1501 - 1600 of 2,223
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1501 Painful Ophthalmoplegia - Much More Then Meets the EyeDeborah I. Friedman, MD, MPH, Professor, Neurology & Neurotherapeutics, University of Texas SouthwesternA 42-year old female with proptosis, blurred vision, painful ophthalmoplegia OD and headache. Previous history significant for left ptosis 8 years prior that resolved spontaneously.
1502 The Pale Nerve in Apert's SyndromeMark S. Borchert, MD, University of Southern CaliforniaAn 82-day old girl was referred for evaluation. Born at 31 weeks gestation, weight 1910 gram. Marked midfacial hypoplasia, syndactyly, patent ductus arteriosus, and ventricular septal defect Dx: Apert's syndrome.
1503 A Progressive Cavernous Sinus Syndrome in a Young WomanMark L. Moster, MD, Thomas Jefferson UniversityA 37-year old female with horizontal binocular diplopia and left supra-orbital pain.
1504 Painful External Ophthalmoplegia in a 15-Year OldWayne T. Cornblath, MD, Clinical Professor, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Professor, Department of Neurology, University of MichiganA 15-year old male with a 2-month history of pain and binocular diplopia on gaze in any direction.
1505 Isolated VI Nerve RevisitedFloyd A. WarrenA 31-year old female with a 2-week history of diplopia.
1506 To See or To Biopsy?Michael L. SlavinA 65-year old male with left-sided headache and brow-ache. Previous history significant for diplopia and III nerve palsy.
1507 All in the FamilySteven A. Newman, MD, University of Virginia School of MedicineA 35-year old male with painless, decreasing visual acuity.
1508 Graver Grave's OphthalmopathySusan C. BenesA 54-year old female with intermittent eyelid swelling of the upper and lower lids.
1509 Expanding the ConceptKarl C. GolnikA 57-year old male with lethargy and depression, decreasing vision and diplopia.
1510 Recurrent Bilateral Retrobulbar Neuritis and Separate Unilateral Orbital MassesJoel G. Sacks, Dwight R. Kulwin, Edward M. BaronA 35-year old white woman with a history of repeated attacks of visual loss and a mass in the left orbit.
1511 Acute Visual Loss in a 19 Year Old MaleLee ShettleA 19-year old male with a sudden loss of vision OD with severe retro-orbital eye pain, frontal headache, nausea and vomiting.
1512 Lethargy and Visual Loss in a ChildJonathan SilbigerA 5-year-old female with left eye pain.
1513 Another Cause of PapilledemaGussler, Joseph R.A 28-year old male with headache and declining vision.
1514 Contralateral Optic Neuropathy Flollowing Adenoid Cystic CarcinomaNancy J. Newman, MD, Emory Eye CenterA 44-year old female with painless, progressive loss of vision OD over a 2-week period. Previous history significant for thyroidectomy for removal of a benign nodule, tonsillectomy, appendectomy, two cesarean sections and heart arrhythmia. Prior to presentation, a diagnosis of adenoid carcinoma of t...
1515 Progressive Cortical BlindnessJacqueline Winterkorn, MD, PhD (1947-2015), Clinical Professor, Department of Ophthalmlogy, Weill Cornell MedicineA 68-year old female with a 6-month history of progressive loss of vision.
1516 Death From Recurrent? Neuromyelitis Optica?Joel M. Weinstein, MDA 7-year old male with bilateral leg weakness and loss of vision OS.
1517 Pseudotumor Cerebri ReconsideredHamilton, SteveA 12-year old female who was one of fraternal twins whose mother was a narcotics addict. At 3 months surgery performed to correct lambdoidal craniosynostosis. At 11 amblyopia note.
1518 Visual Loss Following Craniotomy for Obstructive HydrocephalusRobert F. Saul, MD, Virginia Tech CarilionA 30-year old female with bilateral loss of vision associated with position change; Headache
1519 Cases presented at the NANOS 1991 Walsh SessionThis document includes a wide variety of neuro-ophthalmic cases as presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists,...
1520 MR Diagnosis of a Cerebellar MassSophia M. ChungA 38-year old male with transient obscurations OD occurring several times a day with subsequent similar involvement OS. Physical examination significant for enlarged head size.
1521 Pediatric Pseudotumor Cerebri?Mitchell J. WolinA 4-year old male with papilledema and a 2-week history of nausea and vomiting.
1522 Acromegaly with Visual LossJoseph F. RizzoA 56-year old man with protruding right eye. Previous history significant for kidney calculi.
