1101 - 1200 of 2,223
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1101 Red Eyed DementiaChapman, Karen LorryA male with severe head trauma
1102 Progressive Visual Loss with an Unusual Enlarging Intracranial MassRobert F. Saul, MD, Virginia Tech CarilionA 60-year old female with a 1-month history of visual decline OU, intermittent headache and recurrent ear infection AU.
1103 Where Imaging Freaks Fear to TreadDan Boghen, MD, FRCP(C), Neuro-Ophthalmology Section, Neurology Service, Hôtel-Dieu Hospital, QuebecA 59-year old male with diplopia, poor balance and dysarthria and dysphagia.
1104 Cross Your "I's" (Eyes) and Dot Your "T's" (Threes)Robert D. Yee, MDA 72-year old male with a 50-year history of low back pain, weakness and sensory loss in the legs Tx 6 surgeries over 32 years. Leg weakness and numbness progressed with subsequent bladder and bowel incontinence and severe bilateral hearing loss.
1105 Index of cases presented at the NANOS 1996 Walsh SessionThis document is an index of neuro-ophthalmic cases presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists, and other sele...
1106 Cases presented at the NANOS 1996 Walsh SessionThis document includes a wide variety of neuro-ophthalmic cases as presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists,...
1107 A Patient with Homonymous Hemianopia of The Heart of DarknessWarren L. Felton IIIA 63-year old male with a 15-pound weight loss, dimming vision OS and images tinged green OU. Previous history significant for CAD, MI, non-insulin-dependent type II diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and a cervical diskectomy.
1108 Couldn't We Land Any Sooner?Misha PlessA 65-year old female with an acute onset of vertical diplopia, right-sided facial tingling, and dysarthria.
1109 Through the Sinus, DarklyMark J. MorrowA 52-year old female with a 13-year history of year of gradually progressive diplopia, right ptosis, and intermittent right infraorbital pain. Previous history significant for hypertension, dyspepsia and migraine.
1110 Here Today, Gone TomorrowPaul H. Phillips, MD, University of ArkansasA 42-year old female with ptosis, diplopia and retrobulbar pain OS. Previous history significant for asthma and chronic frontal headache.
1111 Progressive Cranial Neuropathies in a 60 Year Old ManNeil R. Miller, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology, Johns Hopkins UniversityA 60-year old male with difficulty walking resulting in several falls. Increasing hoarseness and loss of hearing AU.
1112 To Get If Off My ChestSteven A. Newman, MD, University of Virginia School of MedicineA 17-year old male with a 1-month history of right frontal headache, progressive right ptosis and diplopia.
1113 In the Thick of ItRichard M. RubinA 70-year old male with right eye injection and followed by the onset of severe right retro-orbital headaches and scalp tenderness.
1114 Transitional MeningiomaEdsel B. IngA 22-year old female with decreased vision OS and periocular pain.
1115 Orbital and Systemic MyositisThomas R. Hedges IIIA 56-year old male with progressive inflammation of the medial aspect of the right upper arm. A month later, after treatment with antibiotics, a dull ache and vertical diplopia OD. Previous history significant for emphysema.
1116 MangiaAeyan ShyeganiA 52-year old female with severe, painful right periorbital swelling and redness associated with fever, chills and headache.
1117 Old Lesion, New PalsyGeis, Todd C.A 48-year old female with horizontal diplopia. 3 years prior to referral, right facial weakness, hypesthesia and ipsilateral loss of hearing and ataxia experienced. Previous history significant for chronic liver disease with splenomegaly, malabsorption syndrome, thrombocytopenia with anemia and Hash...
1118 Lessons Learned From A Big Optic NerveDaniel M. Jacobson, MD (1956-2003)A 40-year old female with left orbital headache and blurred vision declining to loss of vision OS.
1119 Diplopia After Minor Head TraumaRobert L. TomsakA 16-year old male with diplopia, worse at distance and right gaze. Previous history significant for a hard fall the resulted to a blow to the head.
