1401 - 1500 of 4,589
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1401 Ultrasound of fibroid uterus with overlying placentaUltrasound of fibroid uterus with overlying placentaKnowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1402 Abruptio placenta - GrossThis large retroplacental blood clot is known as abruptio placenta. Such abnormal hemorrhage prior to delivery can lead to sudden onset of pain in the mother.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1403 Partial placenta previaThe placenta partially covers the internal os.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1404 Ultrasound showing the two horns of a bicornuate uterusUltrasound showing the two horns of a bicornuate uterusKnowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1405 Serous adenofibromaDense, fibrous connective tissue with interspersed glandular spaces.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1406 Mature cystic teratomaTeratomas, often called dermoid tumors, represent 25% of all benign neoplasms. The most common elements are components of stratified squamous epithelium, hence their name: dermoid tumor.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1407 Fibroid uterusSmooth muscle tumors of the uterus. Smooth muscle tumors of the uterus are often multiple. Seen here are submucosal, intramural, and subserosal leiomyomata of the uterus.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1408 Ovarian torsion of tubo-ovarian complexTorsion of tubo-ovarian complex. In ovarian torsion the ovarian structures always torse medially.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1409 Kallman's syndromeIn Kallman's Syndrome of the x linked variety a cell adhesion protein which participates in the migration of GnRH neurons from the medial olfactory bulb to the hypothalamus is absent. This protein is encoded by a gene on the short arm of the X chromosome.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1410 Low lying posterior placentaLow lying posterior placentaKnowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1411 Indications for intrauterine inseminationIndications for intrauterine inseminationKnowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1412 Epithelium of a follicular cystLow cuboidal cells are found in the lining of follicular cysts.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1413 EdemaPIH is characterized by hypertension, edema and proteinuria.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1414 Corpus luteum cystThe corpus luteum secretes progesterone which induces a secretory endometrium. It normally regresses in 14 days unless it is rescued by increasing concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin from a pregnancy.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1415 Tooth in the abdomenRadiograph of ovarian teratoma with teeth. Teeth are occassionally part of the squamous components of an ovarian teratoma.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1416 Abruptio Placenta - MicroscopicMicroscopically, this abruptio placenta is seen to have extensive hemorrhage at thetop of the photograph at the decidual plate, with placental villi below.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1417 Polycystic ovaryPolycystic ovary-pearl necklace sign. Underlying the bladder is the ovary with a classical polycystic appearance often referred to as a pearl necklace.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1418 Turner's syndromeAdapted with permission from Jaffe R.B.Disorders of Sexual Development. In Yen S.S.C. and Jaffe R.B. eds Reproductive Endocrinology, W. B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia, 1986, p 287. Females with a 45,XO karyotype characteristically have short stature, primary amenorrhea, streak gonads, and sexual infa...Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1419 Follicular cystBenign ovarian cyst. Here is a benign cyst in an ovary. This is probably a follicular cyst. Occasionally such cysts may reach several centimeters in size and, if they rupture, can cause abdominal pain.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1420 Theca lutein cystTheca lutein cysts are dominated by theca interna cells. Grossly the cut surface of the ovary is often partly yellow and partly hemorrhagic. Hyperplasia of the theca interna cells is the predominant characteristic. It is believed that these cysts are the result of excessive stimulation of the theca ...Theca Lutein CystKnowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1421 Serous cystadenomaA low cuboidal epithelium is present in the serous cystadenoma.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1422 Cystic ovarian massOvarian cyst demonstrated by ultrasound. The ovarian cyst fills the abdominal cavity in this sagittal view and is seen overlying the uterus. The bladder is represented by Bl.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1423 FibromaThis is the cut surface of a fibroma. Such neoplasms slowly enlarge over the years.Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1424 Velamentous Insertion of the Umbilical CordSeen here is a velamentous insertion of the umbilical cord in which the major umbilical vessels break up in the fetal membranes before reaching the placental disk. Such a condition is of no major consequence in utero, but could lead to a greater chance for cord trauma with bleeding during delivery. ...Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1425 EndometriomaEndometriosis. This is a section through an ovary to demonstrate several irregular hemorrhagic areas of endometriosis. Sometimes the blood is darker and gives the foci of endometriosis the gross appearance ofpowder burns. Typical locations for endometriosis include: ovaries, uterine ligaments, rect...Knowledge Weavers Human Reproduction
1426 SomatotropinomaSomatotropinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1427 Recent hemorrhagic infarctionRecent hemorrhagic infarctionKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1428 Adenocarcinoma, colonAdenocarcinoma, colonKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1429 Adenocarcinoma, prostateAdenocarcinoma, prostateKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1430 Anterior pituitaryAnterior pituitaryKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1431 Recent hemorrhagic infarction 2Recent hemorrhagic infarction 2Knowledge Weavers Pathology
