2301 - 2400 of 4,589
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2301 Cross Section Through Right Calf (Labeled)Right calf. Cross section.Calf; Superficial Peroneal (Fibular) Nerve; Deep Peroneal (Fibular) NerveRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2302 Cholecystectomy (Labeled)Gallbladder removal surgery.Active Electrode; Grasping ForcepsRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2303 Peritoneal Shunt and Drain (Labeled)Peritoneal shunt and drain for hydrocephalus.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2304 Cerebral ArteriesCerebral arteries.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2305 TracheotomyTracheotomy. Trachea.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2306 External Anal Sphincter and Levator Ani (Labeled)External anal sphincter. Levator ani. Adjacent structures.Anal Valve; Pectinate Line; Internal Anal Sphincter; Pecten; External Anal Sphincter; Ischial Tuberosity; Pudendal Nerve; Vascular Bundle; Pudendal Canal; Inferior Rectal Nerve; Ischioanal Fossa; Obturator Internus; Obturator Fascia; Levator Ani; PuborectalisRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2307 Posterior Forearm Muscles (Labeled)Posterior forearm muscles.Medial Epicondyle of Humerus; Lateral Epicondyle; Olecranon of Ulna; Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis; Supinator; Tendon of Pronator Teres; Abductor Pollicis Longus; Extensor Pollicis Longus; Extensor Pollicis Brevis; Tendon of Extensor Carpi Ulnaris; Tendon of Extensor IndicisRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2308 Mediastinum - Circulatory System (Labeled)Heart. Cardiac vessels.Ligamentum Arteriosum; Left Pulmonary Artery; Descending Aorta; Left Main Bronchus; Pulmonary Trunk; Angle of Louis; Left Common Carotid Artery; Left Subclavian Artery; OesophagusRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2309 Effect of Vasoactive Drugs on the Heart (Labeled)Vasoactive drugs and heart function.Inotropes; Renal Vasodilation; Pressor Effects; Vasoactive Drugs; ACE InhibitorsRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2310 Circle of Willis - Isolated - InferiorCircle of Willis with common sites of cerebral aneurysms identified.Posterior Communicating Artery; Anterior Communicating ArteryRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2311 RibsRibs. Vessels. Nerves. Muscles. Anterior. Posterior.Costal Groove; Intercostal Vessels; Innermost Intercostal Muscle; Internal Intercostal Muscle; External Intercostal MuscleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2312 Axonotmesis (Labeled)Segmental axon degeneration in a peripheral neuron with Schwann cell preservation.Axonotmesis; Neuron Body; Cell BodyRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2313 Dermatomes C2-T1 (Labeled)Dermatomes. Anterior. Posterior.C2; C3; C4; C5; C6; C7; C8; T1; DermatomesRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2314 Male Reproductive System (Labeled)Male reproductive system.Genital Branch of Genitofemoral Nerve; Testicular Artery; Pampiniform Plexus; Ductus Deferens; Visceral Tunica Vaginalis; Skin of Scrotum; Superficial Fascia of Scrotum; Cremaster Muscle; Cremaster Fascia; External Spermatic Fascia; Superficial Inguinal RingRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2315 Brain - Midsagittal Schematic Section with Major Arteries and Venous SinusesSchematic section of the brain showing major arteries and venous sinuses.Foramen of Monro; Splenium of Corpus Callosum; Genu of Corpus Callosum; Posterior Calcarine SulcusRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2316 Nerves Adjacent to Site of Carotid Endarterectomy - Hypoglossal Nerve, Ansa Cervicalis, Vagus Nerve (Labeled)Nerves to avoid in carotid endarterectomy for atherosclerosis.Ansa Cervicalis; Carotid Bifurcation; Internal Carotid; External CarotidRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2317 Liver - Couinaud SegmentsLiver segments.Couinaud SegmentsRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2318 Rectum and Anus (Labeled)Rectum and anus.Levator Ani; Pelvic Diaphragm; Ischioanal (Ischiorectal) Fossa; Obturator Internus Muscle; Deep External Anal Sphincter; Subcutaneous External Anal Sphincter; Superficial External Anal Sphincter; Internal Anal Sphincter; RectumRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2319 Ribs (Labeled)Ribs. Vessels. Nerves. Muscles. Anterior. Posterior.Costal Groove; Intercostal Vessels; Innermost Intercostal Muscle; Internal Intercostal Muscle; External Intercostal MuscleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2320 Epidural Hematoma (Labeled)Epidural hematoma.Calvarium; Middle Meningeal Artery; Extradural Haematoma; Dura Mater; Depressed Skull Fracture; Skull Trauma; Epidural HematomaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2321 Heart and Thoracic Aorta (Labeled)Heart. Thoracic aorta.