2401 - 2500 of 4,589
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2401 Circle of Willis - IsolatedIsolated Circle of Willis. Ventral.Posterior Communicating Artery; Superior Cerebellar Artery; Anterior Communicating Artery; Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery; Anterior Spinal Artery; Internal Auditory Artery; Labyrinthine ArteryRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2402 Hepatic Portal System (Labeled)Hepatic portal system. Veins and arteries.Left Adrenal Gland; Left Adrenal Vein; Coeliac Trunk; Left Renal Vein; Left Gonadal Vessels; Right Gonadal Vessels; Right Renal Artery; Right Adrenal VeinRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2403 Epidural Hematoma after Penetrating Head TraumaEpidural hematoma after penetrating head trauma. Mass lesion of the cerebral hemisphere. Temporal lobe herniation. Laceration of middle meningeal artery.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2404 Testicle - ExposedTesticle. Spermatic cord. Tunica vaginalis.Tunica VaginalisRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2405 TesticleAnatomy of testicle.Testicle; Inguinal Cord; Processus VaginalisRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2406 Radial Nerve - Cubital Fossa (Labeled)Radial Nerve. Cubital fossa.Cubital Fossa; Brachialis; Deep Branch of Radial Nerve; Supinator; Superficial Radial Nerve; Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis; Nerve to Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus Muscle; Nerve to Brachioradialis MuscleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2407 Diagram of Anatomy of Anal Canal - Rectal Fistula (Labeled)Anal canal. Rectal Fistula.Anal Canal; Dentate Line; Internal Anal Sphincter; Anal Gland; External Anal Sphincter; Ischiorectal Fossa; Circular Muscle; Levator Ani Muscle; Longitudinal MuscleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2408 Circle of Willis - Inferior (Labeled)Circle of Willis. Inferior.Posterior Communicating Artery; Superior Cerebellar Artery; Anterior Communicating Artery; Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery; Anterior Spinal ArteryRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2409 Hepatic Portal System (Labeled)Hepatic portal system. Veins and arteries.Coeliac Trunk; Left Gastric Artery; Splenic Vessels; Inferior Mesenteric Vein; Duodenojejunal Flexure; Superior Mesenteric Vessels; Gonadal Vessels; Uncinate Process of PancreasRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2410 Testicular Bell and Clapper Abnormality Allows Torsion of Vas Deferens (Labeled)Testicular bell and clapper abnormality allows torsion of vas deferens.Cavity of Tunica Vaginalis; Bell and Clapper DeformityRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2411 Epididymal Cyst (Labeled)Spermatocele. Epididymal cyst.Epididymal CystRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2412 Skull Fracture with Cranial Sutures - AnteriorSkull fracture with cranial sutures. Anterior view.Coronal Suture; Sphenoparietal Suture; Sphenofrontal Suture; Frontozygomatic Suture; Lacrimomaxillary Suture; ethmoidomaxillary Suture; Zygomaticomaxillary Suture; Temporozygomatic Suture; Occipitomastoid Suture; Lambdoid Suture; Squamous Suture; Ethmolacrimal SutureRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2413 Hepatic Portal System (Labeled)Hepatic portal system. Veins and arteries.Cystic Vein; Left Gastric Vein; Right Gastric Vein; Right Gastroepiploic Vein; Inferior Mesenteric Vein; Left Colic Vein; Sigmoid Veins; Superior Rectal Vein; Ileocolic Vein; Right Colic Vein; Middle Colic Vein; Superior Mesenteric Vein; Pancreaticodudenal VeinsRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2414 Testis Showing Investing Fascial Layers (Labeled)Testis showing investing fascial layers.Superficial Fascia; External Spermatic Fascia; Cremaster Muscle; Cremaster Fascia; Internal Spermatic FasciaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2415 Oesophagotracheal Fistula (Labeled)Esophagotracheal fistula.Oesophagus; Proximal Blind-Ending; BifurcationRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2416 Skull and Sinus Cavities (Labeled)Sinuses.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2417 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (Labeled)Left renal vein and inferior mesenteric artery adjacent to aortic aneurysm.