1120 Histopathology of an Adult-Onset Optic NeuropathyJoseph F. RizzoA male with poor vision and color defect OS.
1121 Bilateral Visual Loss and Confusion After Lumboperitoneal Shunt for Pseudotumor CerebriNeil R. Miller, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology, Johns Hopkins UniversityA 42-year old female with headache and optic disc swelling after lumboperitoneal shunting.
1122 An Unusual Cause for Recurrent ProptosisKimberly A. Peele-CockerhamA 28-year old male with painless, progressive proptosis OS.
1123 Enigmatic Unilateral Optic Disc Swelling in an AIDS PatientThomas H. YauA 35-year old male with left eye pain occurring on lateral gaze. Previous history significant for AIDS, discovered after a diagnosis of disseminated histoplasmosis.
1124 An Unusual Cause of Bilateral Central ScotomasPamela Y. BlakeA 66-year old female with diminishing vision over a 20-year period.
1125 "0" Variant Visual LossEdsel B. IngA 42-year old female with photopsias, nyctalopia and occasional bifrontal headache.
1126 Ophthalmoplegic Migraine: Toward a Better UnderstandingAlexander S. MarkA 12-year old with headaches and right III nerve palsy involving the pupil.
1127 Progressive Visual Loss, 13708 Mutation, Optic Nerve Thickening, MRI Foci and D.I.Michael KazinA 20-year old male with painless blurred vision and fatigue.
1128 Slowly Progressive Visual Loss in a young AdultDavid I. Kaufman, Greg S. KosmorskyA 23-year old male with vision complaints; trouble reading with decreased central vision in both eyes.
1129 Relapsing and Remitting Ophthalmoparesis in a 12-Year Old Girl with Common MirgraineRobert SpectorA 12-year old female with migraine and gaze orthotropia.
1130 Hemiparesis, Simultagnosia and ProsopagnosiaGoh, Kong YongA 49-year old male with a long-standing history of seizure and the onset of a progressive right hemiparesis.
1131 The Irony of It AllSteven L. Galetta, MD, NYU LangoneA 64-year old female with a 4-year history of transfusion-dependent myelodysplasia noted right facial pain radiating from the angle of the jaw to the temporal area. The pain was attributed to sinus disease and empirically treated with oral antibiotics. Four weeks later, she awoke with NLP OD. Previo...
1132 Downbeat Nystagmus with a Fourth Ventricular TumorPaul W. Brazis, MD, Mayo ClinicA 74-year old female with generalized weakness and visual decline. Previous history of significant for polymyalgia rheumatica.
1133 Heavy BreathingLaura J. Balcer, MD, Professor, Department of Neurology, NYU LangoneA 57-year old male with painless binocular horizontal diplopia, worse in left gaze and at distance.
1134 Index of cases presented at the NANOS 1995 Walsh SessionThis document is an index of neuro-ophthalmic cases presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists, and other sele...
1135 Cases presented at the NANOS 1995 Walsh SessionThis document includes a wide variety of neuro-ophthalmic cases as presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists,...
1136 Thirty-Three and a Third, But Not Long PlayerSusan M. KsiazekA 33-year old female in her thirty-third week of gestation with a 5-day history of double vision and fever.
1137 Another Cuban NeuropathyJacqueline A. LeavittA 46-year old male with diplopia.
1138 A Horse is a Horse, of Course, Of CourseMichael L. SlavinA 36-year old female with acute total visual loss OD lasting thirty seconds to one minute with spontaneous complete improvement.
1139 A Chiasmal ConundrumSteven A. Newman, MD, University of Virginia School of MedicineA 33-year old female with a 1-month history of severe frontal headache. Previous history significant for discovery of prior excision of left scapular melanoma.
1140 A Troubled TeenagerHana LeibaA 13-year old male with photophobia and panuveitis.
1141 Apoplectics AnonymousLee A. KlombersA 30-year old male with sudden, transient, painless loss of vision in the left supero-temporal visual field.