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2322 Diagram of Anatomy of Anal Canal (Labeled)Anal canal. Rectal Fistula.Anal Canal; Dentate Line; Internal Anal Sphincter; Anal Gland; External Anal Sphincter; Ischiorectal Fossa; Circular Muscle; Levator Ani Muscle; Longitudinal MuscleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2323 Range of Extent of Thyroidectomy - Anterior (Labeled)Thyroidectomy.Isthmusectomy; Hemithyroidectomy; Lobectomy; Subtotal Thyroidectomy; Total ThyroidectomyRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2324 Testis (Labeled)Anatomy of testis.Deep Inguinal Ring; Patent Processus Vaginalis; Obliterated Processus Vaginalis; HydrocoeleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2325 Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Damage by Traction, Ligation, Cutting, and Cautery - Posterior (Labeled)Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage. Thyroid and parathyroid glands.Superior Parathyroid Gland; Inferior Parathyroid Gland; CuttingRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2326 Femoral Vessels and Nerves (Labeled)Femoral vessels and nerves.ASIS; Inferior Epigastric Vessels; Conjoint Tendon; Obturator Vessels; Ductus Deferens; Deep Inguinal Ring; Transversus Abdominis MuscleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2327 Muscularis Externa Tissue (Labeled)Muscularis externa. Central lacteal.Mucosa; Epithelium on Basement Membrane; Submucosa; External Muscle Coats; SerosaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2328 Stretch Reflex (Labeled)Monosynaptic and polysynaptic stretch reflex.Muscle Innervation; Sacral Spinal Cord; Passive Stretch; Active ContractionRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2329 Lungs and Ribcage - Anterior and PosteriorLungs and ribcage. Anterior. Posterior.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2330 Lesion of Anterior Spinal Cord (Labeled)Lesion of the anterior spinal cord. Cross section of spinal cord with dorsal columns, corticospinal tracts, and spinothalamic tracts.Gracile Dorsal Column; Cuneate Dorsal ColumnRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2331 Brachial Plexus - Anterior (Labeled)Anterior view of brachial plexus.Medial Cord; Lateral Cord; Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of Forearm; Medial Epicondyle; Anterior Interosseus Nerve; Digital Branches of Median Nerve; Digital Branches of Ulnar NerveRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2332 Cervical Parathyroidectomy - Neck Structures and Incision SiteParathyroidectomy.Cervical Parathyroidectomy; Incision Site; Left Superior Parathyroid Gland; Left Superior Pole of Thyroid GlandRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2333 Brain Injuries and Routes of Cerebral Infection (Labeled)Head trauma and routes of cerebral infection.Cerebral Abscess; Bone Flap; Brain InfectionsRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2334 Fistula Track from Coils of Ileum due to Knife Wound (Labeled)Fistula track from coils of ileum due to knife wound.Fistula Track; Coils of IleumRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2335 Intestinal Adhesions (Labeled)Adhesions from previous disease, sufficient to cause kinking and blocking of intestines.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2336 Renal Tubule (Labeled)Kidney. Nephron. Macula densa.Renal Tubule; Macula DensaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2337 Respiratory System with Lung and Bronchial TreeRespiratory system with lung and bronchial tree.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2338 Male Reproductive SystemMale reproductive system.Genital Branch of Genitofemoral Nerve; Testicular Artery; Pampiniform Plexus; Ductus Deferens; Visceral Tunica Vaginalis; Skin of Scrotum; Superficial Fascia of Scrotum; Cremaster Muscle; Cremaster Fascia; External Spermatic Fascia; Superficial Inguinal RingRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2339 Cross-Section of ChestPericardium. Heart. Lungs.Serous Pericardium, Parietal; Serous Pericardium, Visceral; Fibrous Pericardium; Pericardial Cavity; Right Atrium; Left Atrium; Right Ventricle; Left Ventricle; Oblique Sinus of Pericardial Cavity; Oesophagus; Pulmonary VeinsRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2340 Diagram of Anatomy of Anal Canal (Labeled)Anal canal.Anal Canal; Dentate Line; Internal