1301 - 1400 of 2,223
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1301 Apical MadnessSophia M. ChungA 73-year old female with a 5-day history of acute visual loss OD. Previous history significant for right-side pneumonia.
1302 I Don't Want Her, You Can Have Her - She's Too Tough for MeGregory S. KosmarskyA 14-year old female with a 4-month history of painless loss of vision.
1303 Ta-Ta for NowJeffrey L. BennettA 28-year old male diminished eye movements and altered mental status. Previous history significant for left orchiectomy for Stage 1 embryonal carcinoma.
1304 Progressive Neurologic Dysfunction and Optic NeuropathyNicholas J. Volpe, MD, Northwestern UniversityA 72-year old female with an acute onset of gait unsteadiness and leg weakness.
1305 Pseudo Pseudotumor CerebriRobyn J. WolintzA 29-year old female with a 1-month history of worsening headaches, transient visual obscurations and reduced visual acuity.
1306 Unilateral Progressive Visual Loss with Optic Disc EdemaJennie U. SungA 59-year old male with a 3-week history of seeing shadows. Previous history significant for coronary artery disease. Family history remarkable for diabetes.
1307 Postpartum Visual LossRichard D. StutzmanA 23-year old post-partum white female with a several month history of intermittent throbbing frontal headaches and blurred vision OU. Whooshing sound AU.
1308 A Hemorrhage and Hallucinations: AHAH!Jacquelin WinterkornA 71-year old female with an excruciating left headache from forehead to occiput associated with a shadow over her right visual field. CT scan in the ER showed hemorrhage in the left occipital cortex. Previous history significant for endometrial carcinoma.
1309 The Plumber's NightmareHoward SavageA 69-year old male with blurred vision OD, headache and significant loss of weight. Previous history significant for right carotid endarterctomy.
1310 A Black Eye and a Sore LipMichael S. Vaphiades, MD, University of AlabamaA 48-year old female with painful loss of vision OS associated with orbital pain and posterior neck pain. Previous history significant for joint pain and hypothyroidism
1311 Cord ConfusionSteven L. Galetta, MD, NYU LangoneA female with loss of vision OS
1312 An Unknown Chiasm Disturbance: Is This Lyme Disease?Andracchi, SusanA 51-year old female with a loss of vision OU over a 3-day period. Previous history significant for hyperthyroidism, dysthyroid orbitopathy and proptosis.
1313 Here, There and EverywhereGuevara, Raul A.A 32-year old male with a 2-month history of progressive left upper lid fullness, ptosis and blurred vision OS.
1314 Vision Loss after Aneurysm Repair: A Bad RapKathryn M. BradyA 68-year old female with acute, severe headache Dx subarachnoid hemorrhage and left paraophthalmic aneurysm Tx clipping and muslim wrap. Subjectively stable post-op until noted painless loss of vision OS.
1315 Visual Loss in a Man with Metastatic MelanomaJohn W. Gittinger Jr.A 59-year-old male with malignant melanoma, attendant loss of vision.
1316 The Ayes Have ItRalph A. SawyerA 75-year old female with lack of visual improvement following cataract surgery OS. Previous history significant mastectomy ductal carcinoma-in-situ and migraine.
1317 A New Manifestation of Desert Storm Syndrome?Kimberly A. Peele-CockerhamA 45-year old male with decreased vision OS. Visual decline preceded by photopsias. Previous history significant for chemical and nuclear exposures.
1318 Cognitive and Visual Decline in a Diabetic ManBarry J. McCaslandA 57-year old male with episodic headaches and confusion over a 5-month period.
1319 Slow Vertical Saccades in Motor Neuron DiseaseAdriana KoriA 54-year old female with a history of motor neuron disease. Four year prior to presentation progressive dysarthria and dysphagia required gastrostomy.
1320 Microbial Keratitis as the Presenting Manifestation of Neuro-Ophthalmologic DiseaseKirch IngeborgA 34-year old male with a 5-year history floppy eyelid syndrome manifesting as pain, redness, irritation and discomfort OU. Previous history significant for non-insulin-dependent diabetes and mild hypertension.
1321 Shooting CrapsJeffrey BennettA 55-year old male with episodic confusion and monocular amaurosis. Previous history significant for coronary artery disease and hypertension.