1142 Blurred Vision 8 Years After Resection of Cerbellar TumorDonald H. StewartA 50-year old male with a 1-year history of blurred vision and 2-year history of imbalance and slurred speech.
1143 Sudden Vertical Diplopia in a Young Healthy ManMichael PaulA 46-year old male with a sudden onset of binocular vertical diplopia, unstable gait and tinnitus AS.
1144 Spontaneous Carotid-Cavernous Fistual in a Young WomanJohn PollackA 33-year old female with a 1-week history of painful proptosis OS. Previous history significant for successful treatment of carotid-cavernous sinus fistula and cerebral artery aneurysm.
1145 Bad to the BoneCarolyn L. TaylorA 31-year old male with a 6-month history of progressive left-sided weakness, intermittent right facial pain and blurred vision. Previous history significant for Ollier's disease and below-the-knee amputation at age 12.
1146 Third Nerver Palsy and Bifrontal Lobe EdemaFrieland, ShmuelA 60-year old female with a 3-day history of diplopia. Other symptoms noted a 20-pound weight loss and non-localizing headache.
1147 Inside Out or Outside In?Dennis C. MatzkinA 71-year old male with decreasing vision OS.
1148 Put Your Best Face ForwardAngela R. LewisA 71-year old female with episodic swelling of forehead and eyelids. Previous history significant for hypertension, stroke and atrial fibrillation.
1149 Progressive, Painful Ophthalmoplegia in an Inmmunocompromised HostStephen K. BurgerA 51-year old male with a 3-day history of blurred vision OU which improved by covering either eye. Previous history significant for renal transplantion for renal failure from focal sclerosing glomerulonephritis, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea and diabetes mellitus.
1150 Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma: Postmortem InsightsAnthony C. Arnold, MD, UCLAA 71-year old female with painless onset of dimming vision OD.
1151 Oops! You Shouldn't Stick It Up His Nose!Gould, Todd J.A 61-year old male with a 12-year history of impotence worsening the past two years. Cold intolerance reported, but denied galactorrhea.
1152 The Back Door SurpriseDiNome, Marie A.Case 1: A 65-year old female with horizontal diplopia on left gaze shortly after experiencing a flu-like illness. Case 2: A 62-year old female with a 3-month history of headache and diplopia. Previous history significant for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and abdominal aortic aneurysm.
1153 Problems in the NightRobert L. Lesser, MD, The Eye Care Group, Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Science and Neurology at Yale, Clinical Professor of Neurology and Surgery (Neurosurgery) at the University of Connecticut School of MedicineA 55-year old male with dimming vision particularly at night, photophobia and difficulty with reading. Previous history significant for color blindness and bi-lateral posterior subcapsular cataracts and mastocytosis.
1154 Vascular HeadacheMatthew D. KayA 31-year old female with a sudden onset of a bi-occipital headache associated with blurred vision and bitemporal shimmering.
1155 Recurrent ChiasmopathyJudith Warner, Joseph F. RizzoA 32-year old female 4 1/2 months pregnant was referred for vision complaints.
1156 A Connecticute Cavernous Cancerous CunundrumAndrew G. LeeA 31-year old female with a 2-month history of binocular horizontal diplopia on gaze to the left. Previous history significant for for papillary carcinoma of the thyroid with metastasis to one paratracheal lymph node.
1157 You Call ItPeter B. CrinoA 63-year old female with a 1-week history of horizontal diplopia and mild gait instability.
1158 CNS Vasculitis and ConjunctivitisGuy G. MassryA 36-year old male with a 1-year history of burning and injection of both eyes and nocturnal photophobia.
1159 A Superior Orbital Fissure SyndromeDaniel JacobsonA 78-year old male with a 10-month history of progressive vertical diplopia, 6 weeks of dimming vision OD and associated peri-ocular pain of 3-month duration. Previous history significant for CAD, hypertension and ocular hypertension
1160 Another Case of Pseudotumor CerebriCybella Woon, Rosa Tang, Gabriel Pardo, Anne Hayman, R. Grossman, Jennifer MurrayAn 18-year old female with global headache and episodic blind spots OU diagnosed as pseudotumor cerebri.
