701 - 800 of 4,589
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701 Duodenum amyloid depositionDuodenum with amyloid deposition in lamina propria. Amyloid etiology unknown. Amyloid shows up as homogenous pink material in lamina propria and around blood vessels 40X.Small BowelHEAL Reviewed Collection
702 Eosinophilic granuloma mastoidHigh power view (40X) of a neoplastic proliferation of Langerhan's cells (Histiocytosis) in mastoid bone.HEAL Reviewed Collection
703 Adrenal gland with granulomatous reaction (gumma) to syphilisThis high power image (20X) shows a granuloma with a giant cell in the adrenal gland. The granuloma is a gumma formed during tertiary syphilisgummaHEAL Reviewed Collection
704 Adrenal gland with pheochromocytomaPatient with clinical symptoms of hypertension. Image shows adjacent normal adrenal gland with paraganglioma (pheochromocytoma) involving adrenal medulla.Adrenalin; NoradrenalinHEAL Reviewed Collection
705 Adrenal gland with granulomatous reaction (gumma) to syphilisThis medium power image shows a granuloma in the adrenal gland. The granuloma is a gumma formed during tertiary syphilis.GummaHEAL Reviewed Collection
706 Adrenal myelolipomaGross photograph with ruler showing residual normal adrenal and mixture of yellow adipose tissue and red myeloid areas of myelolipoma.benignHEAL Reviewed Collection
707 Adrenal myelolipomaGross photograph showing residual normal adrenal and mixture of yellow adipose tissue and red myeloid areas of myelolipoma.benignHEAL Reviewed Collection
708 Adrenal myelolipomaClose up showing residual normal adrenal and mixture of yellow adipose tissue and red myeloid areas of myelolipoma.BenignHEAL Reviewed Collection
709 Bladder carcinoma with lymphovascular invasionLymphovascular invasion by a bladder carcinoma away from the main tumor mass.Urothelial CarcinomaHEAL Reviewed Collection
710 Bladder carcinoma with lymphovascular invasionLymphovascular invasion by a bladder carcinoma away from the main tumor mass.Urothelial CarcinomaHEAL Reviewed Collection
711 Procedure for venipuncture : changing tubesSeries of images showing changing of tubes during venipunctureVenipuncture; Blood Collection TubesHEAL Reviewed Collection
712 Minimize risks: procedure after venipuncture, 3 examplesA series of three images showing how to reduce the possibility of needle stick injuries after venipuncture by using a special safety engineered holder.Venipuncture; Syringe Disposal Units, SharpsHEAL Reviewed Collection
713 Procedure for venipunctureSeries of images showing the procedure of injection or venipunctureVenipunctureHEAL Reviewed Collection
714 Minimize risks: procedure before venipunctureSeries of three images showing how to reduce the possibility of needle stick injuries before venipuncture.VenipunctureHEAL Reviewed Collection
715 Procedure for sterilizing the puncture spotSeries of images showing the proceeding of sterilizing arm and puncture spot.VenipunctureHEAL Reviewed Collection
716 Barrett's Metaplasia with High Grade DysplasiaImage of the esophagus showing intestinal or Barrett's metaplasia with associated high grade dysplasia at 20X.High Grade DysplasiaHEAL Reviewed Collection
717 CMV DuodenitisPatient with lung transplant developed CMV colitis, gastritis, and duodenitis. 40X showing viral inclusions on duodenum.CMV; Cytomegalovirus InclusionsHEAL Reviewed Collection
718 CMV ColitisPatient with lung transplant developed CMV colitis, gastritis, and duodenitis. 20X showing viral inclusions on colon.CMV; Cytomegalovirus InclusionsHEAL Reviewed Collection
719 CMV ColitisPatient with lung transplant developed CMV colitis, gastritis, and duodenitis. 40X showing viral inclusions on colon.CMV; Cytomegalovirus InclusionsHEAL Reviewed Collection
720 Vagina CondylomaImage showing human papilloma virus affecting the vagina.HPV; Human Papilloma VirusHEAL Reviewed Collection
721 Larynx squamous cell carcinomaSupraglottic carcinoma involving base of epiglottis. This whole mount slide of the larynx was taken in the coronal plane and photographed at 1X. Patient was a smoker and consumed alcohol in large quantities.Cancer; SupraglotticHEAL Reviewed Collection
722 Squamous cell carcinoma of the larynxTumor can be seen invading from the true vocal cord into anterior soft tissue passing between the thyroid and cricoid cartilage.CancerHEAL Reviewed Collection
723 Barrett's Metaplasia with Low Grade DysplasiaImage of the esophagus showing intestinal or Barrett's metaplasia with associated low grade dysplasia at 20X.Low Grade DysplasiaHEAL Reviewed Collection