Anal Sphincter; Anal Gland; External Anal Sphincter; Ischioanal Fossa; Circular Muscle; Levator Ani Muscle; Longitudinal Muscle; Muscularis MucosaeRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2341 Lesion of Spinal Cord (Labeled)Lesion of the spinal cord. Cross section of spinal cord with dorsal columns, corticospinal tracts, and spinothalamic tracts.Gracile Dorsal Column; Cuneate Dorsal ColumnRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2342 Knee Joint (Labeled)Knee joint. Posterior cruciate ligament. Anterior cruciate ligament.Medial Condyle; Medial Meniscus; Lateral (Fibular) Ligament; Lateral Meniscus; Lateral CondyleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2343 Circulation of Cerebral Spinal Fluid (Labeled)Cerebrospinal fluid. Circulation.Superior Sagittal Sinus; Foramen of MagendieRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2344 Lumbar AnatomyLumbar vertebra. Lesser trochanter of femur. Psoas major muscle.Lesser Trochanter of Femur; Psoas Major MuscleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2345 CircumcisionCircumcision. Penis.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2346 Hemorrhoids (Labeled)Hemorrhoids.Anal Canal; Dentate Line; Internal Anal Sphincter; Anal Gland; External Anal Sphincter; Ischioanal Fossa; Circular Muscle; Levator Ani Muscle; Longitudinal Muscle; haemorrhoidal PlexusRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2347 Colovesical Fistula (Labeled)Colonic malignancy involving bladder and creating colovesical fistula.Colonic Malignancy; Colovesical Fistula; Colon CancerRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2348 Prostate Gland and Ejaculatory Ducts (Labeled)Prostate gland. Ejaculatory ducts.Median Lobe of Prostate Gland; Right Ejaculatory Duct; Left Ejaculatory DuctRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2349 Breast - Cross Section (Labeled)Breast.Breast Lobule; Ductule; Areola; Pectoralis MajorRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2350 Median Sternotomy - IncisionMedian sternotomy. Incision site.Median SternotomyRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2351 Embryonic Development of Brain and Ventricular System (Labeled)Embryonic brain. Embryonic ventricular system.Telencephalic Vesicles; Interventricular Foramen of Monro; Aqueduct of Sylvius; Central Canal of Spinal Cord; Primitive Spinal Cord; Hindbrain; MidbrainRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2352 Hypothalamus and Relationship to Posterior Pituitary (Labeled)Hypothalamus. Posterior pituitary.Supraoptic Hypothalamic Nucleus; Optic Chiasma; Pituitary Stalk; Adenohypophysis; Pars Tuberalis; Pars Intermedia; Pars Distalis; NeurohypophysisRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2353 Circulation of Cerebral Spinal Fluid (Labeled)CSF circulation with superior sagittal sinus and arachnoid granulations.Calcarine; Superior Sagittal Sinus; Falx CerebriRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2354 Gallbladder and GallstonesGallstones. Gallbladder.Accessory Pancreatic DuctRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2355 Coarctation of the Aorta (Labeled)Coarctation of aorta.Coarctation of AortaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2356 Hemipelvis and Pelvic Ligaments (Labeled)Hemipelvis. Pelvic ligaments.Hemipelvis; L5; Greater Sciatic Foramen; Sacrospinous Ligament; Sacrotuberous Ligament; Lesser Sciatic Foramen; Level of Levator Ani Muscle; Obturator Membrane; Obturator GrooveRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2357 Pupillary Light Reflex (Labeled)Schematic of the pupillary light reflex.Lateral Geniculate Body; Midbrain; Optic Tract; Pretectal Nucleus; Edinger Westphal Nucleus; Ciliary Ganglion; Pupillary Constriction; Consensual ReflexRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2358 Ligaments of Hip - Lateral (Labeled)Hip ligaments.L5; Greater Sciatic Foramen; Sacrospinous Ligament; Sacrotuberous Ligament; Lesser Sciatic Foramen; Right Hemipelvis; Levator Ani Muscle; Obturator Membrane; Obturator GrooveRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2359 Insertion of Chest Drain (Labeled)Insertion of chest drain.Chest Drain; External Intercostal Muscle; Internal Intercostal Muscle; Intercostal Vein; Intercostal Artery; Innermost Intercostal MuscleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2360 Fascia and Structures of Spermatic Cord (Labeled)Spermatic fascia. Spermatic cord.Transversus Abdominis; Conjoint Tendon; External Spermatic Fascia; Cremasteric Fascia; Internal Spermatic Fascia; Pampiniform Venous Plexus; External Oblique Aponeurosis; Testicular