1523 Chiasmal ConfusionLanning B. KlineA 28-year-old male with a 1-month history of blurred vision OU.
1524 Miotic Pupils, Harizontal Gaze Palsy, Alternating Skew, Asymmetric Bobbing and Infiltrating Mononuclear CellsMartin P. KolskyA 4-year old male with abnormal eye movements. Previous history significant for a 3-month history of scalp rash, polyuria-polydypsia and failure to thrive associated with hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy and lytic bone lesions.
1525 Horner's Syndrome: Unusual Etiology and Interesting ImagingPatrick J. SweeneyA 57-year old male with paresthesias, frontal orbital headache and dizziness.
1526 An Eccentric LesionEric L. BermanA 46-year old female with a 2 1/2-year history of decreased vision OD associated with proptosis. Intermittent shooting pains OD of 5-10 minute duration.
1527 You Can Teach a New Dog Old TricksNeil R. Miller, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology, Johns Hopkins UniversityA 27-year old female with a sudden onset of vertical diplopia unassociated with nausea, vomiting, dizziness or headache and left hypertropia. Previous history significant for Ollier disease.
1528 I Can't See, That's What Bugs Me!James A. GarrityA 34-year old male with proqressively severe bilateral retrobulbar headaches, visual blurring, papilledema and horizontal diplopia. Previous history significant for HIV.
1529 Paralysis of Down-Gaze in a Familial Progressive EncephalopathyA. Charles WinkelmanA 42-year old female with an inability to initiate downward eye movements. Previous history significant for ataxic gait, slurred speech and slowed mentation and psychosis. Family history remarkable for siblings exhibiting similar symptoms.
1530 Index of cases presented at the NANOS 1991 Walsh SessionThis document is an index of neuro-ophthalmic cases presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists, and other sele...
1531 Visual Loss in a 59-Year Old ManJohn W. Gittinger Jr.A 59-year old male with a sudden onset of visual disturbance.
1532 A Very Fragile Lady with a Tam-O'-Shanter SkullRobert M. McFadzeanA 47-year old female with headaches, difficulty in swallowing and talking, double vision, spacial disturbances and dizziness. Previous history significant for osteogenesis imperfecta.
1533 Recurring and Remitting Pupil Sparing Partial Third Nerve Palsy in a Young AdultRoy J. MecklerA 32-year old male with left pupil sparing and partial third nerve palsy. Previous history significant for an episode at age 24 of diplopia. Family history significant for a sibling Dx for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
1534 Left Ethmoid Sinus and Orbital MassAndrew W. LawtonA 61-year-old female proptosis OS. Previously history significant for 5 surgical procedures for a lesion involving sinuses, subfrontal intracranial region and medial left orbit.
1535 Painful Ophthalmoplegia - More Than Meets the EyeDeborah I. Friedman, MD, MPH, Professor, Neurology & Neurotherapeutics, University of Texas SouthwesternA 47-year old female with pain and decreased hearing AD and prominent right eye with blurring.
1536 Bilateral 3rd Nerve Palsy in a 75 Year-Old ManValerie A. Purvin, MD, Indiana UniversityA 75-year old male with painless diplopia and right upper lid ptosis.
1537 Reverse Foster Kennedy Syndrome: Inappropriate Optic AtrophyAnthony C. Arnold, MD, UCLAA 33-year old male with a 2-year history of slowly progressive, painless loss of vision OS. Previous history significant for esotropia, mild amblyopia and a 5-year history of fronto-temporal headache.
1538 Paramedian Thalamic Syndrome (Percheron Revisited - With MR)John L. Keltner, MD, UC Davis HealthA 26-year old male with intermittent diplopia from an exotropia, slightly greater at near than at distance.
1539 Isolated Bilateral Internal Ophthalmoplegia in a Young Woman with a Suprasellar MassDan Boghen, MD, FRCP(C), Neuro-Ophthalmology Section, Neurology Service, Hôtel-Dieu Hospital, QuebecA 22-year old female with an 8-month history of bilateral visual loss, headache, vomiting and secondary amenorrhea without galactorrhea.
1540 Imbalance and Dementia in an Auto Mechanic: A Family AffairRobert D. Yee, MDA 41-year old male with imbalance, clumsiness and slurring of speech.
1541 Eye Problems and Dysproteinemia in Two PatientsDotan, Shlomo A.Case 1: A 49-year old male red eyes. Case 2: A 59-year old female with double vision and left upper lid ptosis.
