2701 - 2800 of 4,589
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2701 Urinary Tract Disorders (Labeled)Urinary tract disorders including renal disease, ureteric neoplasms, infection, and carcinomas.Ureteric Stones; Bladder Infection; Tumour of Bladder; Enlarged Prostate; Benign Prostatic HypertrophyRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2702 Axillary Muscles (Labeled)Axillary muscles including subscapularis and pectoralis major.Subscapularis Muscle; Triceps Muscle, Long Head; Triceps Muscle, Lateral Head; Pectoralis Major Muscle; Teres Major Muscle; Latissimus Dorsi MuscleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2703 Jaundice and Associated Conditions (Labeled)Jaundice. Liver. Infection. Hemorrhage. Renal failure.Haemorrhage; Platlet Clumping; Clotting Complications; Renal Failure; Increased Translocation; Increased InfectionRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2704 Metastatic Liver Neoplasms and Lymphatic System (Labeled)Metastatic liver neoplasms and lymphatic system.Muscularis Mucosae; Muscularis Propria; Serosa; T1; T2; T3; T4; Mesenteric Vessels; Liver CancerRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2705 Balloon Dilation (Labeled)Gastric balloon tube, esophageal balloon tube, and gastric lumen.Gastric Balloon; Oesophagus; Oesophageal Balloon; Gastric LumenRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2706 Supradiaphragmatic Myotomy (Labeled)Supradiaphragmatic myotomy.Supradiaphragmatic Myotomy; Longitudinal Muscle; Circular Muscle; MucosaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2707 Abdominal Incision Line for Malecot Catheter InsertionAbdominal incision for Malecot catheterization.Malecot CatheterRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2708 Hand Amputation at Wrist - Cross SectionAmputation of the hand at the wrist.Hand AmputationRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2709 Base of Skull from Above (Labeled)Base of skull viewed from above.Crista Galli; Cribriform Plate; Orbital Plate of Frontal Bone; Optical Canal; Anterior Clinoid Process; Posterior Clinoid Process; Foramen Spinosum; Tegmen Tympani; Squamous Part of Temporal Bone; Internal Acoustic Meatus; Internal Occipital Protuberance; Apex of Petrous Temporal Bone; Ridge of Petr...Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2710 External, Middle, and Inner Ear (Labeled)External, middle, inner ear.Inner Ear; Scala Vestibuli; helicotrema; External Acoustic Meatus; PinnaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2711 Resection and End Colostomy (Labeled)Colon resection. End colostomy. Harmann's procedure.End Colostomy; Colon Resection; Hartmann's ProcedureRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2712 Balloon Angioplasty (Labeled)Balloon angioplasty.Right Atrium; Left Atrium; Right Ventricle; Left Ventricle; Low CapacitanceRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2713 Dorsal and Ventral Mesogastrium (Labeled)Dorsal and ventral mesogastrium.Dorsal Mesogastrium; Ventral MesogastriumRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2714 PancreatitisPancreatitis with portal vein, common bile duct, hepatic artery, and superior mesenteric vein.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2715 Tracheostomy Site with Thyroid GlandTracheostomy site with thyroid gland.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2716 Pericardiocentesis - Angles of ApproachPericardiocentesis.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2717 Atlas (C1) Vertebra and Axis (C2) Vertebra Viewed From Side (Labeled)Atlas and axis vertebra viewed from the side.C1; C2; Posterior Arch of Atlas; Transverse Portion of Cruciate Ligament; Anterior Arch of Atlas; Alar Ligament (Laterally); Apical Ligament (Midline); Dens AxisRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2718 Kidney and Bladder - Normal and Abnormal (Labeled)Kidney and bladder showing normal and abnormal anatomy and functions.Clubbed Calyces; Cortical Scars; Incompetent Vesicoureteric Valve; Competent Vesicoureteric Valve; Cupped CalycesRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2719 Antigen Stimulated Release of Vasoactive Substances -Bronchospasm and Edema (Labeled)Antigen-stimulated release of vasoactive substances causing bronchospasm and edema.Vasoactive Substances; Bronchospasm; OedemaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2720 Mandible Fractures and Displacement (Labeled)Favorable and unfavorable fractures of the mandible and likelihood of displacement.Temporalis Muscle; Medial Pterygoid; Mylohyoid Muscle; Digastric MuscleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2721 Cervical Vertebra (C2) - Axis From Above (Labeled)Cervical vertebra (C2) axis from above.C2; Bifid Posterior Spine; Foramen