2101 - 2200 of 2,223
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2101 Sixth Nerve Palsy in a ChildJ. R. BuncicA 6-year old male with a 2-week history of progressive nausea, vomiting and double vision. His parents noted a squint.
2102 Optic ApoplexyWilliam G. EllisA 35-year old female with a 2-week history of headache and sudden onset loss of vision OS.
2103 Right Ophthalmoplegia and Bilateral Blindness with Sphenoid MucoceleM. G. AlperA 24-year old male with sudden onset of a right supra-orbital headache with sequelae of nausea, right eye pain, tearing and photophobia.
2104 Two Cases of EpendymomaRichard L. Sogg, MD, Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at Stanford UniversityA 12-year old female with bilateral papilledema.
2105 The Irving Exception to the Hudson-Verhoeff Optic Glioma RuleFrisen, L.An 11-year old male with signs of an optic nerve tumor. At transfrontal craniotomy the tumor was seen to extend from the globe, through the optic canal and up to, but not including, the chiasm. At 20, 23, and 24 years of age there were three additional recurrences of the tumor - all of which requi...
2106 Sudden Visual Loss, Papilledema and SeizuresGlew, W.B.A 30-year old male with poor vision OS since childhood developed headaches 2 weeks before admission. Loss of vision developed rapidly OU 4 days before admission and grand mal seizures occurred 2 days later.
2107 A Malignant Optic GliomaCohen, D.A 16-year old female with a 10-month history of decreasing vision. Previously history significant for bi-temporal headache. Growth had stopped at age 8 without menarche.
2108 Third Nerve Palsy with Progressive Spinal Cord DysfunctionHepler, R.A 45-year old female with a right third nerve palsy that three months prior commenced with progressive ptosis.
2109 Ophthalmoplegia, Bulbar Palsy and Polyneuropathy in a 47-Year old FemaleBell, R.A.A 47-year old female with common cold, sore throat and diarrhea. Subsequent onset of paresthesias.
2110 Paralysis of Down Gaze and BlepharospasmDavid G. Cogan, MD (1908-1993), Former Director of Ophthalmology, National Eye InstituteA 58-year old male with a 1-day history of confusion and dysarthria, blepharospasm, hypertropia and paralysis of down-gaze. Previous history significant for Hypertension and diabetes.
2111 Uveitis as a Harbinger of Cerebral DiseaseRichard E. Appen, MDA 46-year old male with a history of posterior uveitis.
2112 Ophthalmoplegia and Ondine's CurseElizabeth C. DoolingA 5-year old male with a history of fever and ocular abnormalities.
2113 Oculomotor Nerve Palsy and an Enlarged SellaShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCP, Professor of Neurology Harvard Medical School, Director, Unit for Neurovisual Disorders, Massachusetts General HospitalA 76-year old progressive loss of vision. Previous history significant for diplopia, left III nerve palsy and exophthalmos.
2114 Unilateral Pupillary Dilation During SeizuresDavid S. ZeeA 60-year old female with a seizure disorder, accompanied by unilateral pupillary dilation.
2115 Steroid Sensitive Pain Associated with a Retro-Orbital MassJ. S. KennerdellA 47-year old female with a 12-day history of blurred central vision OD accompanied by pain on motion and deep right retro-orbital pain.
2116 Subacute Development of Blindness and TetraplegiaJ. A. StanleyA 22-year old black female with severe nausea, vomiting and abdominal cramps.
2117 Acute Transient Complete Bilateral Ptosis with Brain Stem SignsG. F. WinklerA 78-year old female with atrial fibrillation due to arteriosclerotic hypertensive heart disease developed a sudden onset of decreased vision due to total inability to open her eyes.
2118 Bilateral Ophthalmoplegia with Preservation of the Bell's Phenomenon in a 68-Year old Female with an Eosinophilic Adenoma of the PituitaryJ. B. MacLeanA female patient initially evaluated in 1957 for symptoms and signs of a suprasellar mass with acromegaly. Radiation therapy was instituted with a diagnosis of eosinophilic adenoma of the pituitary, with prompt clearing of her partial field cut and motility disturbance on the right and lessening of ...
2119 Episodic Multifocal Neurologic Signs in a 46-Year Old WomanDrewry, R.A 46-year old female with episodic light-headedness and left hemiparesis.
2120 Exophthalmos and Homolateral Frontal Calcification in a ChildSimmons Lessell, MD (1933 - 2016)A 7-year old male with proptosis OD. Previously history significant for lacerated right upper eyelid incurred from fall into a rosebush and grand mal seizures.
2121 Dementia and Cortical BlindnessJoel G. Sacks, MD, Tulane Medical CenterA 59-year old female with depression, anorexia and blindness. Previous history significant for Dx Stage 4B Hodgkin Disease.