1161 The Bright Side of a Wicked SliceNancy J. Newman, MD, Emory Eye CenterA 73-year old man with diplopia and vertigo. Previous Dx IV nerve palsy.
1162 A 62 Year Odyssey From Death to DiagnosisDavid L. Knox, MD, Wilmer Eye InstituteA 47-year old male with a steadily progressive neurologic deterioration.
1163 Simultanagnosia at the MircroscopeJohn B. Selhorst, MDA 44-year old male with a generalized tonic-clonic seizure became disoriented, dysarthric and weak in the left arm.
1164 An Unusual Case of MigrainePreston C. Calvert, MDA 37-year old female with recurrent headache of increasing severity and exclusively right-sided.
1165 The Case of the Jumping AlphabetCheryl RayA 39-year old female with burred vision. Family history significant for parents deceased due to glioblastoma multiforme.
1166 Two Peas in a PodBruce W. Wilson, MDA 40-year old male with right-sided headache, fever and scrotal rash.
1167 Double Double, Toil and TroubleGregory S. KosmorskyA 58-year old male with a progressive arm and leg weakness associated with a rippling phenomenon when tapped.
1168 Dental DiplopiaRochelle ZakA 39-year old male with ocular pain OD.
1169 Optic Neuritis vs Pseudotumor Cerebri: A Diagnostic DilemmaSreedhar V. PotarazuA 20-year old female with chronic headache associated with transient visual obscurations and pulsatile tinnitus.
1170 A 45 Year Old Female with Guillain-Barre and Optic NeuritisRodolfo J. RiosA 45-year old female with insomnia and back pain later followed by weakness and paresthesias of all four extremities and clumsiness.
1171 The Eyes Have ItWendy RobertsonA 24-year old female with complaints of dizziness was given a Scopolamine patch. One week later, she had behavioral changes with ataxia. Scopolamine was discontinued but symptoms continued to worsen with lethargy, slurred speech, tearfulness and threats of suicide and homicide.
1172 Atypical Ischemic Optic NeuropathyGabriel PardoA 55-year old male with blurred vision OD.
1173 Index of cases presented at the NANOS 1994 Walsh SessionThis document is an index of neuro-ophthalmic cases presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists, and other sele...
1174 Cases presented at the NANOS 1994 Walsh SessionThis document includes a wide variety of neuro-ophthalmic cases as presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists,...
1175 Diabolical DiplopiaAchyut PatelA 43-year old female with a 3-month history of horizontal and vertical diplopia.
1176 Localized and Extensive Eyelid Xanthogranuloma Associated with Severe Asthma in an AdultFredick A. JakobiecA 66-year old female with a 6-year history of a painless, gradually increasing subcutaneous mass of the right upper and lower eyelids, right brow and right temple. Previous history significant for hypertension, type II diabetes and asthma. Ophthalmic Hx Intracapsular cataract Tx Surgery.
1177 A Dumb-Bell or Two Dummies?David A. SchlessingerA 26-year old male with decreasing vision OS. Social history significant for poly-substance abuse.
1178 A True Air-HeadBedoya, EduardoA 44-year old female underwent sphenoid sinus surgery for polyps. Post-operative complaints of severe headache and blurred vision on the temporal side of the left eye.
1179 Maxillary Sunis Mass with Rapidly Progressing Proptosis and DiplopiaJohn G. McHenryA 43-year old female with a 4-day history of progressive periorbital swelling, proptosis, right partiental headache and diplopia on left lateral gaze. Previous history significant for migraine and left craniotomy for cerebral aneurysm.
1180 New Onset Pendular Nystagmus in a 12-Month OldCheryl RayA 12-month old infant was referred after the mother noted jiggling eyes while instilling eye drops for conjunctivitis.
1181 Would You Believe Normal Tension Glaucoma?Gregory S. KosmorskyA 40-year old female with a right superonasal scotoma.