for Vertebral Artery; Dens Axis; Facet for Atlanto-axial ArticulationRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2722 Tibial Fracture with Orthopedic Rod and Bone ScrewsTibial fracture with orthopedic rod and bone screws.Orthopedic RodRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2723 Roux-en-Y Anastomosis (Labeled)Roux-en-Y anastomosis of the small intestine.Jejunal Loop; StrictureRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2724 Incision Site and Parotid GlandIncision site with parotid gland.Incision SiteRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2725 Branches of Right Internal Thoracic Artery (Labeled)Branches of the right internal thoracic artery.Right Internal Thoracic Artery; Anterior Intercostal Arteries; Perforating Branches of Internal Thoracic Artery; Musculophrenic Artery; Superior Epigastric ArteryRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2726 Vertebrae with Articular Surfaces - Lateral (Labeled)Vertebrae with articular surfaces.Pedicle; Articular Surface of Facet Joint; Lamina; Spinous Process; Articular Process for Facet Joint; Intervertebral DiscRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2727 Pylorus-preserving Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Labeled)Pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy.Pylorus-preserving Pancreaticoduodenectomy; Subhepatic Drain; Feeding Jejunostomy; Pancreatic Duct DrainRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2728 Outline of Ankle Showing Bones of Foot During WalkingOutline of ankle and bones of foot during walking.Medial CuneiformRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2729 Forearm Amputation - Cross Section of Upper ArmAbove the elbow amputation of forearm.Amputation of ForearmRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2730 Heart, Lungs, Bronchi, and TracheaHeart, lungs, bronchi, and trachea.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2731 Tibial Fracture with Bone ScrewTibial fracture with bone screw.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2732 Stoma ConstructionStoma construction.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2733 Subdivisions of the Abdomen (Labeled)Quadrants, regions, and planes of the abdomen.RUQ; Right Upper Quadrant; LUQ; Left Upper Quadrant; RLQ; Right Lower Quadrant; LLQ; Left Lower Quadrant; Midclavicular Line; epigastrium; Umbilical; Hypogastrium; Hypochondrium; Subcostal Plane; Flank; Loin; Intertubercular Plane; Iliac Fossa; Inguinal RegionRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2734 Hepatic Veins (Labeled)Hepatic veins and portosystemic collaterals.Veins of Sappey; Oesophageal Varices; Coronary Vein; Paraumbilical Vein; Inferior Mesenteric Vein; Epigastric Vein; Superficial Abdominal Wall Vein; Rectal Veins; Haemorrhoidal Veins; Portosystemic CollateralsRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2735 Landmarks of the Skull and Incision Sites (Labeled)Landmarks of the skull and incision sites. Midline, zygoma, and external auditory meatus.External Auditory Meatus; Incision SitesRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2736 Rectal Abscesses (Labeled)Intramural, ischiorectal, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and pelvic abscesses.Pelvic Abscess; Intramural Abscess; Ischiorectal Abscess; Cutaneous Abscess; Subcutaneous AbscessRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2737 Lumbo-sacral Plexus (Labeled)Lumbo-sacral plexus. Spinal nerves.L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; S1; S2; S3; S4Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2738 Anus (Labeled)Anal orifice, anorectal ring, and dentate line.Anal Orifice; Dentate Line; Anorectal RingRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2739 Pharynx - Tongue, Larynx, Trachea, and EsophagusPharynx showing tongue, larynx, trachea, and esophagus.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2740 Traction - LegTraction of leg.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2741 Arteries Adjacent to Stomach (Labeled)Arteries adjacent to stomach.Oesophagus; Antrum; Short Gastric Arteries; Left Gastroepiploic Artery; Greater Omentum; Right Gastroepiploic Artery; Superior Pancreaticoduodenal Artery; Gastroduodenal Artery; Right Gastric ArteryRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2742 Periosteum and Skin Flaps for Above the Knee Amputation (Labeled)Periosteum shown for above the knee amputation.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2743 Vascular Fistula Of Aorta and Inferior Vena Cava (Labeled)Vascular fistula of the aorta and inferior vena cava.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2744 Exposed Trachea for TracheotomyExposed Trachea for Tracheotomy.