51 - 75 of 203
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51 Migraine and Cluster Pathophysiology and TreatmentVideo lecture covering pathophysiology and treatment of migraine and cluster headaches by Kathleen Digre, MD.
52 Tangent Screen Recording ChartThe tangent screen recording chart.
53 Third Nerve PalsyPatient with third nerve palsy (no audio)Image/MovingImage
54 Trigeminal Nerve ExamExplanation of a trigeminal nerve exam.
55 Unilateral BlepharospasmExample of patient with unilateral blepharospasm.Image/MovingImage
56 Aberrant Regeneration of the Seventh NerveExamples of patients with aberrant regeneration of the seventh nerve. First example is a patient with contractions around the mouth and dimpling, demonstrated with slow and rapid eye blinking. Second example shows contraction around nose with eye blink.Image/MovingImage
57 Binocular Pendular NystagmusExample of a patient with binocular pendular nystagmus. Patient has somewhat dissociated nystagmus, with nystagmus seen more prominently in the left eye. Patient shows an occasional jerk nystagmus to the right in the right eye. Left eye oscillations are mostly pendular.Image/MovingImage
58 Congenital NystagmusExample of patients with congenital nystagmus. First patient's nystagmus are mostly jerk and not pendular. Second patient's nystagmus are mostly pendular. Both patients show a uniform horizontal oscillation. Second patient also shows differences in frequency of oscillations depending on gaze, includ...Image/MovingImage
59 Monocular Pendular NystagmusExample of a patient with monocular pendular nystagmus, with discussion of situations in which this condition is seen: acquired disorder of the visual-sensory pathway, and acquired disorder of the brain stem (e.g. multiple sclerosis).Image/MovingImage
60 Ocular Lateropulsion (Wallenberg's Syndrome)Example of patient with ocular lateropulsion. Patient also has central Horner syndrome and nystagmus in right gaze. When shifting gaze back to forward, eyes overshoot their mark. Eyes laterally deviate to the right upon opening.Image/MovingImage
61 Ocular MyastheniaExample of patient with myasthenia gravis. Demonstration of tensilon test. Patient shown to have bilateral ptosis, bilateral duction deficits, and left hypertropia. Discussion of techniques to observe subtle changes, such as bringing in a neutral observer or taking still photographs. Shows split-scr...Image/MovingImage
62 Sector Palsies and Light-Near DissociationExample of patient with bilateral Adie's pupils. Exam is performed with a slit-lamp. Shows iris stroma and focal segments of iris sphincter that retain their contractilty. Suggests post-ganglionic parasympathetic denervation.Image/MovingImage
63 See-saw NystagmusExample of a patient with see-saw nystagmus, showing how one eye elevates as the other depresses, with the elevating eye intorting as the depressing eye extorts. Shows vertical oscillations with pendular waveforms. Suggests a large structural lesion in the pericellar region (associated with bi-tempo...Image/MovingImage
64 Transillumination - Lisch NodulesDemonstration of transillumination of the Lisch nodules on a patient with neurofibromatosis. Shows how Lisch nodules that were not very visible in slit-lamp examination are better seen with transillumination, which may therefore be useful in detecting Lisch nodules earlier in children where they are...Image/MovingImage
65 4-54a -Optic Neuropathy, Ischemic: PosteriorImage
66 4-54b - Optic Neuropathy, Ischemic: PosteriorImage
67 B-scan TechniqueThis video describes and demonstrates the B-scan examination technique for examination of the eye using ultrasonography.Image/MovingImage
68 Bilateral Internuclear OphthalmoplegiaExample of patient with bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Patient is led through instructions for direction and distance of gaze.Image/MovingImage
69 Blepharospasm with Apraxia of the EyeImage/MovingImage
70 CPEOPatient with Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia (CPEO)Image/MovingImage
71 Duane's SyndromeExample of patient with Duane's Syndrome. Patient is led through instructions for pursuit.Image/MovingImage
72 Facial Nerve ExamExplanation of a facial nerve exam.
73 Flutter in DowngazeExamination of patient with flutter in downgaze (no audio)Image/MovingImage
74 Hydroxychloroquine Maculopathy (Plaquenil)An overview of Chloroquine Maculopathy.Text
75 Nutritional AmblyopiaExample of patient with amblyopia with nutritional causes.Text
51 - 75 of 203