1182 A Benign Orbital LesionEric L. BermanA 43-year old female with a 2-day history of swelling of her eyelids on the right side. Headaches noted 1 month before presentation.
1183 An Optic Neuropathy with a Difficult DiagnosisFloyd A. WarrenA 28-year old male with a 2-month history of progressive cloudy vision OD. Previous history significant for colitis.
1184 Orbito-Cranial-Angio-MyopathyMichael SandersA 14-year old female who as an infant was noted to have a congenital abnormality of left eye and globe.
1185 Temporal ArteromaMitchell B. StromingerA 69-year old female with an 11-day history of progressive loss of vision OS. Previous history significant for mild chronic leukopenia.
1186 Pupil-sparing III Nerve Palsies in a ChildJohn W. Gittinger Jr.A 12-year old male with a 6-six month history of worsening diplopia.
1187 Upward and Horizontal Midbrain OphthalmoplegiaAltomare, F.A 47-year old female with a 6-month history of right arm weakness, numbness and diplopia of 3 months duration. Previous history significant for bilateral hilar adenopathy.
1188 Divided We StandEggenberger, Eric R.A 56-year old female with vertical diplopia and mild balance difficulty.
1189 A Neuropsychiatric Dilemma (With a Bissell Retinopathy)Gausas, Roberta A.A 22-year old female with intermittent, pounding headaches and psychiatric and neurological manifestations.
1190 High Pressure Diagnosis: Cecocentral Scotomas and Elevated Interacranial PressureJacqueline Winterkorn, MD, PhD (1947-2015), Clinical Professor, Department of Ophthalmlogy, Weill Cornell MedicineA 37-year old male with worsening central vision OU and hallucinations.
1191 Primary Aberrant Regeneration of the Thrid Nerve at Its Emergence from the MidbrainJames J. Corbett, MD, University Of MississippiA 49-year old female with a 2-week history of enlarged left pupil, droopy lid, pain and visual loss OS and double vision on right gaze.
1192 An Iron Clad CaseSteven L. Galetta, MD, NYU LangoneA 32-year old woman with tinnitus, light-headedness and vertigo. Previous history significant for occipital encephalocele and bilateral hearing loss.
1193 Papilledema with Cortical Visual LossHorton, Jonathan C.A 48-year old female with Dx idiopathic intracranial hypertension and a history of intermittent bi-frontal, pulsatile headache associated with vomiting and photophobia. Previous history significant for Dx carcinomatous meningitis from metastatic melanoma.
1194 Progressive Brainstem Dysfunction in a Pregnant WomanNancy J. Newman, MD, Emory Eye CenterA 20-year old pregnant female with pain on the left side of the head and left ear.
1195 A 30 Year Old Male with Encephalopathy, Bilateral Multiple Branch Retinal Artery Occlusions and Hearing LossJeffrey G. Odel, MD, Columbia University Medical CenterA 30-year old male with intermittent numbness in the right hand and leg, dizziness and fatigue who later lost field OS.
1196 Index of cases presented at the NANOS 1993 Walsh SessionThis document is an index of neuro-ophthalmic cases presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists, and other sele...
1197 Cases presented at the NANOS 1993 Walsh SessionThis document includes a wide variety of neuro-ophthalmic cases as presented to physicians at the Frank B. Walsh session during the Annual North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Meeting. Clinical cases are presented by neuro-ophthalmologists with comments by neuroradiologists, neuropathologists,...
1198 The Incredible Shrinking BrainMarc H. LevyA 65-year old female with an 8-year history of progressive loss of vision OU.
1199 Diplopia, Visual Loss, Anosmia and Numb LipWarren L. Felton IIIA 60-year old male with an onset of painless binocular horizontal diplopia, progressive loss of visual acuity OD and diminished sense of smell.
1200 Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Diplopia and Temporal-Occipital MassJohn G. McHenryA 20-year old female with a 10-day history of sharp, constant right frontal headache and lethargy.
1101 - 1200 of 2,223