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2745 Skull Fracture - Maxilla - AnteriorMaxillary fracture.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2746 Obstructed Pancreatic DuctObstructed Pancreatic DuctRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2747 TracheostomyTracheostomy.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2748 Russell Traction - LegRussell traction of leg.Russell TractionRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2749 Below Knee Amputation - Periosteum and Skin flaps (Labeled)Periosteum marked for below the knee amputation.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2750 Epididymal Cyst (Labeled)Spermatocele. Epididymal cyst.Epididymal CystRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2751 Medial longitudinal fasciculusMedial longitudinal fasciculus. Rostral midbrain-level of superior colliculus. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Mesencephalon; Superior colliculus; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2752 Oculomotor nerve iiiOculomotor nerve iii. Exit between cerebral peduncles. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Oculomotor nerve; Cranial nerves; Mesencephalon; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2753 Dorsal column nuclei, monkey brain, sagittalDorsal column nuclei, monkey brain, sagittal. Sagittal plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Brain; Haplorhini; Medulla oblongata; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2754 Ventricle, sagittal view coloredVentricle, sagittal view colored. Graphic overlay. Sagittal plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Cerebral Ventricles; Brain; Central Nervous System; AnatomySlice of Life
2755 Rubrospinal tractRubrospinal tract. Labeled in the cervical spinal cord. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Rubrospinal TractSlice of Life
2756 Dorsal longitudinal fasciculusDorsal longitudinal fasciculus. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Dorsal Longitudinal FasciculusSlice of Life
2757 Dysplasia, fibromuscularDysplasia, fibromuscularCardiovascular System; Arteries; Fibromuscular DysplasiaSlice of Life
2758 Diplococci, brainDiplococci, brainCentral Nervous System; Brain; Streptococcus pneumoniaeSlice of Life
2759 PyramidPyramid. Medulla. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Slice of Life
2760 Medulla, closeup, kluverMedulla, closeup, kluver. Area postrema, sulcus limitans, dorsal motor x, hypoglossal nucleus. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Medulla oblongata; Hypoglossal nerve; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2761 Inferior colliculus, central nucleusInferior colliculus, central nucleus. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Inferior colliculus; Mesencephalon; Cell nucleus; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2762 Spinocerebellar tract, dorsal in the medullaSpinocerebellar tract, dorsal in the medulla. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Medulla oblongata; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2763 AmygdalaAmygdala. (Also thalamus). Coronal plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Amygdaloid BodySlice of Life
2764 Locus ceruleusLocus ceruleus. Rostral pons. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Slice of Life
2765 Subthalamic nucleusSubthalamic nucleus. Coronal plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Slice of Life
2766 Mammillary bodiesMammillary bodies. Coronal plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Slice of Life
2767 Motor neuronMotor neuron. Photograph. Multimedia.Slice of Life
2768 Glossopharyngeal nerveGlossopharyngeal nerve. Yellow nerve added to digitized image from graphic output. Photograph. Multimedia.Glossopharyngeal nerve; Central nervous system; Cranial nerves; AnatomySlice of Life
2769 Midbrain, level of inferior colliculusMidbrain, level of inferior colliculus. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Mesencephalon; Inferior colliculus; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2770 Tuberculosis, tuberculoma, brainTuberculosis, tuberculoma, brain. Coronal plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Tuberculosis; Tuberculoma, Intracranial; Brain; Central Nervous System; AnatomySlice of Life
2771 Medial longitudinal fasciculusMedial longitudinal fasciculus. Rostral medulla. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Medulla oblongata; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2772 Superior cerebellar peduncleSuperior cerebellar peduncle. Monkey brain. Sagittal plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Brain; Haplorhini; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2773 Medulla, middleMedulla, middle. XII, MLF, inferior cerebellar peduncle, solitary nucleus and tract. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Slice of Life