724 CMV DuodenitisPatient with lung transplant developed CMV colitis, gastritis, and duodenitis. 20X showing viral inclusions on duodenum.CMV; Cytomegalovirus InclusionsHEAL Reviewed Collection
725 Breast carcinomaMetastatic breast carcinoma in pleural fluidBreast CancerHEAL Reviewed Collection
726 Adrenal cortical hyperplasiaPatient with ectopic ACTH production and diffuse adrenal cortical hyperplasia.ACTHHEAL Reviewed Collection
727 Preparation before needle stickSeries of images showing how to put on security gloves before venipuncture.VenipunctureHEAL Reviewed Collection
728 Procedure for removing cannula from veinSeries of images showing how to remove needle and cannula together with vacutainer holderVenipunctureHEAL Reviewed Collection
729 Invasive squamous cell carcinoma oral cavityImage shows a moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity with keratinization in patient who smokes and drinks.Oral CavityHEAL Reviewed Collection
730 Granular Cell Tumor Sublingual Salivary GlandPatient presented with nodule in roof of mouth as well as hoarseness with mass on vocal cord. Excision of sublingual gland showed a granular cell tumor as did the mass on the vocal cord.HEAL Reviewed Collection
731 Barrett's Metaplasia with High Grade DysplasiaImage of the esophagus showing intestinal or Barrett's metaplasia with associated high grade dysplasia at 40X.High Grade DysplasiaHEAL Reviewed Collection
732 CMV GastritisPatient with lung transplant developed CMV colitis, gastritis, and duodenitis. 60X showing viral inclusions on stomach.CMV; Cytomegalovirus InclusionsHEAL Reviewed Collection
733 CMV ColitisPatient with lung transplant developed CMV colitis, gastritis, and duodenitis. 10X showing viral inclusions on colon.CMV; Cytomegalovirus InclusionsHEAL Reviewed Collection
734 Skin gout tophusLow power microscope photograph showing a tophus in patient with gout.Tophus; Urate CrystalsHEAL Reviewed Collection
735 Granular Cell Tumor Sublingual Salivary GlandPatient presented with nodule in roof of mouth as well as hoarseness with mass on vocal cord. Excision of sublingual gland showed a granular cell tumor as did the mass on the vocal cord.HEAL Reviewed Collection
736 Barrett's Metaplasia with Low Grade DysplasiaImage of the esophagus showing intestinal or Barrett's metaplasia with associated low grade dysplasia at 10X.Low Grade DysplasiaHEAL Reviewed Collection
737 Sebaceous Carcinoma Eyelid Orbital ExenterationSurgical pathology specimen of skin with sebaceous carcinoma requiring orbital exenterationAdnexal TumorHEAL Reviewed Collection
738 Skin gout tophushigh power microscope photograph showing a tophus in patient with gout.Urate Crystals; TophusHEAL Reviewed Collection
739 Vagina CondylomaImage showing human papilloma virus affecting the vagina.HPV; Human Papilloma VirusHEAL Reviewed Collection
740 Vagina CondylomaImage showing human papilloma virus affecting the vagina.HPV; Human Papilloma VirusHEAL Reviewed Collection
741 CMV ColitisPatient with lung transplant developed CMV colitis, gastritis, and duodenitis. High power (60X) showing CMV viral inclusions on colon.CMV; Cytomegalovirus InclusionsHEAL Reviewed Collection
742 Barrett's Metaplasia with Low Grade DysplasiaImage of the esophagus showing intestinal or Barrett's metaplasia with associated low grade dysplasia at 40X.Low Grade DysplasiaHEAL Reviewed Collection
743 CMV GastritisPatient with lung transplant developed CMV colitis, gastritis, and duodenitis. 60X showing viral inclusions on stomach.CMV; Cytomegalovirus InclusionsHEAL Reviewed Collection
744 Eosinophilic granuloma mastoidHigh power view (40X) of a neoplastic proliferation of Langerhan's cells (Histiocytosis) in mastoid boneHEAL Reviewed Collection
745 Anterior-posterior chest X-ray of meconium-stained severely asphyxiated infantAnterior-posterior X-ray of meconium-stained severely asphyxiated infant with Type II Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) and shock lung (ARDS).Anterior-Posterior Chest Diameter; Type II MAS; Shock LungHarris Pediatric Image Collection
746 Anterior-posterior X-ray taken shortly after birth of infant with Type II MASAnterior-posterior chest X-ray taken shortly after birth of baby with Type II Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS).Anterior-Posterior Chest Diameter; Air Trapping; Type II MASHarris Pediatric Image Collection
747 Further suctioning of MAS infant before first breath takenFurther suctioning of Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) infant before baby takes his/her first breath.Mouth SuctioningHarris Pediatric Image Collection
