201 - 400 of 236
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201 Spontaneous Venous PulsationsThis clips shows a spontaneous venous pulsation viewed during an ocular examination.Image/MovingImage
202 Square Wave JerksExample of patient with square wave jerks. Discussion of difference between square wave jerks (saccadic oscillations) and horizontal nystagmus.Image/MovingImage
203 Stage 2 - PapilledemaImage
204 Stages of PapilledemaText
205 Stargardt's DiseaseDiscussion of Stargardt's disease, an inherited maculopathy which frequently presents with a loss of central vision.Text
206 Stereoacuity TestingDemonstration of examination for stereoacuity.Text
207 Structures of the irisStructures of the iris. The a indicates the anterior border layer that terminates at the pigmentary ruff of the pupillary border (b). The c indicates the iris sphincter muscle, which is oriented circumferentially within the stroma and located deep to the anterior border layer; d indicates vessels th...Image
208 Superior Oblique MyokymiaClose-up video of a patient with superior oblique myokymia (no audio.)Image/MovingImage
209 Superior Oblique MyokymiaExample of patients with superior oblique myokymia, a saccadic intrusion. First patient is seen to have intermittent, intorting movements with superimposed slight vertical deviations in right eye. Discussion of disorder as benign, but frequently disabling, as patients experience episodes of diplopia...Image/MovingImage
210 Tadpole-shaped PupilTadpole-shaped pupil in a 20-year-old women with frequent episodes of blurred vision and achiness of the right eye lasting several minutes. The patient took a photograph of her eyes during an attack to document the peaked, segmental dilation of her right pupil (black arow). (Thompson HS, Zackon DH, ...Image
211 Tangent Screen Recording ChartThe tangent screen recording chart.Text
212 Tangent Screen Testing Visual FieldDescription of tangent screen testing.Text
213 Test DuaneImage/MovingImage
214 Testing the Visual FieldsDemonstration of various methods of testing visual fields, including counting fingers, motion, and color of several objects.Image/MovingImage
215 Third Nerve PalsyPatient with third nerve palsy (no audio)Image/MovingImage
216 Third Nerve Palsy, Pupil InvolvingExample of patient with third nerve palsy. Left eye shows pupilary involvement. Left eye doesn't immediately duct, but abducts well, with impaired superduction. Secondary and primary deviations are demonstrated. Anisocoria is more prominent when light is on, showing a parasympathetic defect to the p...Image/MovingImage
217 Tilted DiscsShort PowerPoint discussion of tilted discs with illustrations and images.Text
218 Tour of the Direct OphthalmoscopeThis clip describes the parts and operation of the ophthalmoscope as an ocular examination tool. Includes adjustment of aperture size and adjustment of lenses.Image/MovingImage
219 Tour of the FundusThis clip demonstrates the funduscopic examination technique.Image/MovingImage
220 Transillumination - Ciliary Body NeurofibromasExample of transillumination on a patient with neurofibromatosis, but without Lisch nodules. Shows suspected neurofibromas in the ciliary body.Image/MovingImage
221 Transillumination - Lisch NodulesDemonstration of transillumination of the Lisch nodules on a patient with neurofibromatosis. Shows how Lisch nodules that were not very visible in slit-lamp examination are better seen with transillumination, which may therefore be useful in detecting Lisch nodules earlier in children where they are...Image/MovingImage
222 Transillumination Ocular MelanomaVideo describing condition.Image/MovingImage
223 Trigeminal Nerve ExamExplanation of a trigeminal nerve exam.Image/MovingImage
224 Tunnel Vision on Tangent Screen TestingDescription of tunnel vision and tangent screen testing.Text
225 Ultrasonography TechniquesThis video describes and demonstrates the various techniques for examination of the eye using ultrasonography, including A-scan, B-scan and immersion.Image/MovingImage
226 Ultrasonography: Immersion TechniqueThis video describes and demonstrates the immersion technique for examination of the eye using ultrasonography.Image/MovingImage
227 Unilateral BlepharospasmExample of patient with unilateral blepharospasm.Image/MovingImage
228 Upbeat NystagmusExample of a patient with upbeat nystagmus. Shows vertical jerk nystagmus with fast phases in the up direction. Localizes to brain stem, and occurs with strokes, demyelination, and tumors.Image/MovingImage
229 Vestibular NystagmusExample of patient with vestibular nystagmus. Patient is led through instructions for direction of gaze. Shown also with Frenzel goggles.Image/MovingImage
230 Vestibular NystagmusDiscussion of vestibular nystagmus. Seen with peripheral disorders and central disorders, and in two varieties: spontaneous and positional. Horizontal jerk with small amplitude.Image/MovingImage
231 Visually Evoked PotentialsDetailed explanation of visually evoked potentials. The terms visually evoked potential (VEP), visually evoked response (VER) and visually evoked cortical potential (VECP) are equivalent. They refer to electrical potentials, initiated by brief visual stimuli, which are recorded from the scalp overl...Text
232 Voluntary NystagmusExample of patient with voluntary nystagmus. Discussion of how a lack of uniform, patterned movement of the eyes along with associated lid movements suggests that activity is voluntary.Image/MovingImage
233 Wall-Eyed Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia (WEBINO)Example of patient with horizontal binocular diplopia. Demonstration of exam, which shows alternating exotropia in cover test. As patient follows object, right eye does not pass the midline as the object moves to the left, while left eye go slightly past the midline, but does not abduct completely. ...Image/MovingImage
234 Wall-Eyed Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia (WEBINO)Example of patient with Wall-Eyed Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia. Patient is led through instructions for direction and distance of gaze.Image/MovingImage
235 The Wall-Eyed Potato FarmerYoung man presenting with apparent episodic neurologic evants that initially was thought to be multiple sclerosis, but as time went on, he had progressive changes in his neurologic exam and in his imaging findings. Brain biopsy revealed Gliomatosis cerebri. Anatomy: Brain Stem; Pons; Midbrain. Patho...Text
236 Why Don't You See Double?This presentation was given at the Neurology Grand Rounds in Fall 2011 at the University of Utah. A number of Duane Syndrome cases are covered. Related video can be found in this collection at: Duane's Syndrome Type I: http://content.lib.utah.edu/u?/EHSL-Moran-Neuro-opth,130 Duane's Syndrome Type I...Text
201 - 400 of 236