1432 Infiltrating ductal carcinomaInfiltrating ductal carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1433 Adrenal gland neoplasmAdrenal gland neoplasmKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1434 Medullary carcinomaMedullary carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1435 Normal parathyroidNormal parathyroidKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1436 Psammoma bodyPsammoma bodyKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1437 Lung carcinomaLung carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1438 Carcinoma, colonCarcinoma, colonKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1439 Adrenal cortical adenomaAdrenal cortical adenomaAndenoma, Adrenal CorticalKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1440 Hyaline arteriolosclerosisHyaline arteriolosclerosisKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1441 Idiopathic pulomonary fibrosisIdiopathic pulmonary fibrosisPulmonary FibrosisKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1442 Parathyroid, adenomaParathyroid, adenomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1443 EndocarditisEndocarditisKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1444 Giant cell carcinomaGiant cell carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1445 Metastatic prostatic carcinomaMetastatic prostatic carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1446 Renal osteodystrophyRenal osteodystrophyKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1447 Testis seminomaTestis seminomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1448 Adenocarcinoma, colonAdenocarcinoma, colonKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1449 Medullary carcinomaMedullary carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1450 Islet cell carcinomaIslet cell carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1451 Bronchogenic carcinomaBronchogenic carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1452 Hard palate carcinomaHard palate carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1453 Diabetes mellitusDiabetes mellitusKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1454 Metastatic colon adenocarcinomaMetastatic colon adenocarcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1455 ProlactinomaProlactinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1456 Acute pyelonephritisAcute pyelonephritisKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1457 Kidney, acute infarctionKidney, acute infarctionKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1458 Metastatic lung carcinomaMetastatic lung carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1459 Renal cell carcinomaRenal cell carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1460 Pancreatic adenocarcinomaPancreatic adenocarcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1461 Pituitary microadenomaPituitary microadenomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1462 Chronic thyroiditisChronic thyroiditisKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1463 Pituitary adenomaPituitary adenomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1464 Nodular glomerulosclerosisNodular glomerulosclerosisKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1465 Anaplastic carcinomaAnaplastic carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1466 OsteosarcomaOsteosarcomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1467 Normal brainNormal brainKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1468 Scirrhous carcinoma, breastScirrhous carcinoma, breastKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1469 SeminomaSeminomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1470 Paget's disease, breastPaget's disease, breastKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1471 ChoriocarcinomaChoriocarcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1472 Hyaline membrane diseaseHyaline membrane diseaseKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1473 Squamous cell carcinomaSquamous cell carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1474 Anterior pituitaryAnterior pituitaryKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1475 Metastatic adenocarcinomaMetastatic adenocarcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1476 Normal adrenal cortexNormal adrenal cortexKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1477 Carcinoma, colonCarcinoma, colonKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1478 Aortic stenosisAortic stenosisKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1479 Basal cell carcinomaBasal cell carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1480 OsteosarcomaOsteosarcomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1481 Split Lung MetastasesSplit Lung MetastasesKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1482 Cushing's syndrome hyperplasiaCushing's syndrome hyperplasiaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1483 Medullary carcinomaMedullary carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1484 Philadelphia chromosomePhiladelphia chromosomeKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1485 ThymomaThymomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1486 Fibroid uterusFibroid uterusKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1487 Grave's diseaseGrave's diseaseKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1488 Adrenal adenomaAdrenal adenomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1489 Temporal lobe infarctionTemporal lobe infarctionKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1490 Ovarian dermoid cystOvarian dermoid cystKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1491 Carcinoma, bowelCarcinoma, bowelKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1492 HyperplasiaHyperplasiaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1493 Fibrinous pericarditisFibrinous pericarditisKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1494 Metastatic carcinomaMetastatic carcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1495 Metastatic adenocarcinomaMetastatic adenocarcinomaKnowledge Weavers Pathology
1496 Coordination Exam: Normal Exam: Normal Gait (includes Spanish audio & captions)The patient should be observed walking as she normally would. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the University of Utah, the Department of Pediatrics and the Office of Education at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Viewing the video requ...Coordination ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
1497 Coordination Exam: Anatomy: Vestibulocerebellum (x2) (includes Spanish audio & captions)The first subdivision of the cerebellum is the vestibulocerebellum. This consists of the connections between the vestibular system and the flocculonodular lobe. Dysfunction of this system results in nystagmus, truncal instability (titubation), and truncal ataxia. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported b...Coordination Examination; Flocculonodular Lobe; VestibulocerebellumNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
1498 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 1 - Olfaction (x2)This patient has difficulty identifying the smells presented. Loss of smell is anosmia. The most common cause is a cold (as in this patient) or nasal allergies. Other causes include trauma or a meningioma effecting the olfactory tracts. Anosmia is also seen in Kallman syndrome because of agenesis of...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
1499 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerve 8 - Auditory Acuity, Weber & Rinne TestsThis patient has decreased hearing acuity of the right ear. The Weber test lateralizes to the right ear and bone conduction is greater than air conduction on the right. He has a conductive hearing loss. NeuroLogic Exam has been supported by a grant from the Slice of Life Development Fund at the Univ...Cranial Nerve Examination; Weber Test; Rinne TestNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
1500 Cranial Nerve Exam: Abnormal Examples: Cranial Nerves 3, 4 & 6 - Inspection & Ocular AlignmentThis patient with ocular myasthenia gravis has bilateral ptosis, left greater then right. There is also ocular misalignment because of weakness of the eye muscles especially of the left eye. Note the reflection of the light source doesn't fall on the same location of each eyeball. NeuroLogic Exam ha...Cranial Nerve ExaminationNeuroLogic Exam: An Anatomical Approach
1401 - 1500 of 4,589