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2418 Breast - Cross Section (Labeled)Breast.Cooper's Ligaments; Glandular Tissue; Fat; Lactiferous Duct; Pectoralis Major; Deep FasciaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2419 Breast - Cross Section - Lobular Carcinoma (Labeled)Lobular carcinoma of breast.Pectoralis Major; Breast Lobule; DuctuleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2420 Breast - Lymphatic System (Labeled)Breast. Lymph nodes.Internal Jugular Vein; Internal Thoracic Nodes; Abdominal Wall Nodes; Posterior Intercostal Nodes; Pectoral Nodes; Lateral Axillary Nodes; Infraclavicular Nodes; Apical Axillary NodesRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2421 Leg - Lateral (Labeled)Gastrocnemius muscle. Calcaneal tendon. Inferior fibular retinaculum.Gastrocnemius Muscle; Calcaneal Tendon; Inferior Fibular Retinaculum (Peroneal)Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2422 Ribcage (Labeled)Ribs. Xiphoid process.Vertebrosternal Ribs 1-7; Manubriosternal Joint; Typical Ribs 2-9; Xiphoid Process; Vertebrochondral Ribs 8-10Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2423 Sural Nerve and Short Saphenous Vein (Labeled)Sural nerve. Short saphenous vein.Short Saphenous VeinRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2424 Muscles and Tendons of Upper Extremity (Labeled)Muscles. Tendons. Upper extremity. Arm.Biceps Brachii; Medial Epicondyle of Humerus; Pronator Teres; Palmaris Longus; Flexor Carpi Ulnaris; Flexor Retinaculum; Metacarpals; Tendon of Flexor Digitorum Superficialis; Tendon of Flexor; Pronator Quadratus; Flexor Pollicis LongusRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2425 Pupillary Light ReflexSchematic of the pupillary light reflex.Lateral Geniculate Body; Midbrain; Optic Tract; Pretectal Nucleus; Edinger Westphal Nucleus; Ciliary Ganglion; Pupillary Constriction; Midbrain; Consensual ReflexRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2426 Pubofemoral and Iliofemoral Ligaments (Labeled)Hip ligaments.Pubofemoral Ligament; Iliofemoral LigamentRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2427 Trauma to Thoracic AortaSteering wheel impact trauma. Ruptured thoracic aorta.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2428 Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous System - Schematic Diagram (Labeled)Parasympathetic nervous system. Sympathetic nervous system.CNIII; CNVII; CNIX; CNX; T1; L1; L2; Preganglionic Pelvic Nerve; Autonomic Nervous System; Craniosacral Division; Thoracolumbar DivisionRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2429 Nasopharyngeal Arteries (Labeled)Midface. Sinuses. Arteries.Posterior Ethmoid Artery; Anterior Ethmoid Artery; Kiesselbach's Plexus; Superior Labial Artery; Greater Palatine Artery; Sphenopalatine ArteryRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2430 Hepatectomy (Labeled)Liver. Right lobectomy, left lobectomy, trisegmentectomy, and lateral segmentectomy.Right Lobectomy; Left Lobectomy; Trisegmentectomy; Lateral SegmentectomyRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2431 Pelvic Girdle (Labeled)Pelvic girdle. Os coxa.Articular Surface; Fifth Lumbar Vertebra; ASIS; Obturator Foramen; Pubis; Pubic Tubercle; Ischial Spine; PromontoryRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2432 Lymph Nodes of the Bronchi (Labeled)Bronchial lymph nodes. Lymphatic system.Bronchiomediastinal Trunk; Hilar Lymph Nodes; Pulmonary Nodes; Tracheobronchial NodesRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2433 Neck Anatomy (Labeled)Anatomical structures of the neck.Sternocleidomastoid; CNXII; Levator Scapulae; Ansa Cervicalis; Scalenus Medius; Internal Jugular Vein; Omohyoid; Scalenus Anterior; Sternomastoid; Sternothyroid; Sternohyoid; Superior Thyroid Artery; Anterior Belly of Digastric; Mylohyoid; Posterior Belly of Digastric; Lingual ArteryRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2434 Male Urogenital System (Labeled)Male urogenital system.Bladder; Rectum; Levator Ani; Sphincter Ani Externus; Anococcygeal Ligament; Anal Canal; Anus; Colles' Fascia; Perineal Body; Urogenital Diaphragm; Superficial Perineal Pouch; Navicular Fossa; Penile; Spongy Urethra; Urethra Bulb; Membranous Urethra; Prostatic UrethraRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2435 Voluntary and Reflex Bowel Control - Sensory and Motor Pathways (Labeled)Voluntary and reflex bowel control. Sensory and motor pathways.Stretch Receptors; External Anal Sphincter; Internal Anal Sphincter; Somatic Motor Nerves; Sacral Spinal Cord; Rectal Distension; Sigmoid Colon ContractionRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2436 Thyroid Gland and Four Normal Parathyroid Glands - PosteriorThyroid and