748 Wet hepatisized lung at autopsyWet hepatisized lung at autopsy of infant dying of Type II Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS).Type II MASHarris Pediatric Image Collection
749 Chest X-ray of (MAS) infant with severe Type I Meconium Aspiration Syndrome prior to respiratory failureChest X-ray of baby with severe Type I Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) just prior to respiratory failure (RF) requiring mechanical ventilation - noting patchy infiltrates or areas of atelectasis scattered throughout markedly over-expanded lungs (predominantly on the right) due to air-trapping.Air Trapping; Respiratory Failure; InfiltratesHarris Pediatric Image Collection
750 Manual ventilation during successful delivery room resuscitationManual ventilation during successful delivery room resuscitation of a meconium-stained, initially depressed, postmature newborn infant male.manual ventilationHarris Pediatric Image Collection
751 Increased AP-diameter of chest in MAS infant due to air-trappingIncreased AP-diameter of chest in infant with Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) due to air-trapping.Air Trapping; Anterior-Posterior Chest DiameterHarris Pediatric Image Collection
752 Suctioning of the mouth in MAS infant before delivery of the bodySuctioning of the mouth of infant with Meconium Aspiration Syndome (MAS) before delivery of the body.Mouth SuctioningHarris Pediatric Image Collection
753 Typical post-term meconium-stained infant receiving conventional mechanical ventilationA typical post-term, meconium-stained infant receiving conventional ventilation for MAS complicated by right-sided peumothorax and requiring chest tube decompression and drainage.mechanical ventilation; chest tube decompressionHarris Pediatric Image Collection
754 Post-term MAS infantPost-term Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) infant with barrel chest and in need for oxygen; shows signs of postmaturity (peeling skin) and air-trapping (increased anterior-posterior diameter).Air Trapping; Anterior-Posterior Chest Diameter; Barrel ChestHarris Pediatric Image Collection
755 Suctioning of the perineum in a case of birth through meconium-stained amniotic fluidSuctioning of the perineum in a case of birth through meconium-stained amniotic fluid; the nose is the first to appear.perineum suctioningHarris Pediatric Image Collection
756 Aspiration of particulate matter (meconium) producing ball-valve mechanism and air-trapping with subsequent air leak complicationAspiration of particulate matter (meconium) producing ball-valve mechanism and air-trapping with subsequent air leak complication. If bronchus is only partially occluded during inspiration (A) when airways are dilated due to low intrathoracic pressure (represented by black arrows), gas may enter but...Ball-Valve Mechanism; Air Trapping; Intrathoracic PressureHarris Pediatric Image Collection
757 Anterior-posterior chest X-ray of same MAS infantAnterior-posterior chest X-ray of same Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) baby now on conventional mechanilcal ventilation - note worsening air-trapping.Air Trapping; Anterior-Posterior Chest DiameterHarris Pediatric Image Collection
758 Meconium debris and inflammatory cells in occluded terminal bronchioleMeconium debris and inflammatory cells in occluded terminal bronchiole in case of lethal prenatal aspiration of meconium-stained amniotic fluid.Inflammatory Cells; Prenatal AspirationHarris Pediatric Image Collection
759 Meconium aspiratorMeconium aspirator attaches to standard 15mm ET tube adaptor at one end (A) and wall suction line on the other (B).Meconium AspiratorHarris Pediatric Image Collection
760 Meconium-stained mucus in DeLee TrapMeconium-stained mucus in DeLee Trap.DeLee TrapHarris Pediatric Image Collection
761 SuturingAfter placing four throws to create a square knot, the suture is then cut just above the knot.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
762 SuturingThe suture is then tightened by crossing the non-dominant (left) hand over the dominant (right) hand.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
763 SuturingThis demonstrates tightening of the double loop along the long axis of the wound using suture.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