1322 Blurred Vision in a 54-Year-Old Woman: Maladie de la MaisonLea Averbuch-HellerA 54-year old female with an inability to focus. 6 months prior to presentation she developed blurred vision. No abnormality noted save for frequent blinking.
1323 An Oculocerebral NightmareM. Tariq Bhatti, MD, Duke HealthA 16-year old male with decreased vision OD and posterior occipital headache. Previous history significant for acute lymphocytic leukemia treated with chemotherapy and autologous bone marrow transplant.
1324 Recurrent Cerebral Infarctions Associated with FeverValérie Biousse, MD Departments of Ophthalmology and Neurology, Emory University School of MedicineA 38-year old male binocular visual symptoms. Previous history significant for chronic alcohol abuse.
1325 Serum Sickness and a Sixth Nerve PalsyLaura J. Balcer, MD, Professor, Department of Neurology, NYU LangoneA 78-year old female with binocular horizontal diplopia, worse in right gaze and intermittent right frontal headache. Previous history significant for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperclosterolemia, arthritis, coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. Bilateral cata...
1326 Adolescence Revisited: Acne, Tummy Ache and Optic Neuritis in a Man Over FiftyAggarwal, AshimA 57-year old male with a 3-day history of increasing left eye pain and visual disturbance.
1327 A Most Atypical ExotropiaRobert L. Lesser, MD, The Eye Care Group, Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Science and Neurology at Yale, Clinical Professor of Neurology and Surgery (Neurosurgery) at the University of Connecticut School of MedicineA 5 1/2-year old female with optic atrophy. Previous history significant for an exotropia at age three months which did not improve with patching.
1328 There is More Than Meets the EyeRobyn J. WolintzA 78 year-old woman with acute left peri-ocular pain
1329 A Strange Case of the FluCharlotte R. ThompsonA 9-year old male with impaired vision OU and subsequent headache, back and neck pain. Previous history significant for a flu-like febrile illness shared with sibling. Family history remarkable for older sibling with Down syndrome.
1330 When you Least Expect ItBruce W. Wilson, MDA 48-year old male with loss of balance, headache, nausea, vertigo and dementia.
1331 I'll Be Seeing EweValérie Biousse, MD Departments of Ophthalmology and Neurology, Emory University School of MedicineA 15-year old male with headache associated with self-reported black spots in the visual field. Previous history significant for a tumor of the skull Dx Ewing's sarcoma.
1332 One More Cause for Optic NeuropathyRuth Huna-Baron, MD, The Goldschleger Eye InstituteA 45-year old male with a 4-week history of right-sided headache and progressive graying of vision OD. Previous history significant for HIV infection and subsequent Dx AIDS due to pneumocystic carinii pneumonia and pulmonary multi-drug resistant tuberculosis.
1333 Progressive Visual Loss, Disc Pallor, Gait Dysfunction, and Declining School PerformanceMartin P. KolskyA 12-year old male with a several year history of bi-lateral loss of vision, slurred speech, gait disturbance and declining school performance.
1334 The Perils of a SneezeFrancine WeinA 51-year old female with severe left peri-orbital pain and visual loss following a sneeze 3 days earlier. Previous history significant for hypercholesterlemia, osteoporosis and depressive disorder.
1335 A Flu-Like IllnessShirley H. Wray, MD, PhD, FRCP, Professor of Neurology Harvard Medical School, Director, Unit for Neurovisual Disorders, Massachusetts General HospitalA 50-year old male with 5-month history of flu-like illness characterized by mild fevers, frequent chills, night sweats, sinus congestion and diffuse myalgias in chest, abdomen, legs and soles of the feet. Three days PTA awoke unable to open his right eye. Diplopia with eye open. Previous history s...
1336 Fatal PhentermineJudith E. A. Warner, MD, Moran Eye Center, University of UtahA 47-year old female with a sudden loss of vision and a dilated pupil. Previous history significant for a benign lung mass removed 26 years earlier.
1337 An Asynchronous OrbitSteven A. Newman, MD, University of Virginia School of MedicineA 65-year old man with headache and balance associated with episodes of dizziness. Previous history significant for squamous cell carcinoma in situ of the conjunctiva.
