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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Yue, Robert Hon-SangA comparative study on the physical properties of several ATP-creatine transphosphorylases.Enzymes; Biochemisty1968-06dissertation
2 Kingston, T. RayA correlation of the bacterial flora of the nasopharynx and the urinary tract to "Bacterial Allergy."Urinary Organs; Microbiology; Nasopharynx1951thesis
3 Rowland, Laura Golightly.The affects of passaging strains of Mycoplasma arthritidis and Mycoplasma hominis, type 2, in the rat.Llyophilization; Biochemical1969-06thesis
4 Clark, David A.An Investigation of the in vitro metabolism of cortisone by surviving liver slices.Metabolism; Phpysiological Effects:1950thesis
5 Ouellette, Pauline YvonneAnalysis of the facilitation of excitatory transmitter release at the crayfish neuromuscular junctionCrayfish-Physiology; Neuromuscular transmission1968-08thesis
6 Gyi, Ko Ko.Aspects of the ingestive and cytopeptic action of phagocytes.Mice; Spleen1957-03thesis
7 Donaldson, David MillerAspects of the relationship between irradiation injury and mammalian host defenses.Focal Infection; Physiological; Immunology1954thesis
8 Okawa, Ruthe A.Bacteriologic aspects of chronic pulmonary emphysemaMicrobiology; Ethylene Oxide1962-08thesis
9 Osman, Farouk Ahmed Ahmed.Basic studies on a new sugar-tolerant yeast.Yeast; Nitrogen Fixation1965-06thesis
10 Martin, Robert PackardBiochemical conversion of progesterone to orchic androgensPhysiology; Biosynthesis1956-06thesis
11 Morris, Allan J.Biosynthesis of pancreatic ribonucleaseBiosynthesis; Orcinol; Analysis1959-08thesis
12 Rosevear, John W.The carbohydrate component of a human gamma globulinBiochemistry1958-03thesis
13 Maxwell, Kameron WhiteCellular immunity in tuberculosisImmunology1966-06thesis
14 Lundgren, David LeeCertain immunological responses of wild rodents and laboratory animals following challenge with Pasteurella tularensis.Experimental Animals; Antigens1961-05thesis
15 McFadden, Mary LouiseChemical studies of antibodies and other serum gamma globulinsImmunoglobulins; Gamma globulins1954-07thesis
16 Knight, Ralph A.Chemical, serologic and skin test activities of polysaccharides extracted from Histoplasma capsulatum and Blastomyces dermatitidisFungi; Polysaccharides1958-08thesis
17 Proctor, Charles M.The chemistry of egg white lysozymeLysozyme; Chemical Reactions1949thesis
18 Westcott, Wayne L.The chemistry of the nucleic acids.Analysis; Nucleotides1949thesis
19 Dietz, Thomas MorganClassification of mycobacteria by the aid of skin reactions1963-08thesis
20 Brown, ImogeneComparison of the biochemical and oxidative reactions of aureomycin-resistant and aureomycin-sensitive strains of micrococcus pyogenes var. aureusMicroccoccus; Drug resistance in microorganisms; Aureomycin1952thesis
21 Levedahl, Blaine H.Comparison of the metabolism of testosterone and methyltestosterone and their relation to the in vitro metabolism of creatine and guanidoacetic acidMetabolism; Creatine1949thesis
22 Johnson, David KayComputer-based audio-response system for clinical medicineClipped Speech Synthesizer; LDS Hospital; Audio Response System1969-08dissertation
23 North, James AlbertConcentration and purification studies of western equine encephalitis virus.Purification; Fluorocarbon1964-06thesis
24 Fukushima, TairaConcentration of acid-fast bacilli with water-insoluble liquidsIsolation; Purification1956-08thesis
25 Kimmel, Joe RCrystalline Papain.Biochemistry; Recrystallization1954-08thesis
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