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1 The 15th Meeting of the International Neuro-Ophthalmology Society
2 Visual Hallucinations During Prolonged Blindfolding in Sighted SubjectsMerabet, LB; Maguire, D; Warde, A; Alterescu, K; Stickgold, R; Pascual-Leone, A
3 The Charles Bonnet syndrome. Visual perceptive dysfunction in sensory deprivation.Siatkowski, R.M.; Zimmer, B.; Rosenberg, P.R.
4 Homonymous Hemianopia Due to ErdheimChester DiseaseHills, William L; Nassef, Ahmad H; Grafe, Marjorie R; Weissman, Jane L; Moster, Stephen J; Falardeau, Julie; Mardekian, Stacey K; Curtis, Mark T; Moster, Mark L
5 Perceived color of hallucinations in the Charles Bonnet Syndrome is related to residual color contrast sensitivity.Madill, Stephen A; Lascaratos, Gerassimos; Arden, Geoffrey B; ffytche, Dominic H
6 Genetic Survey of Adult-Onset Idiopathic Intracranial HypertensionMarkus H. Kuehn, Rajashree Mishra, Benjamin E. Deonovic, Kimberly N. Miller, Shana E. McCormack, Grant T. Liu, Mark J. Kupersmith, Michael Wall, NORDIC IIHTT Study Group2019-03
7 SCHATZSchatz, NJ
8 Neuro-ophthalmology in the recent European literature. Part I. The visual system.A. B. Safran
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