226 - 250 of 4,589
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226 Auer Rods in Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia with Differentiationperipheral smear AML 2 with Auer rodsPc0500Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
227 Hyperlipidemia in Zieve's Syndromedescription of Zieve's syndromeCc07a0; RBC; Red Blood Cells; SpherocytosisAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
228 UPEP demonstrating Monoclonal Light Chain ProteinuriaUPEP demonstrating monoclonal light chain proteinuriaKg120TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
229 Skin Fragment in Bone Marrow Aspirateskin fragment in bone marrow aspirateXb0200; Myeloma; CLLAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
230 Bone Marrow Ringed Sideroblasts on Wright's Stain with Iron Counterstainbone marrow ringed sideroblasts on Wright's stain with iron counterstainMb02AT; SiderocytesAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
231 Ringed Sideroblasts in Bone Marrow in Refractory Idiopathic Sideroblastic Anemiaringed sideroblasts (iron stain) in bone marrow in RISAMb0200; RA; MDSAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
232 Partial Replacement of Bone Marrow by Amyloid in Myelomapartial replacement of bone marrow by amyloid in myeloma (100x)Kg0500Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
233 Bone Marrow Stained with Antibody to Lambda Light Chainbone marrow stained with antibody to lambda light chainKf0600Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
234 Bone Marrow with Megaloblastic ErythropoiesisBM with moderate megaloblastic erythropoiesisEa140TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
235 Sickle Hemoglobin - Cell Preparationsickle cell preparationFc0300; Hb SS; SCAAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
236 Hemoglobin SC CrystalsHb SC crystals from fingertip bloodFe0100; Hb SCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
237 Multinucleated Osteoclastmultinucleated osteoclastKf1200Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
238 Lead Poisoningcoarse stipplingDe010TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
239 Monocyte with Phagocytized Brown, Birefringent Crystalline Hemazoin Pigment with Polarized Lightmonocyte with phagocytized brown, birefringent crystalline hemozoin pigment with polarized lightVf130TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
240 Monocyte with Phagocytized Brown, Birefringent Crystalline Hemazoin Pigment with Polarized Lightmonocyte with phagocytized brown, birefringent crystalline hemozoin pigment with polarized lightVf1300Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
241 Workup of Monospecific Anticomplementary Positive Coombs Testworkup of monospecific anticomplementary positive Coombs testEc0900; Cold Agglutinin Disease; CADAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
242 Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia (MAHA)smear with ' hard ' triangles and other schistocytes (400x)Hb01aTAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
243 Chronic Myelogenous Leukemiabuffy coat from untreated patient with Chronic Myelogenous LeukemiaJa030T; CMLAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
244 Megakaryoblastic Leukemia showing Promegakaryocyteperipheral smear showing promegakaryocytePh0200; AML 7Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
245 Bone Marrow Aspirate with Mast Cell Replacementbone marrow aspirate with mast cell replacementXc0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
246 Megaloblastic Anemia with Malabsorptionmegaloblastic anemia with malabsorptionEa0600Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
247 Plasmablasts in Multiple Myelomaplasmablasts in multiple myelomaKf090TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
248 Diffuse Well Differentiated Lymphocytic Leukemic Cells with Cleavage Linesleukemic cells in lymphoma (DWDL) with cleavage linesKb0100; CLLAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
249 Bone Marrow in Acute Lymphatic Leukemia, L3 with Multiple Cytoplasmic Vacuolesbone marrow ALL 3 with multiple cytoplasmic vacuolesRc010TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
250 Intramedullary Hemolysis from Histiocytes Phagocytising Megaloblastsintramedullary hemolysis from histiocytes phagocytising megaloblastsEa15a0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
226 - 250 of 4,589