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1 2022The changing dynamics of the Wasatch Front apartment market10.7278/S5d-e4b6-6jxd
2 2020Salt Lake and Utah County subcounty estimates, 2010-201910.7278/S5d-9pry-9a6d
3 2023K-12 Teacher Shortage, retention, and salaries in UtahDOI 10.7278/S5d-zvpt-2fpk
4 2023Utah's consumer sentiment steady in May10.7278/S5d-7cc3-gb21
5 2023Utah's consumer sentiment steady in March10.7278/S5d-ktbt-2qtr
6 2022Utah's engineering and computer science workforce: higher education and economic trends10.7278/S5d-pxzh-pwt3
7 2022Utah State government growth: following the feds or on its own path?10.7278/S5d-n1kc-r8kc
8 2020Utah System of Higher Education: State Aid Project10.7278/S5d-t4v6-aek0
9 2023Salt Lake City's foreign-born residents: demographics of a dynamic population10.7278/S5d-bbcx-59z6
10 2023Econimic impacts of Utah's life sciences and health care innovation industry10.7278/S5d-tyj0-yh2b
11 2024Shifting households: decadal growth and change in Salt Lake City10.7278/S5d-w88a-4r5a
12 20232030 Olympic and Paralympic winter games in Utah: demographic, social, and environmental factors10.7278/S5d-cs84-5bkx
13 2023State of the State's housing market, 2022-202410.7278/S5d-rrky-jw5z
14 2023Utah's County-to-County migration profiles10.7278/S5d-th8e-0x10
15 2019Utah's mental health system10.7278/S5d-87sr-p22j
16 20202020 Report to the Community10.7278/S5d-m6kj-qvq5
17 2021The State of Utah's travel and tourism industry 202010.7278/S5d-a1xt-rgk9
18 2023Demographic inputs for Utah's long-term baseline and scenario planning projections10.7278/S5d-4esb-v3c7
19 2022Renewable natural gas: a sustainable approach to the energy transition10.7278/S5d-wc8b-4f6q
20 2021Renewable natural gas: a sustainable approach to the energy transition10.7278/S5d-5wpf-cxvf
21 2023Utah informed visual intellection for 202310.7278/S5d-3ck1-8zww
22 2024Utah informed visual intellection for 202410.7278/S5d-9ydt-j8vh
23 2021Diversity in Utah race, ethnicity, and sex10.7278/S5d-w3ez-99hc
24 2022U.S. and Utah debt policy: a study in contrasts10.7278/S5d-kyj6-pnrx
25 2019Utah on the move: State and County migration age patterns10.7278/S5d-c7f4-whkg
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