2122 Homonymous Hemianopsia and Evanescent, Progressive Cranial Nerve Palsies in an Elderly WomanNancy M. NewmanA 69-year old female with diplopia, dysarthria, vertigo, right-sided hearing loss and headache. Previous history significant for adult-onset diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.
2123 Chronic Sixth Nerve PalsyR. SakalasFour cases of petrous apex - cavernous sinus involvement by benign tumor have been seen that presented with initial clinical courses characterized by isolated lateral rectus paresis.
2124 Mobius Syndrome, A SurpriseG. KommerellA 25-year old male with eyestrain and tension headache. Previous history significant for esotropia.
2125 Cyclic Oculomotor Paralysis Associated with a Clivus ChordomaC. S. KaseA 41-year old male with cyclic oculomotor paralysis first noticed six months prior to his demise. During that time, an intracranial tumor was diagnosed as a clivus chordoma.
2126 Recurrent Lid Swelling in a 25-Year-Old WomanJ. W. HarbisonA 25-year old female with a 6-year history of a recurrent, fluctuating subcutaneous mass in the medial and superior aspect of the left orbit.
2127 Lethal Optic NeuritisR. MeshelN/A
2128 Unilateral ExophthalmosN. WetzelA 66-year old female with a several month history of swelling in the right medial canthus and headache
2129 Ocular Involvement in Acute Intermittent PorphyriaJ. R. WolterA 62-year-old female with porphyria.
2130 Neurologic Symptoms with Brainstem Dysfunction in a 14-Year-Old BoyL. LloydA 14-year old male with episodic vomiting, headache and loss of consciousness.
2131 Diplopia and Optic Atrophy in a 59-Year-Old ManT. R. KuhnsA 59-year old male with a 10-month history of decreasing vision OD.
2132 A Second Case of 'Congenital' Oculomotor Apraxia in a Child who Developed a Brain TumorThomas P. KearnsAn 8-month old male with abnormal eye movements, ataxia, hypotonia and a large head.
2133 Diabetes Insipidus and Optic Atrophy in an 11-Year-Old BoyI. G. WongAn 11-year old male with diminished visual acuity. Previous history for polyuria.
2134 Two Cases Which Presented a Diagnostic ProblemR. ShelbyCase 1: A 37-year old male with a 2-month history of diplopia, paresthesias and numbness of the left side of the face. Case 2: A 35-year old male with a distant history of transient blindness OS and right facial palsy.
2135 The Empty Sella SyndromeN. SchatzN/A
2136 Recurrent Blindness in an 11-Year Old BoyD. PfaffenbachAn 11-year old male with headache and subsequent sudden onset of decreased central vision OS accompanied by pain associated with movement.
2137 Pretectal Syndrome with Unexpected X-Ray FindingsCarl Ellenberger Jr.An 11-year old male with fever, anorexia, lethargy and headache one year before his death.
2138 Pneumonia and Seizures in a 3-Month-Old GirlF. C. RileyA 3-month old female with pneumonia Tx Antibiotic
2139 Spasm of the Near Reflex in a Third Ventricle TumorR. L. SoggAn 11-year old male with headache, nausea, vomiting and papilledema 2-1/2 years prior to death.
2140 Total Blindness in a Case of Unilateral Occipital Mass LesionJ. R. BuncicA 24-year-old male with a 2-week history of severe headache and vomiting. Previous history significant for lupus erythematosus.
2141 Visual Loss and Unilateral ExophthalmosM. G. AlperA 23-year old male with 3-month history of blurred vision OD associated with exophthalmos.
2142 Painless Reduction of Vision in a 4-Year Old Girl with Congenital AgranulocytosisDavid G. Cogan, MD (1908-1993), Former Director of Ophthalmology, National Eye InstituteA 4-year old female with congenital agranulocytosis.
2143 Clincal Symptoms and Pathological Findings in a Case of Periarteritis NodosaNancy J. Newman, MD, Emory Eye CenterN/A
2144 Neurologic Symptoms in a 46-Year-Old Woman with a History of UveitisDavid L. Knox, MD, Wilmer Eye InstituteA 46-year old female with a 1-year history of neurologic symptoms. Previous history significant for peumonia and cystitis.
2145 Alternating Vertical NystagmusJohn B. Selhorst, MDA 19-year old male who first presented at 3 with a non-communicating hydrocephalus due to a third ventricle obstruction with headache and gait disturbance developing at 14.
2146 Seesaw NystagmusGager, W.E.N/A
2147 Ophthalmoplegia in PolymyositisGlaser, J.S.N/A
2148 Cavernous Sinus Syndrome with Optic Nerve Involvement in a 25-Year-Old ManBienfang, D.C.A 25-year old male with a 3-week history of decreased vision, complete III and VI nerve paralysis and venous dilatation of the retina.
