251 - 275 of 350
Number of results to display per page
251 Relative Frequencies of Arteritic and Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy in an Arab PopulationAnna M. Gruener, BMBS, MSc, FRCOphth; Jessica R. Chang, MD; Thomas M. Bosley, MD; Zakeya M. Al-Sadah, MD; Clarissa Kum, OD; Timothy J. McCulley, MD2017-12
252 Success of Prisms in the Management of Diplopia Due to Fourth Nerve PalsyTamhankar, Madhura A; Ying, Gui-Shuang; Volpe, Nichola J
253 Success of Prisms in the Management of Diplopia Due to Fourth Nerve PalsyMadhura A. Tamhankar, MD; Gui-shuang Ying, PhD; Nicholas J. Volpe, MD2011-09
254 Diagnosis of Traumatic Optic Neuropathy: Application of Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance ImagingBodanapally, Uttam K; Kathirkamanathan, Shanmuganathan; Geraymovych, Elena; Mirvis, Stuart E; Choi, Andrew Y; McMillan, Alan B; Zhuo, Jiachen; Shin, Robert K
255 Evidence of Multidomain Mild Cognitive Impairment Idiopathic Intracranial HypertensionDinah Zur; Elvira Naftaliev; Anat Kesler
256 Giant Cavernous Carotid AneurysmsHahn, CD; Nicolle, DA; Lownie, SP; Drake, CG
257 Letters to the Editor
258 Letters to the Editor2008-06
259 Likelihood of Diagnosing Neuroblastoma in Isolated Horner SyndromeAvi Ben Shabat; Shifra Ash; Judith Luckman; Helen Toledano; Nitza Goldenberg-Cohen2019-09
260 Literature Commentary
261 Literature CommentaryMark L. Moster, MD; Michael S. Lee, MD2013-03
262 Optic Neuropathy in Charcot-Marie-Tooth DiseaseAli G. Hamedani; James A. Wilson; Robert A. Avery; Steven S. Scherer2021-06
263 Systemic Disease and Neuro-OphthalmologyFrohman, LP
264 Acetazolamide-Induced Nephrolithiasis in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension PatientsJohnathan N. Au, MPH; Carin S. Waslo, MPH; Gerald McGwin Jr, PhD; Carrie Huisingh, MPH; Emanuel Tanne, MD2016-06
265 Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy Complicated by Fatal Cerebral VasculitisRobi N. Maamari; Leanne Stunkel; Nathan H. Kung; Cole J. Ferguson; Jody Tanabe; Robert E. Schmidt; Sonika Dahiya; Amar Dhand; Gregory P. Van Stavern; Rithwick Rajagopal; George J. Harocopos2019-06
266 Analysis of Retinal Structure and Electrophysiological Function in Visual Snow Syndrome: An Exploratory Case SeriesN. J. Zaroban; S. Kedar; D. Anderson; A. D. Vuppala2023-06
267 Asymptomatic Autonomic and Sweat Dysfunction in Patients with Adies SyndromeJacobson, DM; Hiner, BC
268 Asymptomatic peripapillary subretinal hemorrhage: a study of 10 cases.Sibony, Patrick; Fourman, Stuart; Honkanen, Robert; El Baba, Fadi
269 Cerivicocranial Arterial DissectionsCaplan, LR; Biousse, V
270 Factors Associated With Lack of Vision Improvement in Children With Cortical Visual ImpairmentSwati Handa, FRCS, MCI; Seyed E. Saffari, PhD; Mark Borchert, MD2018-12
271 JNO Literature Commentary2021-06
272 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Abnormalities of the Optic Nerve Sheath and Intracranial Internal Carotid Artery in Giant Cell ArteritisSidney M. Gospe 3rd; Timothy J. Amrhein; Michael D. Malinzak; M. Tariq Bhatti; Pradeep Mettu; Mays A. El-Dairi2021-03
273 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in the Pregeniculate Visual Pathway in Leber Hereditary Optic NeuropathyJ. Zhao; Q. Zhang; J. Wang2022-03
274 Multiple Sclerosis Therapy: Are We Ready for a One-Size-Fits-All Approach?Bruce A. C. Cree, MD, PhD, MAS2018-06
275 Neuro-Ophthalmic Manifestations of Acute LeukemiaMalek A. Alrobaian, MD; Amanda D. Henderson, MD2021-12
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