1542 Dementia and Vertical Gaze ParesisBruce W. Wilson, MDA 47-year old male with an 18-month history of neurological illness initiated by ophthalmoplegia and followed by dementia.
1543 Eye Pain Aggravated by Eye Movement, Supsequent Central Scotoma, Resolution and Recurrence 12 Years LaterRichard L. Sogg, MD, Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology at Stanford UniversityA 55-year old female with left ocular pain, nausea and loss of vision. Previous history significant for left optic neuropathy.
1544 Slowly Progressive Nasal Visual Field Loss: Glaucoma? Tumor? Syphilis? What Else?!Gregory S. KosmorskyA 74-year old male with a 24-year history of poor vision OS. Previous history significant for glaucoma, syphilis and pituitary adenoma.
1545 Complicated migraine - veryMartin P. KolskyA 44-year old male with a 25-year history of migraine.
1546 Rapid Bilateral Visual Loss with Late Skin ProblemsFloyd A. WarrenA 60-year old female with a 5-day history of progressive bilateral loss of vision and ocular injection. Previous history significant for peri-ocular pain and headache.
1547 Something to Get Your Teeth IntoIvor S. LevyA 26-year old male with swelling and pain in the right cheek the result of a facial injury that progressed into inflammatory fibrosis of the masseter muscle. After prosthetic replacement surgery the patient developed diplopia and rapid loss of vision OD.
1548 Lid Ecchymosis, Subconjunctival Hemorrhave and Orbital Lesion - And That's Not All FolksThomas L. SlamovitsA 3 1/2-year old female with a 3-week history of fatigue, leg pain, pallor, low-grade fever and a bruise over the right brow. Previous history significant for progressive anemia and lymphocytosis.
1549 A Patient with Retro-orbital Pain and DiplopiaWarren L. Felton IIIA 31-year old female with a 2-week history of severe, unrelenting left retro-orbital pain associated with diplopia.
1550 A Routine Case of Acquired Hyperopia??Lenworth N. JohnsonA 47-year-old male with a 3-month history of gradual loss of vision OS in primary gaze and monocular diplopia.
1551 The Perils of ExerciseSteven A. Newman, MD, University of Virginia School of MedicineCase 1: A 36-year old male with a 2-month history of intermittent horizontal diplopia. Case 2: A 33-year old with binocular horizontal diplopia.
1552 Blindess from acute and chronic optic neuropathyJames A. GoodwinA 22-year old female with a 2-year history of blurred vision OU, left hand numbness along with bilateral pain in fingertips and toes.
1553 Multiple Cranial Neuropathis and Acute Renal FailureLenore A. Breen, MD, Department of Neurology, West Virginia University Health Sciences CenterA 36-year old male with nausea, vomiting, fatigue and anuria. Family history significant for renal calculi. Social history remarkable for heavy use of tobacco, alcohol and occasional use of marijuana.
1554 Bilateral CRVO in a 42 Year-Old El SalvadoranJohn H. NiffeneggerA 42-year old male with a 15-day history of progressive visual loss, 2 days of back pain and green urine. Previous history significant for chronic, active hepatitis.
1555 Pseudo-Tolosa-Hunt SyndromeNatalie KerrA 21-year old female with left-sided pain and diplopia.
1556 Orbital and Cavernous Sinus MassKenneth W. HouchinAn 18-year old male who was struck in the head by a hockey puck without loss of consciousness. Two weeks later he developed left frontal and retro-orbital headache, blurred vision, and diplopia.
1557 Familial Hemifacial Spasm (HFS): An AutopsyJonathan D. WirtschafterAn 83-year old female who at age 63 developed symptoms of left hemifacial spasm. Previous history significant for controlled diabetes, controlled hypertension, atherosclerotic heart disease and cervical cancer (Tx cobalt). Family history remarkable for daughter and niece who developed HFS.
1558 Progressive Cavernous Sinus SyndromeBrain T. PerkovichA 64-year old female with a 1-month history of binocular, horizontal diplopia.
1559 Post-Partum Visual LossSam Abdul-RahimA 30-year old primigravida delivered a healthy female neonate after a 36-week gestation complicated only by bi-temporal throbbing headaches the week before delivery. One week post-partum she noted blurred distance vision and decreased left peripheral vision. Over the next three weeks she experienc...
1560 Enigma of the Maxillary NerveDeborah I. Friedman, MD, MPH, Professor, Neurology & Neurotherapeutics, University of Texas SouthwesternA 58-year old female with numbness and pain in the right nostril.