2149 Panopthalmitis in a Microcephalic InfantMyron YanoffA 1.7 kg. male infant born to a 29-year old woman after a 42-week gestation. At 11 days rapid proptosis and eye rupture.
2150 The Sylvian Aqueduct SyndromeShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCP, Professor of Neurology Harvard Medical School, Director, Unit for Neurovisual Disorders, Massachusetts General HospitalA young male with epilepsy since infancy who presented with headache, papilledema and signs of the Sylvian aqueduct syndrome characterized by vertical up-gaze paresis, nystagmus retractorius, and abnormal pupils.
2151 Uveitis in a Middle-Aged Man with a History of Neurologic SympotomsRobert S. HeplerA middle-aged male with a bizarre seizure disorder who had undergone neurosurgical explorations presented with an apparent unilateral posterior uveitis and secondary glaucoma.
2152 Optic NeuritisRonald M. BurdeA 57-year old female with a 1-year history of retrobulbar neuritis.
2153 Neurologic Symptoms in a 56-Year-Old Woman with Uncontrolled DiabetesD. J. NovakA 56-year old female with hematemesis. Previous history significant for diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
2154 Poorly-Recognized Congenital Anomaly Of the Optic DiscR. B. O'GradyThe clinical and pathologic features of a poorly-recognized congenital abnormality concerning the region of the optic disc are presented.
2155 Unilateral Ptosis in a 9-Month-Old GirlO. Melen, K. OsakaA 9-month old female with a 5-month history of ptosis of the right eyelid.
2156 Optico-Ghiashatic Arachnoiditis in Multiple SclerosisD. M. RobertsonA 45-year old male with an 11-year history of blurred vision OS.
2157 Binocular Involvement in a 3-Year-Old Girl with RetinoblastomaM. RodriguesA 2 1/2-year old female with whiteness of the pupil OS.
2158 Unusual complication of Operation for Carotid Cavernous FistulaR. M. ZahorukA 28-year old male with right proptois following basilar skull fracture with accompanying D10-11 fracture the result of a fall.
2159 Unilateral Central Retinal Artery Occlusion Following a Neurosurgical Posterior Fossa ProcedureJohn HarbisonA 2-year old male with a 4-month history of progressive midline cerebellar dysfunction.
2160 Diabetes Mellitus, Optic Atrophy, Neurogenic Bladder, and neurosensory hearing loss with hyposmia, hypogeusia and familial dysautonomiaJohn L. MarquardtTwo siblings, aged 16 and 19, with diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy neuogenic bladder, sensory hearing loss, hyposmia, hypogeusia, hyperalanineuria and abnormal heat intolerance.
2161 Mystery CaseDouglas MacRaeA 34-year old female with episodic lapses of consciousness associated with an odd taste and strange sensation in the head.
2162 Spastic Up and Outward Deviation of EyesRichard Lindenberg, Bruce NorthrupA 64-year old male presented to an ED following a syncopal episode at work.
2163 Ascending Neurologic Deficit with External OphthalmoplegiaHoward SimonA 67-year old female with a 2-month history of low back pain and 3-day history of increasing leg weakness.
2164 Orbital Melanoma and Nevus of OtaJohn S. SpeakmanA 50-year old male with a 1-week history of swelling right eye associated with numbness of the right lower face. Recurrent episodes spanning an 11-year period.
2165 Meckel's SyndromeRufus HowardSeven cases of the Meckel syndrome occurred in two families.
2166 Tuber of III VentricleLois J. MartynN/A
2167 See-Saw Opsoclonus PlusWilliam F. Hoyt PhD, Professor Emeritus, University of California, San FranciscoA 63-year old female with chaotic eye movements. A syndrome of progressive trunkal ataxia, head tremor, flaccid quadriplegia without sensory changes also observed.
2168 Left Trigemminal and Abducens Paresis, Right HemiparesisSimmons Lessell, MD (1933 - 2016)A 41-year old male with a left tonsilar mass discovered 8 years prior to presentation Tx surgery
2169 Macular Degeneration in Siblings with Cerebello-Pons-Olive AtrophyGreen, William R.Two of six siblings in a family presented with ataxia and progressive loss of walking and talking ability before age 20 months.
2170 Familial Acoustic NeurinomaBehrens, MylesN/A
2171 Summary of History of Patient With Drusen of Each Nerve Head and Visual LossAlper, Melvin G.A 45-year old female with a 6-month history of blurred vision OD commencing two-to-three weeks after hysterectomy.