1338 A Patient with Painful OphthalmoplegiaKenneth D. RappoportAn 80-year old male with left periorbital and temporal pain followed within one day by left ptosis and diplopia. Previous history significant for coronary artery disease, hypertension and abdominal aortic aneurysm.
1339 Where It Doesn't BelongMisha Pless, Joseph Rizzo, Michael JosephA 64-year old male with a 2-year history of polycythemia rubra vera developed pain on the left side of his face. Over the next month the pain increased and the left side of his face became paralyzed. Diplopia and left-sided ptosis prompted neuro-ophthalmic referral.
1340 Vexing VertigoCheryl L. RayA 50-year old female with a 5-day history of light-headedness, nausea, vomiting and double vision. Diplopia described as binocular and horizontal.
1341 Swimmer's EyeRichard M. Rubin, Marilyn L. Slovak, Joyce L. Murata-Collins, Narsing Rao, Alfredo A. SadunA 14-year-old Vietnamese girl presented 9/18/95 with a complaint of dimming of vision, central scotoma and pain involving the right eye for 4 weeks. The patient attributed the onset to being hit in the right periorbital region by a passing swimmer 4 weeks before her presentation
1342 Index of cases presented at the NANOS 1997 Walsh SessionThis document is an index of neuro-ophthalmic cases presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists, and other sele...
1343 Cases presented at the NANOS 1997 Walsh SessionThis document includes a wide variety of neuro-ophthalmic cases as presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists,...
1344 Suprasellar Mass in a Six Month Old BabyRuth HunaA 1-month old female evaluated for progressive increase in head circumference.
1345 Saving FaceMichael S. Vaphiades, MD, University of AlabamaA 10-year old female with bilateral lower motor neuron facial palsies and decrease hearing AU.
1346 Not-So-Benign Paroxysmal Tonic Upgaze of ChildhoodWilliam A. Fletcher, MD, Departments of Clinical Neurosciences & Surgery, University of CalgaryA 4-month old male with episodic paroxysmal tonic upgaze first noted at four weeks.
1347 A Young Man with Giant LesionColapinto, Edward V.An 18-year old male with intermittent pancranial headache and visual blur of 1-1/2 months duration. Previous history significant for visual decrease secondary to congenital nystagmus.
1348 Bright Optic Nerves and Temporal Lobe LesionPaul H. Phillips, MD, University of ArkansasA 40-year old male with bilateral loss of vision. Previous history significant for diabetes, hypertension and post-traumatic stress disorder.
1349 A Fourth Nerve Palsy in a Boy of 7 1/2 YearsIsla M. WilliamsA 7 1/2-year old male with poor visual acuity.
1350 Optic Nerve Tumor in the 20 Year Old FemalePeter R. BringewaldA 20-year old female with a 4-day history of decreased vision OS.
1351 Three Strikes and You're OutNicholas J. Volpe, MD, Northwestern UniversityA 42-year old female with painless loss of vision OD and eyelid swelling. Eight months previous treated with antibiotics for right eyelid swelling. Four months prior to presentation eyelid swelling associated with blurred vision treated with steroids. CT scan revealed orbital and optic nerve tumor.
1352 To Lose a Hunt, and Other Inflammatory RemarksBenjamin M. Frishberg, MDA 45-year old female with a 4-day history of acute loss of vision OS associated with a left peri-orbital headache.
1353 A Chiasm Too Fat To FunctionVictoria RecioA 46-year old male with a 3-month history of blurred vision OU and optic atrophy.
1354 Steroid Responsive Optic Neuropathy: The Case From HellAndrew F. LeeA 36-year old pregnant female with a 2-month history of right facial pain, intermittent numbness of the cheek associated with global headache.
1355 Meningismus, Ocular Pain and Visual Loss in a Young MaleLea Averbuch-HellerA 20-year old male with headache, stiff neck, photophobia and blurred vision.
1356 Homonymous Hemianopia in a Young WomanDeborah I. Friedman, MD, MPH, Professor, Neurology & Neurotherapeutics, University of Texas SouthwesternA 21-year old female with a right homonymous hemianopia.
1357 It AION't Necessarily SoMark L. Moster, MD, Thomas Jefferson UniversityA 62-year old male with blurred vision OS. Previous history significant for pituitary adenoma with progressive loss of vision OS.