1561 An Unusual Cause of Isolated Third Nerve Palsy in an InfantBarbas, Nancy R.A 9-month old male with drooping ptosis and limitation of movement OD.
1562 A Slowly Evolving Cavernous Sinus SyndromeBenjamin, Eugene E.A 45-year old male with ptosis and anisocoria. Previous history significant for a severe flu-like illness with cough and associated loss of weight.
1563 Left Eye Proptosis and Decreased Vision Bilaterally in a 5 Year Old BoyChrousos, Georgia A.A 5-year old male with declining vision.
1564 Coma with Ophthalmoplegia in the Setting of an Evaluation for Weight LossMark L. Moster, MD, Thomas Jefferson UniversityA 45-year old diabetic female with weight loss and a Dx lipodystrophy. Family history significant for a 44-year old brother with diabetes.
1565 Tolosa-Hunt or Not Tolosa-Hunt, That is the QuestionWilliam A. Fletcher, MD, Departments of Clinical Neurosciences & Surgery, University of CalgaryA 61-year old female with a 3 1/2-year history of recurrent ophthalmoplegia and facial pain.
1566 Cranial Neuropathy and Visual LossRobert L. Lesser, MD, The Eye Care Group, Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Science and Neurology at Yale, Clinical Professor of Neurology and Surgery (Neurosurgery) at the University of Connecticut School of MedicineA 59-year old male with a left VI palsy. Previous history significant for myalgia, sore throat and malaise.
1567 Visual Loss, Ophthalmoplegia, and Facial Pain in a Man With Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the MouthRobert F. Saul, MD, Virginia Tech CarilionA 43-year old male with squamous cell carcinoma and a previous Dx leukoplakia.
1568 2 Plus 12 = ?Jacqueline Winterkorn, MD, PhD (1947-2015), Clinical Professor, Department of Ophthalmlogy, Weill Cornell MedicineAn 8-year old female with decreased a 1-month history of decreased vision OD. Previous history significant progressive dysarthria, headache, stiff nick, fatigue, nose bleeds and a recent 10-pound weight loss.
1569 Orbital Granulomas: A Unique Presentation of B-Cell Immuno-deficiencyLanning B. KlineA 62-year old female with bi-lateral peri-orbital edema. Physical exam revealed cervical lymphadenopathy.
1570 Double TroubleIvor S. LevyAn 18-year old male with diplopia and tearing OS.
1571 Unusual Pituitary Tumor Production a Chiasmal SyndromeCharles E. MaxnerA 39-year old female with headache and bilateral loss of vision.
1572 Complete Ophthalmoplegia and SomnolenceRobert W. LoranceA 72-year old female with somnolence and ophthalmoplegia.
1573 Sustained Upgaze in ComaStephen E. ThurstonA 70-year old male with a history of diabetes and severe coronary artery disease underwent quadruple coronary artery bypass grafting. One hour post-operative the patient developed massive arterial bleeding from his drainage tube became hypotensive. After emergency repair of loose aortic anastomosi...
1574 When is a Stroke Not a Stroke?Deborah I. Friedman, MD, MPH, Professor, Neurology & Neurotherapeutics, University of Texas SouthwesternA 60-year old male with a 2-week history of binocular, horizontal diplopia, tinnitus, vertigo, urinary retention and increased right-sided weakness. Previous history significant for syphilis and aspirin-induced bleeding gastric ulcer.
1575 Headache, Mental Neuropathy and VIth Nerve PalsiesNancy J. Newman, MD, Emory Eye CenterA 37-year old female with severe, recurrent headache and left chin numbness.
1576 Cases presented at the NANOS 1989 Walsh SessionThis document includes a wide variety of neuro-ophthalmic cases as presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists,...
1577 Index of cases presented at the NANOS 1989 Walsh SessionThis document is an index of neuro-ophthalmic cases presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists, and other sele...
1578 An Atypical Pseudotumor Cerebri SyndromeWarren L. Felton IIIA 21-year old male with a sudden loss of vision OD preceded by a 5-month history of modestly severe headache.
1579 Optic Nerve Meningioma with Venous Shunts of the Optic Nerve HeadGreen, W. RichardAn 80-year old white female with optic disc swelling OD.
1580 Facial Numbness, Optic Neuritis, Diplopia, and ProptosisMartin P. KolskyA 40-year old female with painful right-sided visual loss, diplopia, ptosis, facial numbness and proptosis.