parathyroid glands.Superior Laryngeal Nerve; Right Lobe of Thyroid Gland; Superior Parathyroid Gland; Inferior Parathyroid Gland; Left Lobe of Thyroid GlandRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2437 Facial Nerve Schema (Labeled)Peripheral distribution of facial nerve.Pterygopalatine Ganglion; Internal Acoustic Meatus; Greater Petrosal Nerve; Lacrimal Gland; Pes Anserinus; Submandibular GanglionRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2438 Sensory Cortex, Visual Cortex, Auditory Cortex and Motor Cortex - Lateral (Labeled)Sensory, visual, auditory, and motor cortices.Central Sulcus; Sensory Area; Lateral Fissure; Auditory AreaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2439 Incisions for Exposure of the Heart (Labeled)Median sternotomy. Posterolateral thoracotomy. Anterolateral thoracotomy.Median Sternotomy; Posterolateral Thoracotomy; Anterolateral ThoracotomyRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2440 Facial Nerve, Retracted Sternocleidomastoid Muscle, and Parotid GlandFacial nerve. Parotid gland. Sternocleidomastoid muscle.Sternocleidomastoid MuscleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2441 Cubital FossaCubital fossa. Arteries. Nerves.Cubital Fossa; Biceps Muscle; Basilic Vein; Cephalic Vein; Pronator Teres; Bicipital Aponeurosis; Brachioradialis MuscleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2442 Mastectomy - Right BreastBreast cancer. Incision site. Mastectomy.Incision Site; Breast CancerRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2443 Male Urogenital SystemUrogenital system. Male.Ureteral Orifice; Prostatic UtricleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2444 Cervical Parathyroidectomy - Neck Structures and Incision SiteParathyroidectomy.Cervical Parathyroidectomy; Incision Site; Left Superior Parathyroid Gland; Left Superior Pole of Thyroid GlandRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2445 Penile CatheterizationCatheter insertion. Penis. Bladder.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2446 Nodal Groups Draining the Stomach (Labeled)Lymphatic system. Stomach.Nodal Groups; Celiac Lymph Nodes; Pancreato-splenic Lymph Nodes; Gastro-omental Lymph Nodes; Gastric Lymph Nodes; Pyloric Lymph Nodes; Pancreatico-duodenal Lymph NodesRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2447 Neuroendocrine System (Labeled)Adrenal gland. Pituitary gland. Endocrine system.Supraoptic Nucleus of Hypothalamus; Terminal Swellings Releasing ADH; NeurohypophysisRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2448 Wrist - Cross Section (Labeled)Cross section of wrist. Carpal tunnel.Flexor Carpi Radialis; Palmaris Longus; Flexor Pollicis Longus; Palmar Branch of Ulnar Nerve; Trapezium; Tendons of Long Flexors of Fingers; Hamate; Capitate; TrapezoidRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2449 Distribution of Phrenic Nerve (Labeled)Schematic of the distribution of the phrenic nerve illustrating referred pain to the shoulder.C3; C4; C5Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2450 Clavicular and Brachial VeinsSternoclavicular joints. Superior vena cava.Internal Jugular Vein; Left Brachiocephalic Vein; Right Brachiocephalic VeinRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2451 Testicle (Labeled)Anatomy of testicle.Testicle; Inguinal Cord; Processus VaginalisRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2452 Coronary Arteries (Labeled)Coronary arteries.Left Atrium; Sinuatrial Node; Left Coronary Artery; Circumflex Artery; Anterior Interventricular Branch of Left Coronary Artery; Posterior Interventricular Branch of Right Coronary Artery; Right Marginal Artery; Right Coronary Artery; Right AtriumRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2453 Lymph Nodes of Breast and Axilla (Labeled)Lymph nodes. Breast. Axilla. Lymphatic System.Apical Axillary Nodes; Central Nodes; Pectoral Axillary Nodes; Parasternal Node; Supraclavicular NodesRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2454 Femoral Nerve, Great Saphenous Vein, and Saphenous Nerve (Labeled)Femoral nerve. Great saphenous vein. Saphenous nerve.Great Saphenous Vein; Saphenous NerveRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2455 Ankle Joint - Ligaments - LateralAnkle ligaments.Tendon of Fibularis Brevis Muscle; Talonavicular Ligament; Long Plantar Ligament; Calconeal TendonRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2456 Subdural Hematoma - FrontalFrontal subdural hematoma.Mass effect; Potential Temporal Lobe HerniationRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2457 Prostate Cancer (Labeled)Prostate cancer.Blood EnzymesRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2458 Heart Valve DiseaseHeart valve disease.