2172 Unilateral External Oculomotor Palsy and Nevus Sebaceous of JadassohnHaslam, RobertN/A
2173 Goldenhar's SyndromeClew, William E.N/A
2174 Brain and Eye Abnormalities Following Prenatal LSD IngestionMyron YanoffA 13-month old infant with multiple eye and central nervous system deformities. Maternal history significant as the infant was born to a 19-year old mother who had used lysergic acid diethylamide and marijuana throughout her pregnancy.
2175 Osteopetrosis and Retinal DegenerationDavid S. WaltonA 16-month old male with a history of seizure, persistent nasal congestion and wandering conjugate eye movements.
2176 Carcinoma of the PituitaryNorman J. Schatz, MD, Bascom Palmer Eye InstituteA 65-year old female with a decreasing vision OD. Previous history significant for open angle glaucoma.
2177 Hallervorden-Spatz DiseaseRobert S. HeplerN/A
2178 Progressive Blindness, Left Eye, Then Right EyeRonald M. BurdeA 68-year old male with right-sided numbness of the face and mouth with difficulty chewing. There was a subsequent development severe headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, vertigo and significant weight loss. Previous history significant for partial gasrectomy and left thoracotomy.
2179 Paresis of Vertical GazeRichard LindenbergA 53-year old female with right hemiplegia and diplopia OD resultant of stroke. Previous history significant for diabetes, MI and uterine carcinoma.
2180 Optic Nerve DysgenesisLorenz ZimmermanN/A
2181 Rare Cause of a Chiasmal SyndromeFenwick C. Riley, Robert R. WallerA 44-year old woman with visual loss, fatigue, weight loss, headache and personality change.
2182 Blind Eye and Contralateral StrokeLeRoy MeshelN/A
2183 Histology of Nutritional-Alcohol AmblyopiaMilton BoniukA 28-year old male who upon autopsy was found to have marked degeneration of the ganglion cells and nerve fiber layer.
2184 An Unusual Cause of a Chiasmal SyndromeThomas R. Hedges IIIN/A
2185 Optic neuritis with temporal field cut in opposite eyeJohn W. HendersonN/A
2186 Bilateral third nerve palsy without field loss due to pituitary tumorN. R. WillisN/A
2187 Pathology of Oculomotor Nerve Palsy of Five Months Duration in a DiabeticRonald B. WeberA female with a 5-month history of III nerve paresis.
2188 Bilateral VI palsies in a 42 year old woman.Howard Lipton, Harold CrossN/A
2189 Hemianopic Ganglion Cell RetinopathyMark T'soN/A
2190 Astrocytoma of Optic Nerve HeadVernon G. Wong, Robert DrydenN/A
2191 Chiasmal Syndrome in a 12 Year-Old Boy with Omega-Shaped Sella and Enlarged Right Optic ForamenHenry J. L. Van DykA 12-year old male with increasing difficulty seeing the school black board over a 5-month period.
2192 Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia in a ChildDavid G. Cogan, MD (1908-1993), Former Director of Ophthalmology, National Eye InstituteA 4 1/2-year old male with a several month history of wandering right eye.
2193 Chronic Uveitis and Multiple Intracranial Aneurysms in a 48 Year-Old White MaleDavid L. Knox, MD, Wilmer Eye InstituteN/A
2194 Painful Ophthalmoplegia and EnophthalmosJoel G. Sacks, MD, Tulane Medical CenterA 47-year old female with right peri-orbital pain. Previous history significant for dysfunctional uterine bleeding, right radical mastectomy with post-operative Tx XRT for adenomcarcinoma.
2195 Cavernous Optic Atrophy in Eyes with Metastatic Malignant MelanomaAlbert, Daniel M.A 26-year old male with decreased visual acuity OS after sustaining a facial laceration. Previous history significant for cutaneous malignant melanoma.
2196 Ocular and Cerebral Abnormalities in 18 Chromosome Deletion DefectMyron YanoffA 3400 gram black neonate born to a 40-year old with ischemic heart disease, low estriol levels and gestational diabetes.
2197 Recurrent VI palsy in a 5 year old girlDavid S. WaltonN/A
2198 Bilateral optic nerve melanocytoma personality change and seizure after a fall in a 7 year old boyThomas J. WalshA 7-year old male with bilateral large melanocytomas which were first noted at age 3.
2199 Does the Tolosa Hunt Syndrome Really Exist?Shirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCP, Professor of Neurology Harvard Medical School, Director, Unit for Neurovisual Disorders, Massachusetts General HospitalSteroid sensitive headaches and bilateral VI palsies in a woman
2200 Progressive Ophthalmoplegia in a 15 month old girl with headachesRichard LindenbergThe patient had been well until about five months prior to admission when following a fall, her right eye was noted to wander intermittently.
2101 - 2200 of 2,223