Artery; Ductus Deferens; Internal Spermatic Fascia; Ilioinguinal Nerve; Internal ObliqueRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2361 Visceral Pain and Somatic Pain Pathways (Labeled)Spinal cord pathways for somatic and visceral pain.Sacral Spinal Cord; Visceral Pain; Somatic Pain; Rectus SheathRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2362 Fetal Heart, Lung, Pulmonary Artery and Ligamentum ArteriosumFetal heart. Lung. Pulmonary artery. Ligamentum arteriosum.Ligamentum ArteriosumRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2363 Pancreatic Disorders (Labeled)Pancreatic disorders.Chain of Lakes; Islet Cell Damage; Pancreatic Stone; Scar Damage; Loss of Enzymes; ObstructionRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2364 Chest Drain (Labeled)Pleural cavity, chest tube, and sealed container.Chest Drain; Underwater Seal; AtmosphereRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2365 Ligaments of Ankle (Labeled)Ankle ligaments.Dorsal Cuneonavicular Ligament; Talonavicular Ligament; Deltoid Ligament; Posterior Tibiotalar; Tibiocalcanean; Tibionavicular; Sustentaculum Tali; Long Plantar Ligament; Plantar Calcaneonavicular (Spring) Ligament; Navicular BoneRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2366 Nerves of Hand, Hamate Bone, Pisiform, Flexor Retinaculum (Labeled)Median nerve. Hand. Hamate. Pisiform. Flexor retinaculum.Digital Nerves; Deep Branch of Ulnar Nerve; Hamate; Pisiform; Flexor RetinaculumRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2367 Trauma to Pancreas from Steering Wheel Impact (Labeled)Steering wheel. Automobile accident. Traumatic injury to pancreas. Pancreatic fistula.Steering-wheel; TraumaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2368 Skull - Lateral (Labeled)Skull.Lambdoid Suture; Coronal Suture; Pterion; Coronoid Process; Mental Foramen; Angle of Mandible; Ramus; Mastoid Process; External Acoustic MeatusRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2369 Direct Sphincter Repair - LabeledSphincter repair.Direct Sphincter RepairRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2370 Dural Venous Sinuses and Veins of Head and Neck (Labeled)Dural venous sinuses. Veins of head. Veins of neck.Superior Sagittal Sinus; Inferior Sagittal Sinus; External Jugular Vein; Internal Jugular Vein; Anterior Jugular Vein; Facial Vein; Temporal VeinRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2371 Chemosensitive Respiratory Control (Labeled)Chemosensory control of respiration. Inspiratory anatomical pathway.Inspiratory Area; Chemosensitive Area; Respiratory control; HypoxiaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2372 Spinabifida - Dysraphic States (Labeled)Spin bifida. Dysraphic states.Neural Tissue; Myelomeningocele; MyeloschisisRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2373 Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Aortic Valve Atresia (Labeled)Patent ductus arteriosus.Aortic Valve AtresiaRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2374 Ulnar Nerve - Sensory and Motor (Labeled)Ulnar nerve. Sensory. Motor.Sensory; MotorRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2375 Spinal Cord Section - Dorsal Columns, Corticospinal Tracts, and Spinothalamic Tracts (Labeled)Spinal cord section showing dorsal columns, corticospinal tracts, and spinothalamic tracts.Gracile Dorsal Column; Cuneate Dorsal ColumnRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2376 Heart and Coronary VesselsHeart. Pulmonary artery. Aorta.Right Pulmonary Artery; Left Pulmonary Artery; Right Atrium; Superior Right Pulmonary Vein; Inferior Right Pulmonary Vein; Superior Left Pulmonary Vein; Inferior Left Pulmonary Vein; Left Atrium; Right Ventricle; Left VentricleRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2377 Dermatomes T10-S5 (Labeled)Dermatomes T10 through S5. Frontal. Posterior. Female.T10; T11; T12; L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; S1; S2; S3; S4; S5; Dermatomes; Cutaneous Receptive FieldsRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2378 Potential Dural Spaces (Labeled)Potential dural spaces.Brain; Arachnoid Mater; Epidural Space; Skull; Dura Mater; Subdural Space; Subarachnoid SpaceRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2379 Liver and Adjacent Vessels Post-cholecystectomy (Labeled)Post-cholecystectomy. Liver. Blood vessels.Gall Bladder Fossa; Celiac AxisRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2380 Arm Prosthesis ImplantationArm. Prosthesis implantation.