1358 Optic Neuritis Is What Ails HerForman, ScottA 41-year old female with a 1-week history of monocular visual loss OS and associated pain with movement. Previous history significant for seizure and manic depressive disorder.
1359 TB or Not TB? That is the QuestionBafna, ShamikA 65-year old female with a 1-month history of pain in the right forehead and peri-orbital region extending to the right occiput and cataract OD. Previous history significant for non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and hypertension.
1360 Pseudo-Pseudotumor Cerebri To Be Blunt About ItEllis, Brian D.A 52-year old male with a 2-month history of occipital headache.
1361 A Case That Just Could Not Be ReadNorah S. Lincoff MD, University at BuffaloA 50-year old male unable to read for one month. Previous history significant for HIV, Bell palsy and herpes zoster.
1362 Another Oddity!!Eneyni, MazenA 36-year old female with a 2-month history of gradual decreasing vision OD. Previous history significant for same symptoms 9 years earlier.
1363 Red Eyed DementiaChapman, Karen LorryA male with severe head trauma
1364 Progressive Visual Loss with an Unusual Enlarging Intracranial MassRobert F. Saul, MD, Virginia Tech CarilionA 60-year old female with a 1-month history of visual decline OU, intermittent headache and recurrent ear infection AU.
1365 Where Imaging Freaks Fear to TreadDan Boghen, MD, FRCP(C), Neuro-Ophthalmology Section, Neurology Service, Hôtel-Dieu Hospital, QuebecA 59-year old male with diplopia, poor balance and dysarthria and dysphagia.
1366 Cross Your 'I's' (Eyes) and Dot Your 'T's' (Threes)Robert D. Yee, MDA 72-year old male with a 50-year history of low back pain, weakness and sensory loss in the legs Tx 6 surgeries over 32 years. Leg weakness and numbness progressed with subsequent bladder and bowel incontinence and severe bilateral hearing loss.
1367 Index of cases presented at the NANOS 1996 Walsh SessionThis document is an index of neuro-ophthalmic cases presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists, and other sele...
1368 Cases presented at the NANOS 1996 Walsh SessionThis document includes a wide variety of neuro-ophthalmic cases as presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists,...
1369 A Patient with Homonymous Hemianopia of The Heart of DarknessWarren L. Felton IIIA 63-year old male with a 15-pound weight loss, dimming vision OS and images tinged green OU. Previous history significant for CAD, MI, non-insulin-dependent type II diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and a cervical diskectomy.
1370 Couldn't We Land Any Sooner?Misha PlessA 65-year old female with an acute onset of vertical diplopia, right-sided facial tingling, and dysarthria.
1371 Through the Sinus, DarklyMark J. MorrowA 52-year old female with a 13-year history of year of gradually progressive diplopia, right ptosis, and intermittent right infraorbital pain. Previous history significant for hypertension, dyspepsia and migraine.
1372 Here Today, Gone TomorrowPaul H. Phillips, MD, University of ArkansasA 42-year old female with ptosis, diplopia and retrobulbar pain OS. Previous history significant for asthma and chronic frontal headache.
1373 Progressive Cranial Neuropathies in a 60 Year Old ManNeil R. Miller, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology, Johns Hopkins UniversityA 60-year old male with difficulty walking resulting in several falls. Increasing hoarseness and loss of hearing AU.
1374 To Get If Off My ChestSteven A. Newman, MD, University of Virginia School of MedicineA 17-year old male with a 1-month history of right frontal headache, progressive right ptosis and diplopia.
1375 In the Thick of ItRichard M. RubinA 70-year old male with right eye injection and followed by the onset of severe right retro-orbital headaches and scalp tenderness.
1376 Transitional MeningiomaEdsel B. IngA 22-year old female with decreased vision OS and periocular pain.
1377 Orbital and Systemic MyositisThomas R. Hedges IIIA 56-year old male with progressive inflammation of the medial aspect of the right upper arm. A month later, after treatment with antibiotics, a dull ache and vertical diplopia OD. Previous history significant for emphysema.
1378 MangiaAeyan ShyeganiA 52-year old female with severe, painful right periorbital swelling and redness associated with fever, chills and headache.
