176 - 200 of 513
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176 The Troubles Ive SeenNorman J. Schatz, M.D., Bascom Palmer Eye Institute
177 Visual Dysfunction Caused by Gauze Wrapping of an Intracranial AneurysmGoldsberry, DH; Ross, IB; Dhillon, G; Corbett, JJ
178 Optic nerve hypoplasia: papillary diameter and clinical correlation.Beuchat, L.; Safran, A.B.
179 Resolution of Homonymous Visual Field Loss Documented with Functional Magnetic Resonance and Diffusion Tensor ImagingYoshida, M; Ida, M; Nguyen, TH; Iba-Zizen, MT; Bellinger, L; Stievenart, JL; Nagao, T; Kikuchi, S; Hara, T; Shiba, T; Kitahara, K; Cabanis, EA
180 A Consensus Statement on the Terminology for Automated Visual Field AbnormalitiesJoshua M. Kruger. Zina Almer; Yehoshua Almog; Eyal Aloni; Anat Bachar-Zipori; Omer Bialer; Iris Ben-Bassat Mizrachi; Josepha Horowitz; Ruth Huna-Baron; Yair Ivanir; Haneen Jabaly-Habib; Ainat Klein; Irena Krasnitz; Hana Leiba; Idit Maharshak; Mira Marcus; Michal Ostashinsky; Michael Paul; Daniel Rap...2022-12
181 Asymptomatic unilateral papilledema in pseudotumor cerebri.Strominger, M.B.; Weiss, G.B.; Mehler, M.F.
182 Traumatic Optic Neuropathy Caused by Blunt Injury to the Inferior Orbital RimNishi, T; Ueda, T; Yukawa, E; Ohta, T; Hara, Y
183 Paraneoplastic RetinopathyMurphy, MA; Thirkill, CE; Hart, WM
184 Untreated Bilateral Optic Nerve Sheath Meningiomas Observed for 27 YearsKothari, Nikisha A; Kulkarni, Kaushal M; Lam, Byron L
185 Untreated Bilateral Optic Nerve Sheath Meningiomas Observed for 27 YearsNikisha A. Kothari, BS; Kaushal M. Kulkarni, MD; Byron L. Lam, MD2013-03
186 Visual Pathway Hemorrhage Associated with Alcohol Induced CoagulopathyFriedman, DI; Aravapalli, SR; Shende, MC
187 Clinical and Immunologic Characteristics of Melanoma-Associated Retinopathy SyndromeKeltner, JL; Thirkill, CE; Yip, PT
188 Homonymous Hemianopia Due to ErdheimChester DiseaseHills, William L; Nassef, Ahmad H; Grafe, Marjorie R; Weissman, Jane L; Moster, Stephen J; Falardeau, Julie; Mardekian, Stacey K; Curtis, Mark T; Moster, Mark L
189 Complete bilateral internal carotid artery occlusion in a young man.Sadun, A.A.; Sebag, J.; Bienfang, D.C.
190 Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography and adaptive optics reveal nerve fiber layer loss and photoreceptor changes in a patient with optic nerve drusen.Choi, Stacey S; Zawadzki, Robert J; Greiner, Mark A; Werner, John S; Keltner, John L
191 Familial temporal arteritis.Tanenbaum, M.; Tenzel, J.
192 Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy in Graves disease.Dosso, A; Safran, AB; Sunaric, G; Burger, A1994-09
193 Congenital achiasma and see-saw nystagmus in VACTERL syndrome.Prakash, Saurabh; Dumoulin, Serge O; Fischbein, Nancy; Wandell, Brian A; Liao, Yaping Joyce
194 Visual Loss and Central Venous CatheterizationWang, RC; Katz, SE; Lubow, M
195 The VER: a status report. An experimental but not clinically significant tool.Breen, L.A.; Burde, R.M.
196 Insight into the recent European literature. A review of studies concerning the visual pathways.A. B. Safran
197 Reversible Blindness Resulting from Optic Chiasmitis Secondary to Systemic Lupus ErythematosusFrohman, LP; Frieman, BJ; Wolansky, L
198 Homonymous Hemianopia in StrokeZhang, X; Kedar, S; Lynn, MJ; Newman, NJ; Biousse, V
199 Lateral Geniculate Lesions Causing Reversible Blindness in a Pre-eclamptic Patient With a Variant of Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy SyndromeStern, Maxwell S; Fahim, Abigail; Trobe, Jonathan; Parmar, Hemant A; Ibrahim, Mohannad
200 Permanent homonymous hemianopias following migraine.Wakakura, M.; Ichibe, Y.
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