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2381 Ankle Joint - Extensors, Flexors, and Sheaths (Labeled)Ankle joint.Sheath of Tibialis Posterior; Sheath of Flexor Digitorum Longus; Sheath of Flexor Hallucis Brevis; Flexor Retinaculum; Synovial Sheath of Extensor Hallucis Longus; Inferior Extensor Retinaculum; Superior Extensor RetinaculumRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2382 Lymph Nodes of Breast and Axilla (Labeled)Lymph nodes. Breast. Axilla. Lymphatic System.Apical Nodes; Central Nodes; Lateral (Brachial) Nodes; Posterior (Subcapsular) Nodes; Anterior (Pectoral) Nodes; Internal Mammary (Parasternal) NodesRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2383 Surgical Incisions for Esophageal Resection (Labeled)Esophageal resection incision sites.Incision Sites; Oesophageal Resection; Ivor Lewis Operation; Thoracoabdominal Incision; Three Stage OperationRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2384 Renal SystemKidneys. Renal vessels.Left Adrenal Gland; Coeliac Trunk; Left Adrenal Vein; Left Renal Vein; Left Gonadal Vein; Genitofemoral Nerve; Left Ureter; Sympathetic Trunk; Right Ureter; Gonadal ArteryRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2385 Ankle Joint and Bones of FootAnkle joint. Bones of foot.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2386 Gallbladder, Bile Ducts, and Adjacent Structures (Labeled)Gallbladder. Common bile duct. Common hepatic duct.Duodenal Papilla; Fundus of Gallbladder; Free Margin of Lesser Omentum; Right Hepatic Duct; Left Hepatic DuctRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2387 Right Atrium - Open (Labeled)Right atrium.Right Atrium; Infundibulum of Right Ventricle; Right Ventricular Septum; Valve of IVC; Coronary Sinus; Fossa Ovalis; Limbus of Fossa OvalisRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2388 Vagus Nerve Distribution (Labeled)Schematic of vagus nerve distribution.Foregut; Oesophagus; Midgent DerivativesRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2389 Cerebral Cortex and Rhombencephalon - Lateral (Labeled)Cerebral Cortex. Rhombencephalon. Lateral.MidbrainRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2390 Respiratory System with Heart in situ, Lungs, and Bronchial TreesRespiratory system with heart in situ, lungs, and bronchial trees.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2391 Points of Insertion for Knee Arthroscopy (Labeled)Knee joint. Arthroscopy. Points of insertion.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2392 Sinuses Openings and Eustachian Tube (Labeled)Sinuses and eustachian tube (auditory tube).Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2393 Kidneys and Adrenal Glands (Labeled)Kidneys and adrenal glands.Right Inferior Phrenic Artery; Left Inferior Phrenic Artery; Coeliac Trunk; Left Superior Suprarenal Arteries; Left Adrenal Gland; Left Middle Suprarenal Artery; Left Inferior Suprarenal Artery; Left Kidney; Left Renal Artery; Right Renal Artery; Right Kidney; Right Inferior Suprarenal Artery; Right...Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2394 Temporomandibular Joint (Labeled)Temporomandibular joint.Temporalis; Nerve to Masseter; Lateral Pterygoid; Articular Disc of Temporomandibular Joint; Middle Meningeal Artery; Inferior Alveolar Artery; Inferior Alveolar Nerve; Facial Vein; Facial Artery; Pterygomandibular Raphe; Medial Pterygoid; Parotid Duct; Buccinator; Buccal NerveRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2395 Anatomy of the Parotid Region (Labeled)Parotid Gland. Facial Nerve. Maxillary artery branches.Superficial Temporal Vein; Superficial Temporal Artery; Maxillary Artery; Marginal Mandibular Branch of Facial Nerve; Facial Vein; Internal Jugular Vein; External Jugular Vein; CNVIIRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2396 Anterior Triangle of Neck (Labeled)Exposed neck - anterior triangle.Trapezius Muscle; Scalenus Medius; Scalenus Anterior; Exterior Jugular Vein; Interior Jugular Vein; Common Carotid ArteryRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2397 Median Nerve, Biceps Tendon, and Arteries of Cubital Fossa (Labeled)Cubital fossa. Brachial artery. Median nerve. Ulnar artery. Radial artery. Biceps tendon.Biceps TendonRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2398 Basic Anastomotic Configurations (Labeled)Anastomosis. Intestines.Side to Side; End to Side; End to EndRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2399 Exposed Facial Nerve - Parotid RegionParotid Region. Facial Nerve. CNVIICNVIIRoyal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2400 Femoral Neck Fracture - Bone PlateFractured femoral neck. Head of femur.Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Illustrations
2301 - 2400 of 4,589