1379 Old Lesion, New PalsyGeis, Todd C.A 48-year old female with horizontal diplopia. 3 years prior to referral, right facial weakness, hypesthesia and ipsilateral loss of hearing and ataxia experienced. Previous history significant for chronic liver disease with splenomegaly, malabsorption syndrome, thrombocytopenia with anemia and Hash...
1380 Lessons Learned From A Big Optic NerveDaniel M. Jacobson, MD (1956-2003)A 40-year old female with left orbital headache and blurred vision declining to loss of vision OS.
1381 Diplopia After Minor Head TraumaRobert L. TomsakA 16-year old male with diplopia, worse at distance and right gaze. Previous history significant for a hard fall the resulted to a blow to the head.
1382 Histopathology of an Adult-Onset Optic NeuropathyJoseph F. RizzoA male with poor vision and color defect OS.
1383 Bilateral Visual Loss and Confusion After Lumboperitoneal Shunt for Pseudotumor CerebriNeil R. Miller, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology, Johns Hopkins UniversityA 42-year old female with headache and optic disc swelling after lumboperitoneal shunting.
1384 An Unusual Cause for Recurrent ProptosisKimberly A. Peele-CockerhamA 28-year old male with painless, progressive proptosis OS.
1385 Enigmatic Unilateral Optic Disc Swelling in an AIDS PatientThomas H. YauA 35-year old male with left eye pain occurring on lateral gaze. Previous history significant for AIDS, discovered after a diagnosis of disseminated histoplasmosis.
1386 An Unusual Cause of Bilateral Central ScotomasPamela Y. BlakeA 66-year old female with diminishing vision over a 20-year period.
1387 0' Variant Visual LossEdsel B. IngA 42-year old female with photopsias, nyctalopia and occasional bifrontal headache.
1388 Ophthalmoplegic Migraine: Toward a Better UnderstandingAlexander S. MarkA 12-year old with headaches and right III nerve palsy involving the pupil.
1389 Progressive Visual Loss, 13708 Mutation, Optic Nerve Thickening, MRI Foci and D.I.Michael KazinA 20-year old male with painless blurred vision and fatigue.
1390 Slowly Progressive Visual Loss in a young AdultDavid I. Kaufman, Greg S. KosmorskyA 23-year old male with vision complaints; trouble reading with decreased central vision in both eyes.
1391 Relapsing and Remitting Ophthalmoparesis in a 12-Year Old Girl with Common MirgraineRobert SpectorA 12-year old female with migraine and gaze orthotropia.
1392 Hemiparesis, Simultagnosia and ProsopagnosiaGoh, Kong YongA 49-year old male with a long-standing history of seizure and the onset of a progressive right hemiparesis.
1393 The Irony of It AllSteven L. Galetta, MD, NYU LangoneA 64-year old female with a 4-year history of transfusion-dependent myelodysplasia noted right facial pain radiating from the angle of the jaw to the temporal area. The pain was attributed to sinus disease and empirically treated with oral antibiotics. Four weeks later, she awoke with NLP OD. Previo...
1394 Downbeat Nystagmus with a Fourth Ventricular TumorPaul W. Brazis, MD, Mayo ClinicA 74-year old female with generalized weakness and visual decline. Previous history of significant for polymyalgia rheumatica.
1395 Heavy BreathingLaura J. Balcer, MD, Professor, Department of Neurology, NYU LangoneA 57-year old male with painless binocular horizontal diplopia, worse in left gaze and at distance.
1396 Index of cases presented at the NANOS 1995 Walsh SessionThis document is an index of neuro-ophthalmic cases presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists, and other sele...
1397 Cases presented at the NANOS 1995 Walsh SessionThis document includes a wide variety of neuro-ophthalmic cases as presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists,...
1398 Thirty-Three and a Third, But Not Long PlayerSusan M. KsiazekA 33-year old female in her thirty-third week of gestation with a 5-day history of double vision and fever.
1399 Another Cuban NeuropathyJacqueline A. LeavittA 46-year old male with diplopia.
1400 A Horse is a Horse, of Course, Of CourseMichael L. SlavinA 36-year old female with acute total visual loss OD lasting thirty seconds to one minute with spontaneous complete improvement.
1301 - 1400 of 2,223