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2459 Cirrhosis (Labeled)Cirrhosis.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2460 Mastectomy - Right Breast (Labeled)Breast cancer. Mastectomy.Thoracodorsal Nerve; Latissimus Dorsi; Long Thoracic Nerve; Pectoralis Major; Pectoralis Minor; Breast CancerRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2461 Lumbar AnatomyLumbar vertebra. Lesser trochanter of femur. Psoas major muscle.Lesser Trochanter of Femur; Psoas Major MuscleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2462 Cerebral Cortex and Rhombencephalon with Spinal CordMidsagittal schematic of key brain structures with spinal cord.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2463 Trauma to Thoracic AortaSteering wheel impact trauma. Ruptured thoracic aorta.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2464 Patent Ductus Arteriosus (Labeled)Patent ductus arteriosus.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2465 Hip Ligaments, Arteries, and Nerves - Embryonic Male (Labeled)Hip ligaments, arteries, and nerves. Embryonic male.Common Iliac Artery; Internal Iliac Artery; Lumbosacral Trunk; Anterior Ramus of S1 Nerve; Superior Gluteal Artery; Sacrospinous Ligament; Sacrotuberous Ligament; Pudendal Nerve; Internal Pudendal Artery; Obturator Internus; Pelvic Diaphragm; Ductus Deferens; Obliterated Umbilical Artery; Inferior E...Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2466 Male Perineum (Labeled)Male perineum.Levator Ani; Membranous Urethra; Spongy Urethra; Corpus Cavernosum; Corpus Ishiocavernosus; Corpus Spongiosum; Corpus Bulbospongiosus; Superficial Fascia (Colles'); Sphincter Urethrae; Perineal Membrane; Pudendal NerveRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2467 Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve - Posterior and Lateral (Labeled)Recurrent laryngeal nerve. Thyroid and parathyroid glands.Superior Laryngeal Nerve; Right Lobe of Thyroid Gland; Superior Parathyroid Gland; Inferior Parathyroid Gland; Left Lobe of Thyroid GlandRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2468 Cubital Fossa (Labeled)Cubital fossa. Arteries. Nerves.Cubital Fossa; Biceps Muscle; Basilic Vein; Cephalic Vein; Pronator Teres; Bicipital Aponeurosis; Brachioradialis MuscleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2469 Breast Cancer - Incision Sites Relative to Tumor LocationBreast cancer. Incision sites.Incision Site; Breast CancerRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2470 Gastric Lymph Nodes (Labeled)Gastric lymph nodes. Lymphatic System.Coeliac Nodes; Splenic Nodes; Pancreatic NodesRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2471 Vertebra - Superior/Inferior (Labeled)Vertebra viewed from above/below.Pedicle; Lamina; Spinous Process; Articular Process of Facet Joint; Neural Arch; Transverse Process; Vertebral CanalRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2472 Littre's Hernia (Labeled)Littre's hernia, protrusion of Meckel's diverticulum.Littre's HerniaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2473 Foregut Showing Dilated Duodenum and Adjacent Structures (Labeled)Foregut with dilated duodenum, stomach, ligament of Treitz, aorta, and superior mesenteric artery.Dilated Duodenum; Ligament of TreitzRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2474 Total Gastrectomy for a Large Carcinoma of the Body of the Stomach (Labeled)Total gastrectomy for a large carcinoma of the body of the stomach.Total Gastrectomy; Stomach CancerRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2475 Pterion and Squama of Temporal Bone - Burr HolePterion and squama of temporal bone. Site of Burr hole.Burr Hole; Possible Subdural Evacuation; Squama of Temporal BoneRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2476 Below Knee Amputation - Periosteum and Skin Flaps (Labeled)Periosteum and skin flaps shown for below the knee amputation.Skin FlapsRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2477 Balloon Dilation (Labeled)Gastric balloon tube, esophageal balloon tube, and gastric lumen.Gastric Balloon Tube; Oesophageal Balloon Tube; Gastric LumenRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2478 Transoesophageal Pressure Transducer (Labeled)Transesophageal pressure transducer.Transoesophageal Pressure Transducer; HeartRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2479 