1581 Uveitis, Diabetes, Insipidus, Pneumonia and Peripheral Neuropathy in an Eight Year Old BoyElizabeth C. DoolingAn 8-year old male with with fever, polyuria, polydipsia, nocturia, progressive lethargy and gait distubances.
1582 Papilledema and Phantom Lesions in CTTulay KansuA 23-year male with a 10-day history of frontal headache and 3-month experience of fatigue and anorexia.
1583 Did You Say I Had a Sixth Nerve Palsy?Michael L. SlavinA 34-year old male with horizontal diplopia, abducens and cochlear neuropathies.
1584 A Brain Stem SyndromeBruce W. Wilson, MDA 41-year old male with diplopia, nystagmus and facial weakness. Previous history for MI, right carotid stenosis and left vertebral stenosis.
1585 A 70 Year Old Man with Palinopsia and Visual Field DefectValerie A. Purvin, MD, Indiana UniversityA 70-year old male with visual disturbances and hallucinations over a 4-week period.
1586 Index of cases presented at the NANOS 1988 Walsh SessionThis document is an index of neuro-ophthalmic cases presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists, and other sele...
1587 Cases presented at the NANOS 1988 Walsh SessionThis document includes a wide variety of neuro-ophthalmic cases as presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists,...
1588 An Unusual Presentation of an Optic Nerve LesionIsaac GutmanA 54-year old male with left periorbital pain and ipsilateral loss of vision.
1589 Pseudotumor Cerebri in a ChildFrohman, Larry P.A 9-year old female with a 6-week history of lethargy, a month of anorexia, post-prandial vomiting, persistent headache and two weeks of fevers of 102-103 degrees Fahrenheit. Previous history significant for frequent nosebleeds.
1590 The Case of Downbeating NystagmusGuy, John R.A 58-year old female with a 2-week history of nausea, vomiting, vertigo and ataxic gait.
1591 Complex Visual Hallucinations in an Elderly ManMark S. Borchert, MD, University of Southern CaliforniaAn 83-year old male with visual hallucinations and a change in personality. Previous history significant for surgically treat colonic neoplasm, MI, cataract extraction OD, III nerve palsy, diabetes mellitus, peripheral neuropathy and cardiomegaly with mitral regurgitation.
1592 Acute Visual Loss in a Woman with Metastatic Breast CarcinomaJoel M. Weinstein, MDA 33-year old female with diminished vision OU. Previous history significant for metastatic infiltrative, intraductal breast carcinoma which was treated with modified radical mastectomy and chemotherapy. 15 months after surgery readmitted for myelography to evaluate complaints of severe back pain. I...
1593 Bromocriptine Resistant Pituitary TumorRobert L. Lesser, MD, The Eye Care Group, Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Science and Neurology at Yale, Clinical Professor of Neurology and Surgery (Neurosurgery) at the University of Connecticut School of MedicineA 41-year old male with blurred vision OS and right occipital headache. Previous history significant for pituitary adenoma which was surgically resected.
1594 Optic Nerve CorpulenceMarc H. LevyA 68-year old female with loss of central and peripheral vision OU, headache and bilateral inferior conjunctival swelling. Previous history significant for hypothyroidism and iron-deficiency anemia.
1595 An Adolescent with Bilateral Visual LossWarren L. Felton IIIA 15-year old male with headache and binocular loss of vision over a 2-week period. Symptoms preceded by flu-like syndrome of fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cervical adenopathy and orthostatic light-headedness.
1596 An Unusual Cranial PolyneuropathyDeborah I. Friedman, MD, MPH, Professor, Neurology & Neurotherapeutics, University of Texas SouthwesternA 44-year old male with a 1-year history of progressive, painful ophthalmoplegia OS and 2-month history of left facial weakness.
1597 A Sellar MassWayne ShtybelA 70-year old male with acute, painless horizontal diplopia followed 2 months later by headache, nausea, photophobia and weight loss.
1598 Renal Failure in a Girl with Visual LossIvor S. LevyA 14-year old female with a 3-year history of progressive visual loss and poor night vision. Previous history significant for polydipsia and polyuria. Family history significant for parents who were first cousins.
1599 Somewhere Over the SphenoidMichael L. SlavinA 71-year old female with numbness in the right lip and cheek progressing to the right mandible and forehead. A 12-pound weight loss accompanied by horizontal diplopia further developed over an 8-month period.
1600 The Inferior Orbital Fissure SyndromeSteven A. Newman, MD, University of Virginia School of MedicineA 26-year old female with a 9-month history of lack of tearing on the left side.
1501 - 1600 of 2,223