Roger E. Turbin; Leonard BieloryNANOS 2000: Poster Presentations
199 Serological and Radiological Conversion in Thyroid Associated OphthalmopathyArturo Carta; Salvatore A. TedescoNANOS 2000: Poster Presentations
200 Serum Vitamin A Concentration is Elevated in Idiopathic Intracranial HypertensionDaniel M. Jacobson, MD; M. Wall, MD; K. B. Digre, MD; J. J. Corbett, MDNANOS 1999: Platform Session II
176 - 200 of 242