Oesophagus, Stomach, and BrainEsophagus, stomach, and brain.OesophagusRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2480 Enterocutaneous Fistula and Partial Breakdown of Colonic Anastomosis (Labeled)Illustration of enterocutaneous fistula and partial breakdown of colonic anastomosis.Partial Breakdown of Anastomosis; Enterocutaneous FistulaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2481 Intrarenal Kidney Disease and Postrenal Blockage of Ureter (Labeled)Diagram showing intrarenal kidney disease and postrenal blockage of the ureter.Postrenal ObstructionRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2482 Herniation of Nucleus Pulposus (Labeled)Herniation of nucleus pulposus.Herniation of Nucleus Pulposus; Fibrous Capsule of Intervertebral Joint; Interspinous Ligament; Supraspinous LigamentRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2483 Bladder Prosthesis (Labeled)Diagram of large bladder prosthesis in situ.Bladder Prosthesis; Inferior Epigastric VesselsRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2484 Ruptured Bladder (Labeled)Ruptured bladder due to abdominal trauma.Ruptured Bladder; Extravasated UrineRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2485 PancreatitisPancreatitis with portal vein, common bile duct, hepatic artery, and superior mesenteric vein.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2486 Gastrostomy (Labeled)Gastrostomy.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2487 Ligaments of Ankle JointLigaments of ankle joint including tibiocalcaneal part of deltoid ligament and plantar calcaneonavicular ligament.Tibiocalcaneal Part of Deltoid Ligament; Plantar Calcaneonavicular Ligament; Calcaneal (Achilles) TendonRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2488 Abdominal Muscles (Labeled)Abdominal muscles including external oblique, internal oblique, linea alba, transversus, and rectus muscles.External Oblique Muscle; Internal Oblique Muscle; Transversus Abdominis; Linea AlbaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2489 Amputation of Arm at Shoulder - Periosteum and Skin Flaps, Anterior and PosteriorAmputation of the arm at the shoulder showing anterior and posterior incisions of periosteum.Arm AmputationRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2490 Embryonic Pancreas (Labeled)Embryonic pancreas. Dorsal. Ventral.Hepatic Diverticulum; Intermediate Stage; Uncinate Process; Abnormal Annular Pancreas; Compressing DuodenumRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2491 Stoma Prolapse and Parastomal Hernia (Labeled)Stoma prolapse and parastomal hernia.Stoma Prolapse; Parastomal HerniaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2492 Highly Selective Vagotomy (Labeled)Highly selective vagotomy.Crow's Foot; Highly Selective VagotomyRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2493 Tibial Fracture with Orthopedic RodTibial fracture with orthopedic rod.Orthopedic RodRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2494 Vertebrae (Superior)Shape of vertebral canal.Shape of Vertebral CanalRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2495 Inner Ear Showing Membranous Labyrinth Inside Bony Labyrinth (Labeled)Inner ear showing membranous labyrinth inside bony labyrinth.Inner Ear; Membranous Labyrinth; Bony Labyrinth; Posterior Semicircular Duct; Posterior Semicircular Canal; Lateral Semicircular Duct; Helicotrema; Ampulla of Anterior Semicircular DuctRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2496 Scalp Flap, Bone Flap and Dural Incision for Neurosurgery (Labeled)Scalp flap, bone flap, and dural incision, showing hinge formed by temporalis muscle.Cranium; Dural Incision; Hinge formed by Temporalis Muscle; Bone Flap; Scalp FlapRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2497 Amputation of Arm at Shoulder - Periosteum and Skin Flaps, Anterior and PosteriorAmputation of the arm at the shoulder showing anterior and posterior incisions of periosteum.Arm AmputationRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2498 Periosteum and Skin Flaps for Below the Knee Amputation (Labeled)Periosteum and skin flaps shown for below the knee amputation.Skin FlapsRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2499 Foot Amputation with Periosteum and Skin Flaps (Labeled)Periosteum shown for foot amputation.MalleolusRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2500 Position of Head and Neck for TracheostomyHead and neck position for tracheostomy.PositionRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2401 - 2500 of 4,589