2774 Medulla, caudalMedulla, caudal. Pyramidal decussation, descending nucleus and tract of v. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Slice of Life
2775 Supporting cellsSupporting cells. Cochlea. Photograph. Multimedia.Slice of Life
2776 Dorsal motor nucleus of xDorsal motor nucleus of x. Medulla-closeup. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Medulla oblongata; Cranial nerves; Vagus nerve; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2777 Pyramidal decussationPyramidal decussation. Spinomedullary junction. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Spinomedullary Junction; Pyramidal DecussationSlice of Life
2778 Parietal lobeParietal lobe. Graphic overlay. Photograph. Multimedia.Parietal lobe; Brain; Central nervous system; Cranial nerves; AnatomySlice of Life
2779 Abscess, brainAbscess, brain. A 27-83. Coronal plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Brain Abscess; Central Nervous System; AnatomySlice of Life
2780 Skull ventral surfaceSkull ventral surface. Other or model. Photograph. Multimedia.Skull; Musculoskeletal system; AnatomySlice of Life
2781 Hemosiderin in glioblastomaHemosiderin in glioblastomaCentral Nervous System; Brain; Glioblastoma; HemosiderinSlice of Life
2782 Cuneate nucleusCuneate nucleus. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Cuneate NucleusSlice of Life
2783 Facial nerve viiFacial nerve vii. In rostral tegmentum. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Slice of Life
2784 Facial nerve axons after passing over abducens nucleusFacial nerve axons after passing over abducens nucleus. Intracranial, pons. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Facial nerve; Axons; Abducens nerve; Pons; Central nervous system; Cranial nerves; AnatomySlice of Life
2785 Diencephalon, midsagittal sectionDiencephalon, midsagittal section. Graphic overlay. Sagittal plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Diencephalon; Thalamus; Brain; Central Nervous System; AnatomySlice of Life
2786 Brachium of inferior colliculusBrachium of inferior colliculus. Midbrain. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Inferior colliculus; Mesencephalon; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2787 Thymus, normal, unfixedThymus, normal, unfixed. Cut surface. Photograph. Multimedia.Thymus gland; Reticuloendothelial system; AnatomySlice of Life
2788 Wallerian degeneration cerebralWallerian degeneration cerebralCentral Nervous System; Brain; Wallerian Degeneration; Cerebral InfarctionSlice of Life
2789 Dentate nucleusDentate nucleus. Medulla and cerebellum. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Slice of Life
2790 Red nucleusRed nucleus. Coronal plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Slice of Life
2791 Spinothalamic tract, medial lemniscusSpinothalamic tract, medial lemniscus. Entering thalamus as thalamic fasciculus. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Spinothalamic tracts; Thalamus; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2792 Neuron, dendritesNeuron, dendrites. Spinal cord motor neuron thin plastic section. Photograph. Multimedia.Neurons; Dendrites; Spinal cord; Motor neurons; Brain; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2793 Internal capsule, anterior limbInternal capsule, anterior limb. Coronal plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Brain; Central Nervous System; AnatomySlice of Life
2794 Thalamus hypothalamusThalamus hypothalamus. Coronal plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Thalamus; Hypothalamus; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2795 Lateral hornLateral horn. Thoracic spinal cord. Transverse plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Thoracic Spinal CordSlice of Life
2796 Optic tractOptic tract. Coronal plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Optic TractSlice of Life
2797 Medulla, rostralMedulla, rostral. Card 1, B1. Transverse plane Photograph. Multimedia.Slice of Life
2798 Hemorrhage, intracerebralHemorrhage, intracerebral. Thrombocytopenia, burkitt's lymphoma a 16-84. Coronal plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Hemorrhage; Brain; Thrombocytopenia; Burkitt's lymphoma; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2799 Heterotopias, cerebral malformationsHeterotopias, cerebral malformations. Periventricular. Coronal plane. Photograph. Multimedia.Choristoma; Brain; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2800 Spinal accessory nerveSpinal accessory nerve. Ventral brain stem. Photograph. Multimedia.Brain stem; Cranial nerves; Accessory nerve; Central nervous system; AnatomySlice of Life
2701 - 2800 of 4,589