764 Shave techniqueThis demonstrates a shave technique on a pig's foot. Because there are no protruding lesions, I start by angling the blade at about 45 degrees from the skin surface, and while advancing the blade forward, I have a slight side to side sawing motion, and when I am about halfway through the target, I t...Shave BiopsyKnowledge Weavers Dermatology
765 UrticariaThis patient has developed rather severe urticaria, the cause of which was unknown. In urticaria, the skin swells and initially looks red and later can blanch as the amount of fluid increases within the skin. Internal organs can be involved in the process, and we are particularly concerned about the...Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
766 SilvadeneI placed Silvadene on the wound. Silvadene is an excellent antibacterial cream to apply to a wound after debridement. One must insure that an 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch coat is applied to help insure that the dressing doesn't absorb all the cream and allow the wound to subsequently dry out.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
767 Ingrown nailThe nail plate is cut from the underlying nail bed with scissors.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
768 Excision procedureDemonstrates the same V. Summary)Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
769 Ingrown nailThis shows the nail plate just barely attached.Surgical MethodsKnowledge Weavers Dermatology
770 Excision: suturingThe double loop is tightened by pulling the hands into their natural position, but the knot cannot be adequately tightened by pulling in that direction; the knot must be tightened by pulling the suture ends along the length (long axis) of the wound. (This is shown in the following slide)Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
771 ScalpelThis is a cross-sectional view demonstrating the blade angled away from the center of the ellipse.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
772 DermatitisBest control of the dermatitis is achieved by first soaking the skin for 10 minutes in lukewarm water.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
773 Ingrown nail90% phenol is one of the agents advocated for destroying the nail matrix that grows at the base of the cul-de-sac beneath the proximal nail fold.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
774 Basal cell carcinoma: excision removalThis person had a basal cell carcinoma, and the epidermis and dermis were excised. The danger area where the temporal branch of the facial nerve may lie and be quite close to the undersurface of the skin is shown by the straight lines drawn from ear to forehead. The surgeon should be careful to unde...Surgical MethodsKnowledge Weavers Dermatology
775 GoodmanThis is a picture of Dr. Goodman (of Goodman & Gillman fame). I once asked him how much you should know about a medication before using it, and he said,A lot! And you can quote me on that!Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
776 Punch biopsyPunch biopsy is excellent for sampling a skin disease that has multiple essentially identical lesions, or sampling a lesion within the skin. It is designed for full thickness skin biopsy, and is not an effective tool for biopsying the fat. When using it, it should be held as shown, should be spun ve...Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
777 KeloidBefore injecting the keloid with the corticosteroid, I recommend injecting local anesthetic into the underlying fat, and waiting about five minutes for the anesthetic to take effect. The anesthetic should not be injected into the keloid as this reduces the amount of space into which one can inject t...Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
778 SuturingThis demonstrates the deep dermal suture properly placed with the loop, which will be just on the under-surface of the dermis, and the knot will be buried well within the fat. This will prevent the knot from extruding through the dermis and out through the wound.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
779 SuturingThe loop is then tightened with the hands in their natural position. This is done four times and then the suture is cut leaving suture ends at .5 cm long.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
780 Tearing actionThey are then opened which creates a tearing action.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
781 Aphthous stomatitisAphthous stomatitis (cankers) involving the tongue. Aphthous stomatitis ulcers are painful, and major aphthous stomatitis induces ulcers that last for many weeks, and sometimes induce scarring.Canker SoreKnowledge Weavers Dermatology
782 EpinephrineStandard epinephrine (1:1,000) is shown at the top, and the crystalline form (Sus-Phrine) is a concentration of 1:200. Both are administered into the subcutaneous fat, and a dose of epinephrine 1:1,000 is 0.01 cc's per kg, and the dose of Sus-Phrine is half of that (0.005 cc's per kg), and the Sus-P...Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
783 Excision: suturingAVis formed as the deep dermal suture exits from the wound, and the suture is pulled so that the short (non-needle bearing end) is about 2 cm long. Both strands of suture should come out on the same side of the loop, and the order must be: loop, short end (non-needle bearing), long end (needle bea...Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
784 MiliariaOcclusion of the eccrine sweat glands produces a condition called miliaria; this appears as small red papules and/or vesicles, and associated inflammation.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
785 Flea bitesPresumed flea bites.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
786 Excision procedureThe following slides are a brief review of the excision procedure. The scalpel is angled outward away from the wound edge to ensure that the wound edges are beveled at about 45 o.Surgical MethodsKnowledge Weavers Dermatology
787 Decubitus ulcerA decubitus ulcer in an older woman in a nursing home. This was induced because the person was lying in one position for too long, and this compromised blood supply to the skin.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
788 ForcepsThe forceps are held with the non-dominant hand as shown here between the first two or three fingers.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
789 UrticariaUrticariaKnowledge Weavers Dermatology
790 SuturingThis demonstrates that a total of four throws should be made when tying the deep dermal suture, and if done properly, square knots are laid down. It is said that square knots provide optimum knot security.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
791 SuturingThe short arm of the suture is then grasped with the needle holder, and then the non-dominant (left) hand crosses over the right hand as one tightens the knot pulling along the long axis of the wound.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
792 Needle holderThe needle holder (sometimes called needle driver) can be held as shown, orKnowledge Weavers Dermatology
793 Excision procedureThis suture is tightened by crossing the non-dominant (left) and over the dominant (right) hand. This same sequence is continued until four loops have been thrown and then the suture is cut leaving ends approximately .5 cm long.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
794 Skin tagsSkin tags. They are rather small, and have a pedunculated base giving them the appearance of a teardrop.Skin TagsKnowledge Weavers Dermatology
795 SuturingI exit through the other side of the wound as superficially and closely as possible to the wound edge. Generally, I am about a mm away from the wound edge, and just barely entering the dermis. It is crucial to be as superficial within the dermis and as close to the wound edge on the second pass as i...Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
796 NecrosisThe purple/red area on the heel is an area of necrosis of the entire epidermis and dermis that is induced by the person lying in one position for too long. Again, the entire epidermis and dermis are necrotic, and need to be surgically removed.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
797 Excision: suturingThe needle holder is then placed inside the long arm of the V, and a single loop is thrown around the needle holder. The short arm of the suture is then grasped.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
798 Excision procedureThe central specimen is then removed ensuring that there is same thickness throughout the specimen.Surgical MethodsKnowledge Weavers Dermatology
799 Shave techniqueThis demonstrates the shave technique. Local anesthetic can be injected into the fat beneath the target lesion, or within the lesion itself. One should be extremely careful to inject as little anesthetic as necessary to anesthetize the skin, because the anesthetic will artifactually enlarge and dist...Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
800 SuturingThis demonstrates placing the needle holder on the inside of the long arm of the V using actual suture.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
701 - 800 of 4,589